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Everything posted by Cockatoo

  1. With 6 weeks to go we are now planning our next trip. At 2 weeks this will be the longest we have spent on the broads in one go. The BCE (boat cleaning elf) suggested coming for the first week and then going home with the dogs to leave Debs and I on our own for a week but it's been decided he will come for the second week. This will be easier in that he can meet us anywhere, we can then go and pick his car up when we get back to Brundall rather than us having to go back there halfway through. Also it means he will be with us for the spring meet so it will be more fun for him. Other than meeting Les somewhere and going to the spring meet that is it as far as planning goes really. And we've got two whole weeks to do it in (did he really think he'd get out of the boat cleaning that easily? )
  2. My new laminated map has arrived and I just spent a happy half-hour marking the dog friendly pubs on it :)
  3. Talking to the landlord of the Yare last week (Mike) and he said he is looking to sell up and retire.
  4. This was a Disco, it was recycling itself into iron oxide when I took it swimming and my snorkel to airbox seal wasn't good enough and killed the engine. True the engine could have been rebuilt but combined with the welding it was kinder to let her go. TBF it did get me home running on 2 to 3 cylinders. I did take the head off, just to see, and the camshaft had snapped, a few valves were bent but the kicker was the fact that at TDC one piston was about 1/16th of an inch below the top of the block Ooops
  5. RB has a little fold away ladder under a hatch on the bathing platform. I must admit I didn't get it out to try it so I don't know how far down it reaches.
  6. I got my ammo box out of the shed, full brew kit, kettle, gas stove and even the makings. I used to carry it in my 4x4 when I went green laning :) That's why I kept it after I killed my Land Rover
  7. On a positive note the lane to where we live has been resurfaced while we were away and we can now drive on the left instead of driving on what is left.
  8. And that is it. Boat clean, toilets pumped out and diesel full. The fuel Dock was a challenge having to moor with the wind but we managed Only 7 weeks to go
  9. From the other side. A boat moored opposite had a flapping canvas and I went over to secure it and Debs couldn't resist a picture of RB
  10. Even if the tides won't let us through Yarmouth we'll still be there for at least one day by car
  11. The boat cleaning elf aka Les my father in law
  12. Sorry about the short posts but I was using my phone and fat-finger syndrome means that if I type a long post you can guarantee I will lose it before hitting the submit button From our point of view this week has been a total success, getting to know the boat, finding out where everything is and seeing how it handles in the wind (not as bad as I expected). We've met a few forum members, found some nice (and one not so nice) pubs and just generally had a chill out. For me this has been my first real time off since October and it's been fantastic
  13. It's the nicest day yet, albeit our last full day. Never mind, only seven weeks until we are back
  14. Well this morning looks like we are heading for a heatwave, 1° and rising
  15. Sunday and my son and his girlfriend came to visit and it was time for a cruise down to Cantley and back to Rockland St. Mary for lunch. No problem finding a mooring
  16. That was yesterday Colin, today we are probably going to stay put in Brundall
  17. Oops rereading that I'm going to have to watch autocarrot, especially if I mention ducks. Anyway, Friday and time to get out on the river. We headed towards Norwich, moored in the little cut before Thorpe and took a walk to the Rushcutters but didn't stay long because they kept hassling us to order food. This is a shame as it used to be a nice pub when I lived in Norwich, nice enough to warrant a cab to I their for a drink. Don't get me wrong, we wanted to eat but wanted to sit and relax with a drink first. We went to the Buck, aah a proper pub. Good beer and good food (and a lot better value for money than the other one). Walking back to the boat and Tilly was walking funny, crabbing along the path. When we got back we had a look and her life jacket has rubbed a raw patch behind her elbow so we are going to have to replace that. So that's one more thing to add to my list of 'Useless things in life' Air in a fuel tank Altitude above you (pilots will get this one) And now A life jacket you can't wear Aaaaand back to Brundall
  18. Sorry guys I've been a bit slack posting on here. My excuse is I've been enjoying not being stuck on a computer and I hate posting on my phone Well Les and I did a round robin I the car on Thursday while we were waiting for Debs to join us. We went to Wroxham, Potter Heigham and Great Yarmouth. While in Wroxham Alan (@Ranworth Breeze) rang to say the marina wanted to move us back to our proper mooring. I rand them and said I had the keys with me and would be back about 4 but they said they would pull it round as it is only two spaces down. Yarmouth was a wasted trip as I wanted to observe the bridge clearances at low tide but the two pubs that overlook the bridges were shut, one semi permanently if the bailiffs notices were anything to go by So back to Brundall we go. Debs arrived in time to have something to eat in the Yare and then we were back on the boat so I could find out how my unpacking wasn't up to standard. All sorted out now except I seem to have far less cupboard and drawer space then I did before. Who would have known that 50/50 wasn't fair eh guys? Right I'm going to post this before my phone decides to delete it and continue in another post
  19. Thanks we haven't been anywhere yet Alan lol Yesterday we went to Mum's and went into Cromer for lunch. Debs is finally getting away from work today so she will be here later so we will probably stay here tonight and go off exploring tomorrow. Might go for a potter about later though.
  20. Well it's the first morning and the sun is out Same view with a bit of sun
  21. Thanks Ricardo, nice to meet you too.
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