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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Must add this to my bookmarks! Thanks for posting it.
  2. Welcome along! What a lovely introduction. You have some great photos there? Have you ever entered the Barnes Brinkcraft brochure competition? Keep an eye out for it via their Facebook page as there’ a very nice money off voucher if your photo is used ... and I’ve often seen nice family and pet photos winning the day!
  3. Hmmm ... what about doing the 45 to 60 minutes down the Chet to Pyes Mill or Loddon? That still keeps you the right side of the New Cut.
  4. Love your photos Helen. Really looking forward to reading this tale. I was thinking of you through the week as you definitely seemed to have found summer.
  5. Chris when we hired Swan Reflection back in the days of Swancraft, they advised that when the red light comes on you have ten more flushes left.
  6. Sounds as if you are having a lovely time. I’m thinking that day boats are indeed the way to see the less accessible extremities of the Broads. We’ve not even found favourable tide times for getting under Wroxham Bridge yet when we’ve been up there. Planning a day boat for August perhaps when we’re hoping to be up at our caravan for a few days.
  7. Haven’t done the pubs but loved the night we spent moored at North Cove a few years ago. Very peaceful spot.
  8. A friend of a friend was going to Dublin to the concert last night. Sounds as if she will have had a great time. How do you find it watching one of these live events at the cinema? I’ve seen them advertised but never done it. Next concert for me is at the Cliffs in Southend in September.
  9. SwanR

    My Day

    This is exactly why I’m at the helm when we moor so hubby can step off and handle the ropes. He’s far more sure footed than me! Glad it all worked out ok.
  10. Indeed it is a shame about the rain today. But Fleet Dyke is a lovely place to be moored.
  11. Sounds like an idyllic couple of days. Grey’s is always our preferred option for fish and chips on the Broads.
  12. I’m sure we all have moorings we’re proud of and those that weren’t quite so perfect. I’ll always remember my first two moorings at Bramerton Common and Reedham. Private owners helped me out with advice and wisdom that I have long remembered. And in turn we have always tried to offer help to fellow boaters. My best ever mooring? Slotting Fair Prince perfectly into a space between two boats at a crowded Ranworth Staithe! Best overnight mooring? Hard to pick but Womack Water all to ourselves in March was very special.
  13. SwanR

    My Day

    Looks like a stunning day there Chris. Lovely photos.
  14. Isn’t that one of the best things about the Broads? Just see how you feel when you wake up and where the mood takes you. Have a great day!
  15. We’ve always enjoyed mooring at Langley Dyke. Lovely spot.
  16. Couldn’t agree more. Enjoying your tale.
  17. Congrats on your anniversary... I await the rest of the story of your day with interest!
  18. SwanR

    My Day

    I have wondered from time to time how you are faring Alan. The first one of everything must be hard. Glad that you celebrated and remembered Tan’s birthday this way.
  19. Well I’m not sure about the yacht stations, maybe someone who has stopped at any of those places recently could answer that. But there’s one place with an honesty box on the south. And three places I can think of on the north where someone comes round to collect - Salhouse, Womack Water and the island at Ranworth.
  20. Evening All ... and back to one of the OP's questions. We haven't ever mudweighted overnight in a Broad yet. Great for a lunchtime stop but ... haven't quite brought ourselves to do it overnight. My tip, though, is that there are a few moorings where you have to pay i.e. if they're not the free Broads Authority 24hour moorings, so the likes of Beccles, Oulton Broad, Norwich and a few places on the northern side. So we always like to have some cash with us in case it's needed ... not a commodity that most of us tend to carry around anymore.
  21. I've been signed off work for the last three weeks so have found myself watching quite a lot of the cricket! Great match today. I feel really sorry for Afghanistan though as I have seen them come so close to winning their matches on a couple of occasions. So now we wait to see what we can do against New Zealand on Wednesday ... except that I'm back to work tomorrow so will have to make do with catching the last few overs when I get home!!
  22. Looking forward to reading more as and when you can post. That’s a long way to have come so I hope you enjoy the boat and the rivers. You certainly seem to have found summer!
  23. Hope you’re having a great time. :)
  24. Some very moving coverage on the tv. I’m sure that many of us have or had family who fought in World War II. My Dad wasn’t at Normandy but was in the Royal Marine Commandos. Sadly he died while I was still a child so I never got to talk to him as an adult to an adult. But now more than ever I am proud of what he did and remember him on all these kind of occasions.
  25. Would love to get a look at the Dutch House which I see is on the list.
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