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Everything posted by Cockatoo

  1. Hmmm, might have found a new career for my father-in-law. Rent-a-grandad :)
  2. Maybe a thread on here somewhere could give people the chance to get together? I think that people considering the broads may look to Facebook first though so maybe a mention on there directing them to the forum?
  3. I do think that this provides an opportunity though. There must be single potential hirers that don't feel comfortable with the idea of going solo. Also with the number of larger hire boats about what is to stop two single parent families from teaming up?
  4. Just to combine arguments. Should JP be fitted with stabs before the Broads adopts the Sandford Principle?
  5. I think it's a crying shame. I've got some lovely memories of time spent on the broads with my son when he was really quite small. Just as I have memories of sailing with my dad as a kid. -
  6. It must be the cynic in me that wonders if they even tried for a lift in the morning rush hour.
  7. Hasn't that already happened at Trowse?
  8. And a film about Donald Crowhurst's story is premiering tonight in London. I've just seen it on the news
  9. What's not true? Of course it will need legislation but blocking that legislation needs: A Support B Knowledge that the legislation is going through in the first place If there is a well publicised campaign against then it is a lot less like likely to be sneaked through.
  10. The fact is that we need to keep the argument up or before we know it the Broads will become a National Park in fact not just in name because "its always been one" It will then be too late to argue the boaters case. "Why didn't you say something before now?"
  11. This should make it easier It's not very polished but it should work :) http://www.projectrx8.co.uk/Indy.html
  12. Robin is it possible the crane is designed to lower the rib to the stern rather than the port side?
  13. Sorry Robin but that is just not good enough. Letting work get in the way of real life :)
  14. I've got a mental picture of someone at the helm shouting into a length of hose pipe now :)
  15. I'm guessing that BA's single prop is on the centre line of the boat though. With a twin that has one engine out you have asymmetric thrust to deal with.
  16. I'm loving this thread. In two pages it has gone from how Robin's fuel manifold works, through dodgy tradesmen to Pamela Andersons t%ts :) One thing I have got from this thread is that Robin knows what he doesn't know and has asked for help from people that do. I'm looking forward to hearing about the sea trials and the trip to Norfolk. Debs and I will be around the Southern Broads mid March and hope you are up for a social call if you are onboard Robin.
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