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Everything posted by Cockatoo

  1. That would be a schoolboy error wouldn't it lol
  2. Thanks Andrew that's definitely worth a try. Thanks Alan, we are planning to head north Monday or Tuesday. It's just a shame we'll have to head back south so early the weekend of the meet.
  3. In a couple of weeks time Debs and I are on Ranworth Breeze for a fortnight. The BCE will be joining us for the second week by which time we will be oop north, does anyone know where we can park his car in that area? (he has a blue badge if that helps) bearing in mind we can't get under Ludham Bridge so the Ant is a no go. He'll be with us when we return to Brundall so we can run him back to his car in ours.
  4. That's a good heads up Vaughan, RB has one each side but looking at this photo the port one's line looks a bit of a mess. It's not something I'd thought about to be honest Something to check in a fortnight's time.
  5. I remember that as well from school, earning a 'Lifesaver' badge in junior school and nagging mum to sew it on my trunks I also know I have a good layer of fat around my core which should give me longer in cold water. I think any situation has to be evaluated at the time and who (or what) is in the water plays a big part. As does who else is around on the bank.
  6. Just a thought LondonRascal are you going to film this?
  7. We won't be able to make this as we have friends meeting us on the southern broads that weekend. Is there any other contribution we could make to help out? I see Mike has already covered the butties ? ETA I see Polly has asked people to bring their own cups. I do have a number of stainless travel mugs (with a closeable lid) if they would be any use. People could just take them at the end or bin them.
  8. I can't help out with the fishing but our favourite pubs on the Northern Broads are: White Horse, Neatishead (sadly out of reach now as RB can't get under Ludham Bridge ?) The Dog, Ludham Bridge The Maltsters, Ranworth The Lion, Thurne (run by the same guy as the White Horse) Good grub at all of them ?
  9. Well looking at the broads authority tides it seems that we will only be able to stay Friday due to the tide heights to get back south. Saturday morning looks to be the crossing we will have to aim for which means leaving early Saturday morning. Saturday and Sunday evenings are ok height wise but the timings would mean crossing Breydon in the dark, not a problem on a clear night but sods law states it will be cloudy. In fact I would imagine that crossing on a bright, moonlit night would be quite magical. At least we will be able to say hello to the people that are there Friday Night ?
  10. It usually means they allow vaping as long as people are sensible. Most say low power only and none of this cloud chasing rubbish that is for show only.
  11. We've done Dog friendly, now it's time for Vape Friendly. I'll start off with The Yare - Brundall
  12. Latex gloves work really well. They expand to the size you need.
  13. I've always said I would never do a bungee jump................... But you make that sound so appealing :)
  14. I saw your post on the other thread Phil and hoped someone would answer here :)
  15. Is the 60/40 split something that has to be agreed or can you ask for it at any random fill up?
  16. When I was in Germany we used to use Vodka in our car's screenwash as anti-freeze :)
  17. I'd have handed it it at my local police station :)
  18. Now you see I think that's the problem. If this had started as a small group of nutters, er, wild swimmers going from WRC to Beccles and then increased by a few each year, proving to people that they weren't an issue to safety, then I think people would have a slightly more sympathetic view.
  19. Are there by-laws that say where swimmers should be positioned? Or is it taken to be like the roads where pedestrians are advised to face the traffic?
  20. I did wonder where spectators are going to watch from
  21. Maybe it should read The Broads is unsuitable for swimming. (unless there is money in it)
  22. One of the benefits of little dogs is even ebay specials handles are strong enough Handbag dogs
  23. Brilliant, our BCE can meet us there for the spring meet :)
  24. According to my map there is a car park at Salhouse. Does anyone know if this is a public car park, pay and display or what?
  25. What brand do you use? We bought a couple of non-branded (i.e. cheap) ones for our two and after a couple of days Tilly was walking funny and we found that the velcro fastener had rubbed all the fur and skin off her elbow One of the problems seem to be sizing as she is so small and for the one we bought she was at the extreme of the sizing chart. I've been looking at these ones http://www.lifejackets.co.uk/products/259/crewsaver-petfloat-dog-life-jacket as the sizing seems more suitable.
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