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Everything posted by Cockatoo

  1. Remember that the advertised wattage of a microwave is the output power of the magnetron. An 800 watt Microwave typically uses about 1200 watts
  2. I can't help feeling that if this was happening on the Thames, at Richmond say, it would have been sorted out long ago.
  3. Facebook is great for somethings. Lose your dog/child/grandma etc. and a post on there will usually help you find them double quick. Want to look back at a post you saw last week? Forget it, you will be scrolling all day if you can't remember who posted it. It doesn't help that Facebook decides for itself what posts to show you so it is easy to miss something, in the forums you can just go to Unread posts, or posts from the last 24/48 hours etc. or search for what you want.
  4. "There have also been further problems opening and closing the swing bridges at Reedham and Somerleyton, and we are holding a workshop in August with engineers from Network Rail and owners of some of the larger boats affected to see what can be done." Has anyone from here been asked to participate?
  5. I think Facebook's attitude is it's your group run it how you want. I've never had an enquiry from Facebook about people I've binned from a group I run. You can remove people for any reason you like.
  6. The problem is that in a high wind or fast running current the ferry might not be on a direct track and the chains behind him could be lifted from the bottom.
  7. I originally posted this inb the Reedham Ferry thread but I reckon it could do with repeating here: I see a lot of posts blaming Facebook but the fact is that Facebook groups are moderated by the founder of the group and whoever (s)he appoints. Sanctions range from deleting posts, muting members, deleting them from the group and finally banning them. What is important, it seems to me, is the Facebook needs to be moderated to the same standard as the forum for continuity.
  8. I see a lot of posts blaming Facebook but the fact is that Facebook groups are moderated by the founder of the group and whoever (s)he appoints. Sanctions range from deleting posts, muting members, deleting them from the group and finally banning them. What is important, it seems to me, is the Facebook needs to be moderated to the same standard* as the forum for continuity. *What that standard is should be the subject of another thread maybe.
  9. You're driving along a 50mph road at 50, some idiot overtakes you doing about 60 then pulls back into your lane and slows to 40 because of a speed camera. I really would like car-to-car missiles.
  10. People who say pacific instead of specific.
  11. Even worse when their card gets rejected.
  12. I didn't used to handle the heat well but since I had a heart attack a few years ago I've been taking blood thinners and all I can say about the sunny weather is bring it on. The downside is that I feel the cold like never before and the slightest sign of a frost and I'm wrapped up like an eskimo. :)
  13. We decided, last time we were there, that if Wroxham didn't want to provide public moorings they obviously didn't want us to spend our money there.
  14. 10 minutes ago the BA said on Facebook Urgent Boating News - The Authority has been informed by Network Rail that Somerleyton swing bridge is currently not operational due to the high temperatures
  15. This article quotes JP as saying (re the bridges): “This inevitably is a considerable problem for our private owners of larger boats that cannot fit underneath.” What about the hire boats that won't fit under I really don't think the BA see this as a priority otherwise they would be more forceful with NR.
  16. I agree 100% Phil. But while they can fob off the Broads Authority with "Summer rails? Never heard of them" it's not going to happen :(
  17. I think the problem is that changing the rails cost Network Rail money. Not changing them and telling the Broads Authority "Tough, the bridge can't open" costs them nothing. Had they had that attitude when commercial shipping was using the river then they would have been paying out left right and centre.
  18. LOL I'd also like to ask Network Rail where the summer rails (that they now seem to know nothing about according to the BA) have gone that were mentioned in the Broom Owners Club visit in 2016 https://broomowners.com/regions/eastern-region/eastern-region-events/825-visit-to-somerleyton-bridge Or are we to believe that the people on the visit just made that bit up to make Network Rail look bad?
  19. I think we are though. It seems to me that there was a perfectly good solution to the hot weather problem that has just been abandoned. Why?
  20. Or how about replacing a length of track leading to the bridge with a slightly shorter section, just in the warmer months. With two expansion gaps I'm sure this could be calculated to take in even the warmest of days. We could call them 'Summer Rails", maybe even paint the ends white so people knew what they were when laid beside the track in winter. Oh wait............. (Why are we trying to re-invent the wheel)
  21. It would be nice to think that anyone that saw this happening would remove it after they left.
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