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Everything posted by Cockatoo

  1. I assume, maybe wrongly, that they would need a decent weather window to complete the work.
  2. I saw all these comments and thought I must have read a different article. I read it that as part of the flood defences a big pile of sand was going to be dumped at the bottom of the cliff and the cliff was netted to save birds from being trapped by the sand. Surely that is a good thing? Surely if the cliffs fall into the sea more birds would be affected?
  3. Had they not had the weak waterpump problem they probably would have had the valve guide problems the Dolomite Sprint had. As it was I think they died from overheating before the valve guides could wear out.
  4. What they said Here's a little video that shows them being installed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/aio1hlnxfoh7cmt/apex.mp4?dl=0
  5. The area has less rain than middle eastern deserts? I call BS
  6. We'd be quite happy to just mudweight somewhere but we generally have the dogs with us and need somewhere for them. On one trip last year, when the BCE was dog-sitting, we called in the mooring at Brooms, nipped up the Indian for a takeaway and went and dropped the mudweight on Bargate. it was lovely and peaceful. We were only 10 minutes from our home berth but we could have been on another planet.
  7. Are you going north Jay? We'll be staying up there for that week because of visitors. be good to meet for a pint if you are. Grab my number from the contact sheet
  8. It gives us the best of both worlds I think. We like the places we can go in the north, the south always seems more about the journey if that makes sense. If the north is too busy we can go south, if we are in the south and want to see something or someone we can go north. This time we will probably end up back in Horning for 3 or 4 nights the first week due too visitors and the start of the school holidays. Not having to moor up by lunchtime to get a spot is a lot more relaxing for us.
  9. To be perfectly honest we are complete phillistines when it comes to music. It could be a baked bean tin on a bit of string if we like the tune
  10. Today we ordered our groceries to be delivered to Thunder next Saturday so I can officially get excited now. I actually got excited last Monday thinking we were going today and it wasn't until Wednesday that I realised my mistake. Wednesday was a bad day I know I say this every time but this time I WILL try and update this every day we are away and post lots of pictures. Honest We've got a week on Thunder, based in Horning, followed by two weeks on Moonlight Shadow based in Brundall. The most exciting thing is that, along with looking at boats for sale, we will be looking at moorings. I'm also going to be looking at what seasonal work is available (not quite so exciting but needs must eh!) We also have visitors joining us at various times including our two young nephews, the eldest of which hasn't been on a boat before although Grandad Les (the BCE) has already bought them both lifejackets. The BCE is going to be with us the first two weeks but the last week Debs and I are on our own. More to come
  11. I used to live on a Dutch Barge on the Thames, it belonged to a friend of mine, and I absolutely loved it but I don't think it would be practical on the Broads
  12. Updated List: Essential: Minimum of two cabins. Two heads (or one head and a separate shower) Shore power Battery charger Heater Depth guage Electric mudweight Oven Fridge Hob (2 burner ok, 4 burner better) Holding tank (I've included this because I am looking at ads all over the place) Bowthruster Desirable: LED lighting Nav lights 4 Burner hob Solar Panels (WherryNice) Large water/holding tanks (annv) Smart Charger (Malanka) Alarm (Malanka) Waste tank gauge (Ray)
  13. That's a good point about the smart charger, I will edit the list. I've just realised that I will have to cut down on the number of techy things I use on a daily basis. At the moment, plugged in by the TV are: The TV Home Theater System Media Server Android Box PS4 + Wheel (2 plugs) Router Powered Ethernet Hub So that's eight things but of course they will be staying here. Except the PS4 and wheel of course. I can't do without my daily thrash round La Sarthe in the Jag XJ13 (the best Jag that never really was) As far as 240v sockets go, as long as they are on a ring main then we can put them anywhere we can get access to. As for 12v and USB, it seems you only need to go near the shops nowadays and you come home with something that needs plugging in to USB, even the thing for trimming the dogs claws which looks like a cheap chinese Dremel to me and I've got a perfectly good Dremel in the shed........... oops that's a rant for another day. (and breathe)
  14. Shh don't tell anyone, but it's really easy (I'll say that now I'm not doing it anymore)
  15. My favourite car to have owned:
  16. I must admit I do like the idea of getting a bit of a 'fixer upper'. I can turn my hand to most things like plumbing, electrics, floor laying and the mechanical stuff meanwhile Debs is a dab hand with a paintbrush (I get more paint/varnish on me than whatever I am supposed to be painting). The only thing is woodwork, I am rubbish at it, so I would be paying someone else to do that and any gaswork.
  17. Updated List: Essential: Minimum of two cabins. Two heads (or one head and a separate shower) Shore power Battery charger Heater Depth guage Electric mudweight Oven Fridge Hob (2 burner ok, 4 burner better) Holding tank (I've included this because I am looking at ads all over the place) Bowthruster Desirable: LED lighting Nav lights 4 Burner hob Solar Panels (WherryNice) Large water/holding tanks (annv)
  18. I did think about a washing machine but, at least at the start, Debs will be coming home at least two nights a week and at a push Mum lives in Norfolk so we can always pop in there and do a load :)
  19. Edited List Essential: Minimum of two cabins. Two heads (or one head and a separate shower) Shore power Battery charger Heater Depth guage Electric mudweight Oven Fridge Hob (2 burner ok, 4 burner better) Holding tank (I've included this because I am looking at ads all over the place) Bowthruster Immersion heater (ECIPA) Desirable: LED lighting Nav lights 4 Burner hob Water gauge (ECIPA) Diesel gauge (can these be retro fitted?. Using a dipstick drives me insane)
  20. Thank ECIPA, there are some good points there. As to the type of boat, probably a centre cockpit or a sedan. Need to look over a few I'd completely forgotten the immersion heater I'll add to my list and post it below
  21. That's the point, if we mudweight on a Broad we can go outside the markers It won't be less than 30ft, probably 38ft upwards. Not too worried about that. Sometimes it is, fluorescent probably means changing the fittings but I know the costs involved there. I'll give you that one
  22. Following on from the Semi-Liveaboard thread I have started to look at adverts to give me an idea of the market. I'm trying to come up with a list of things that are essential i.e.already fitted (and working) or need to be before we start using it and another that are desirable or can be fitted later. This will allow me to find rough prices for getting stuff installed and make it easier to compare prices properly. I'm not including the basics, watertight hull, engine, gearbox, fenders etc. Essential: Minimum of two cabins. Two heads (or one head and a separate shower) Shore power Battery charger Heater Depth guage Electric mudweight Oven Fridge Hob (2 burner ok, 4 burner better) Holding tank (I've included this because I am looking at ads all over the place) Bowthruster Desirable: LED lighting Nav lights 4 Burner hob Diesel gauge (can these be retro fitted?. Using a dipstick drives me insane) Help me out here people :) Steve
  23. Is it possible to register at a local doctor as a frequent visitor does anyone know?
  24. If you are going South to North and need the clearance you can always moor at the Yacht Station for an hour or so to make the journey up the Bure a bit easier.
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