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Everything posted by Cockatoo

  1. Last time we were up we used the NDR to go to Holt from Brundall and it was brilliant. Knocked a good 20 minutes off the journey.
  2. We did it slightly differently when Les joined us for the second week. We met him at Ranworth and left his car there. When we got back to Brundall we just picked his car up using ours. It was also handy having his car oop north for a trip to Tesco :)
  3. It is encouraging. In the original trial announcement they said they were hoping to get the equipment in place to start this weekend. Hopefully they hadn't started yet.
  4. BA posted on Faceache: "Urgent boating news. Network Rail has informed us that Somerleyton Bridge is currently unable to open due to the heat." This was between 2 and 3pm Sunday 1st July. Does this mean the trial didn't work or hadn't they started it yet?
  5. There is no 'other pound' The ladies paid £27 (£30 - £3) The restaurant has £25 and the waiter £2. £25+£2 = £27
  6. Can a mod mo e this to the correct forum please Bloody phone ?
  7. More at http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/urgent-boating-information/trial-water-spraying-at-somerleyton-swing-bridge
  8. Maybe we need to find out more about the summer rails? If it could be showed to a judge that there was a relatively cheap option that worked for years and that Network Rail had stopped doing it just to save a few bob then that may be the way forward. Network Rail seem to have fobbed off Dr P when he asked about them. Maybe there are people that actually fitted them that could be asked. Do we know when they were last used?
  9. I was just thinking the same thing. Just finished school (I was off to an Army Apprentice College in September), had transport (the trusty FS1E that I had taken a test on and could carry passengers) and a fill in job with loads of overtime. Sun, an (almost) motorbike and money in my pocket*. What more could a 16 year old want? (well there is more but not for a public forum ) * it took me nearly 40 years to get back to that sort of level of disposable income. About 60% of net income
  10. Nothing to see here folks. Move along
  11. I did find a mention of summer rails in an account of a visit to Somerleyton by the Broom Owners Club https://broomowners.com/regions/eastern-region/eastern-region-events/825-visit-to-somerleyton-bridge Now, did someone from the bridge mention them or did the author just make it up?
  12. hey'd only have o be changed twice a year. I don't think anyone is advocating changing hem evry time he sun comes out
  13. If expansion, and having a large expansion gap was a major problem you could cut each length into smaller pieces and have a number of smaller expansion gaps. Like they used to do with railway track
  14. They don't, the other two are shorter to begin with :)
  15. I think they are called "higher ambient temperature operating condition substitution lengths of steel"
  16. You could always get another 4 slightly shorter and use those during the summer. You might even find some suitable ones laying around.
  17. Lol, I think the Edwardian's had more sense and would have stuck with 'summer rails'. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have employed someone with a degree in making up silly names for things. Isn't that a modern idea?
  18. I think they did take sunshine into account though, hence the summer rails. Something that Dr P allowed Railtrack to fob him off about.
  19. What is the difference between the railway bridges on the Broads and Tower Bridge in London other than the fact that Tower Bridge gets maintained. As Jenny Morgan said the parts to build the bridges were hardly 'off the shelf'. When the bridges were built I'm sure the railway companies had a choice between opening spans and higher fixed spans. They made their choice and now it's up to Railtrack to live with it. Had they maintained the bridges over the years we wouldn't be seeing this problem now. I can't believe they didn't have sunshine in Edwardian times.
  20. It was posted by vanessan earlier in the thread :)
  21. Having used a CB in my LandRover when greenlaning I found that there were a lot of idiots playing music and suchlike. The PMR channels seem a lot better for this. I spoke to Griff on BA on channel 4 as we came by Horning sailing club and he was in the CinC from Ranworth to Salhouse. It sounded like he was really close but I think they'd just joined the main river. I'd say PMR was the way to go rather than CB. CB was good fun when it was illegal ETA I was monitoring channel 12 on VHF for most of the time we were onboard recently and besides a couple of boats asking Reedham to open and a bit from Haven as we crossed Breydon there was hardly any traffic at all
  22. The irony is that the people calling you will no doubt have a motorboat.
  23. We could hear a cuckoo from our mooring in Brundall when we first arrived (early May). About a week later we saw a Kingfisher as we were coming out of Ranworth but only because a kayaker that I'd slowed to talk to pointed him out.
  24. Debs and I really enjoyed the meet albeit our neighbours were a bad influence We loved seeing all the woodies knowing we wouldn't have either the money or the skills needed to keep one in good condition but we also felt that we would be welcome however we arrived. Indeed we were considering hiring something for the summer meet and I said to Debs it needn't be anything flash, just somewhere to sleep for three or four nights.
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