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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. There was a news article (BBC East?) only a couple of weeks back claiming that the sandscaping was doing it's job as it had created a sandbar just offshore thus reducing the power of the waves. That sounds convincing. (!)
  2. I've been surprised how many hire boats are out on the northern rivers this week. Quite a few HWs, one or two Richardson's, a couple of Bridgecraft and, perhaps most numerous, Ferry Marina. There were four high airdraft Ferry boats at Ludham the other day, but we've also seen their lower airdraft boats up the Ant. I don't recall seeing and NBD boats though.
  3. We are moored at Neatishead this evening, on electric again. Lovely and quiet. The only thing was the number of fishermen here until late afternoon. I don't mind the presence of fishermen at all, we all enjoy the Broads in our own way. However, they didn't budge an inch when we were trying to moor, and people who came in after us experienced the same, worse really as there was a chap with a keep net down just where they were trying to reverse into. Poor woman had to fend the boat off to get around him. He did take her rope whilst she passed around his back, but that was it. It felt quite intimidating. It's put me off trying our luck at Irstead and Stalham staithe too.
  4. Moored up at Ranworth a few moments ago. Not quite on the 'taxi rank' but one along. Sheltered hopefully. We did go up to Horning but, as is typical, there was space for two boats on the staithe...each just a bit smaller than MS. Passed both Evening Shadow and Silver Cloud in Horning and exchanged waves. Also Southern Comfort set off as we were approaching. I didn't know they ran tours at this time of year.
  5. We skipped that Bridgestone's lunch as we got on our way again before 12, the Brooms engineer having brought us more oil. Apparently they have been aware of a minor leak and think we'll be fine. On our way up the Bure. Not sure where to yet.
  6. Good thing we moored at Dilham Tuesday night not last night. River levels at Potter H are rather high this morning. Mind you, we wouldn't have risked Dilham had rain been forecast for Tuesday. This morning when we did our engine checks we found the oil rather low, so topped up before setting off. It was fine at first, but when we were nearing the downstream quiet moorings I noticed the oil pressure gauge was dropping slightly. We decided to turn around and are back on the same mooring again. Have spoken to the BCBM agent and he's contacting Brooms for us. We could be in worse places. At least we are accessible by road, have credit left on the lekky post and have Latham's nearby.
  7. There was one boat we passed on the Ant that seems to have built a sort of decking area on the bank. A boat on another wild mooring looked abandoned when we passed yesterday, but had smoke from their chimney today. It’s difficult sometimes to tell which boats are still being lived on and which are abandoned. There do seem to be more of them, though compared to a couple of years back there are fewer above Barton Broad and more on the lower portion nearer How Hill. Not sure what any of that tells us, except that more people seem to be struggling to cope with life nowadays.
  8. We will now, having decided rather belatedly to turn the boat on her ropes. Bow was pointing bridge-ward, partly into the wind, so the bow slap was something chronic. It’s much better now, and fortunately, we completed the manoeuvre before the current downpour.
  9. It was mostly stuff we were deliberately looking for, apart from the Christmas cards. Swan food, cantuccini for Graham, doggy dental chews, tomatoes, washing up liquid etc. I quite like how you can buy a wide range of ‘sensible’ things at a good price amongst the tat. We had thought of visiting Stalham Tesco’s this morning, a slight detour on the journey back down from Dilham. However, the free moorings that Richardson’s normally offer to visitors were all taken by Richardson’s boats, so we had had to make do with visiting what was Throwers in Ludham and Lathams, plus a visit to Ludham butcher’s. Unfortunately the Horsefen Lane bakery was closed.
  10. Yes we are. Just got back from Latham's before the heavens opened. Yes we were, but they left for pastures new just before we went to Latham's We started off moored behind Thunder and moved behind Evening Shadow when they left. Had a nice chat to both boat's crews before they left.
  11. Oops! Predictive text strikes again! Texting without wearing my glasses probably didn't help either. We had a lovely walk this afternoon along back lanes to Tonnage Bridge that spans the old North Walsham and Dilham canal.
  12. We got to Dilham! Only just about though...about an inch to spare at Watford bridge. Now sitting in the sun with the roof down on another lekky point. Bliss. Can't believe it's so warm in November. I won't attempt to post a photo as the signal here isn't the strongest. Better than a few years back though, when it was nil.
  13. Moored up at Acle on a lekky point. Hewland is moored nearby. We were hoping for Stokesby, which is much quieter, but the majority of the BA mooring was taken by a BA barge.
  14. Actually this bunch were very friendly, at least the guy sat next to MS was. Just gone under the Yarmouth bridges at low water. Lots of clearance.
  15. A peaceful night, but not such a peaceful morning. I woke around 6, despite hoping for a lie-in this morning. A couple of fishermen were chatting nearby.
  16. I’ve noticed that the prices of properties advertised on Cottages.com (which we’ve booked with several times) now fluctuate frequently. Presumably they much be using an algorithm, otherwise it would be just too much person power to change them that often. If they can do I why not Hoseasons?
  17. …and there’s over a £1 left on two of the electric posts.
  18. We had a beautiful cruise, only passing three boats. Now at a very busy Loddon.
  19. At last, we finally got out on the river. Who would believe that less than half an hour ago it was raining.
  20. Yes, there are a couple of hoses on Moonlight Shadow. One is really slow though, consisting of three small pipes joined together to make a flat hose. The other is faster being one tube that flattens on the storage wheel, but it’s not that long. Graham has brought along a couple of hose to hose connectors though, one of which he will leave on board, so we can join both hoses up if necessary.
  21. I guess we are about to find out what water availability is like up north in November as we’ll be heading that way later this week. (We are on Moonlight Shadow. ) I’ve never got the impression from the Nogs that water has been a particular issue. Down south I’ve been advised that we can get water at Reedham if we use our own hose. We have previously topped up in February in Loddon, Beccles, Oulton Broad, Surlingham Ferry Inn and, in Brundall, Brooms have a water point on their fuel key. Does anyone know in which locations taps are turned off up north? If there is an issue with that, I assume that we’ll be able to top up in the boatyards, anyway, so it’s not something we are concerned about. As someone else mentioned, we don’t tend to shower much on board when it’s cold. In February 2019 we were stuck on our home mooring for three days during storm Ciara. Brooms had turned the water point near our mooring off. But, we topped up before the storm and our water supply lasted the three days. Apart from not having showers we weren’t particularly frugal with the water. I’ve no idea whether we have a particularly large tank though.
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