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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Just like Loddon last week. So inconsiderate.
  2. Harry and I had a lovely lunch in Norwich, without Graham unfortunately as he preferred to stay with the boat. We went to Shiki, a Japanese restaurant in Tombland, opposite the cathedral. It was good value too. I had a seafood udon stir fry dish and Harry went for the mixed platter.
  3. On our way to Norwich this morning, having left Loddon shortly after 6.30. We had an atmospheric sunrise on the lower Chet. Main river was very misty until past Langley Dyke.
  4. P.s. we passed Robin on Trixie last week on the Ant.
  5. Yes there's electric at Neatishead, two posts, one either side about mid-way. I believe there's also electric at Sutton Staithe too, though I haven't stayed there personally. If the river levels behave themselves and you can get under Weyford bridge you will also find two posts at Dilham, plus the one at Irstead of course.
  6. I'm okay with Windows 10, but then I do use it virtually every day. It's switching to something new I have issues with.
  7. About half an hour ago we almost got fumed out. A boat that was side on, and had been since before we arrived, took ages to warm up their engine before departing, filling our boat with noxious diesel fumes. We were not pleased (understatement) and not impressed that he had hogged the staithe and caused other boats looking for a space to turn around and go elsewhere, when there should have been plenty of room for them, and also, not impressed that he left as the light was failing (some time after sunset) without nav lights. There, I've had my moan. Lungs still feeling battered though.
  8. I don't think we are obliged. Especially as they don't offer us a discount any longer. Thanks for the suggestion.
  9. Swancraft to the rescue (again). We used up one of our gas cylinders about an hour ago. We tried Loddon DIY but they only had empties, tried ringing around (including Brooms), no luck until we tried Swancraft. They are so obliging and are putting a cylinder aside for us until Friday. Phew!
  10. Left Beccles before 6.30 this morning to take advantage of the outgoing tide. It was a pretty gloomy morning though, so no pretty sunrise. Also, it started drizzling shortly after we left, more like a fine mist really. When we emerged from the New Cut around 9.30 the tide was still flowing out, so we moored up at Reedham to (a) wait for the tide to turn and (b) get some cakes to take back to the boat from Cannell's, the newish Farm Shop that's in the building formerly known as Cupcakes. We had coffee and cake before setting off again. They have a few tables inside and outside. The Post Office tearooms was also open. Cannell's also do pizza's for takeaway and also are open evenings for dining in Friday and Saturday. We headed up the Chet as we wanted to pick up a Complete First Aid Kit from Boots that we'd ordered last week. There was a warning sign at Chet mouth about dredging going on from Nov to Feb. Just past the Hardley Flood bird hide there was a BA platform with machinery scooping mud from a barge and depositing it on the bank. We had to hold station for about 10-15 minutes or so, then a work boat pushed the empty barge upriver and we could pass. Further up river by the Chedgrave Common mooring there was another platform with a dredger depositing the mud into a barge, so we had another, shorter, wait whilst the work boat picked that barge up and took it downriver. There were a few boats at Loddon staithe today, more than last week anyway, still plenty of room though. Moored up here for the rest of the day and night.
  11. We're doomed Captain Mannering. Seriously though, the more people that switch off from the message the more of a problem we have. I agree about China. They do seem to be making more of an effort to than most, but with an expanding economy and middle class, as Heron mentioned, it's a challenge.
  12. Honestly! Some people! One of the boats that had been on the pontoon near us at the Yacht Station left shortly before we did. Moments before setting off they dumped two black bin bags on the pontoon and off they went. Graham took the bags to the bins and reported the incident to the Harbour Master. The guy was very grateful as he said the seagulls would have ripped the bags open in no time. The laziness and lack of consideration of some people never ceases to amaze me. On a more positive note, we are on our way to Beccles, as the water levels this morning look like they have dropped. We have another recommendation too. Before leaving we visited The Old Dairy. Picked up some pastries for breakfast and cakes for later this morning. Yum!
  13. Well we were intending to stop at Flying Fifteens but I spotted they were charging 70p more for a dairy free latte compared to the dairy version. I know dairy free milks are more expensive, but that just felt ridiculous. Graham had a coffee and a bakewell flavour flapjack from the little shop in the railway station.
  14. About 7.40am. Slack water was due for 6.55, but we found the river through Yarmouth was absolutely slack as we were passed through, which was just what I wanted…just in case we had to turn around due to the high river levels. We started off from Acle just after 6, as soon as the first glimmer of dawn showed in the east. Our first taste of night nav, though it soon got lighter. Today has been special somehow. Our plans for starting off before dawn to cross Breydon worked out. It has been wonderfully sunny and mild all day. This afternoon we had a little jaunt on the train to Lowestoft and back and have just finished a really good early evening curry takeaway from The Labone (Indian restaurant located in the Oulton Broad North station building).
  15. My thanks to you Cambridge Cabby and Fairtmiddlin for taking this on. Great to hear that the forum will continue to be in safe hands.
  16. What about the bit... "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." Seriously though Timbo, thanks for all you've done for the forum. Wishing you well. Helen p.s. hope to hear more about Royal Tudor, perhaps even to see her sometime when we are on Moonlight Shadow.
  17. We only had a short cruise this morning from Potter to Acle Bridge. We had booked a table at The White Horse Upton, so wanted to allow plenty of time to walk there. Just before we left I spotted a pm from Jean (SwanR). She had forwarded a copy of the latest flood warning, so we took a few precautions by raising the electric connections off the ground before leaving the boat, as we were using the adaptor and an extension lead. Just as well we did as it looks like the river slightly overtopped the mooring at the high tide half an hour or so before we got back, not by much though. It's good that the electric posts in Acle are raised on concrete plinths. Graham is currently lengthening our fenders (yet again). We can highly recommend the Sunday roast at The White Horse. Excellent quality, and a good helping, including a good selection of veggies. By the way, we noticed the Acle Dunes Cafe was open this morning (delicious smell of bacon as we passed). They are closed now, but that might be because the area just outside is awash.
  18. Yes, it's a tad windy. The boat is rocking nicely. We turned the boat on her ropes shortly after arriving here to reduce bow slap. There is some at present, but it should reduce once the tide turns again this evening.
  19. We decided to return to Potter again today, with another detour to Ludham butcher's on the way.
  20. Just too add...we've also seen a couple of Eastwood Whelpton boats out. Dawn Wind and another Wind.
  21. Just to mention how impressed we were with The White Horse Neatishead today. Not only were the food and real ale excellent, but so was the doggy friendliness. Almost before we sat down Seren was given a bowl of water. She was fussed over and, after our food was served, we were asked if it would be okay to give her some treats. Full marks!
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