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Everything posted by Cockatoo

  1. From Ranworth Island we went to have a look at St Benets Abbey. Mooring at St Benets we saw this :( We actually saw a few dead fish and speaking to a couple of anglers they reckoned it was because of salt walter coming higher up the river because of the recent high tides. The gatehouse From St Benets it was off to the Bridge at Acle for some lunch and then a slow cruise up to Thurne Dyke to moor for the night (TBC)
  2. I lived aboard a Dutch barge on the Thames for a year when I was single sharing with one other. We were basically squatting on the mooring that the Port of London Authority thought was the responsibility of British Waterways and vice versa :)
  3. Synchronicity :) I hadn't looked at the forum while we were on the Broads last week and we've booked a return trip for the 18th - 25th May SteveD Cavalier 3 adults, 2 Jack Russels Friday N Saturday Y Sunday maybe I don't want to commit to staying too long as it's the start of our week and I get an itchy a%*e if we stay in one place too long ;) Steve
  4. The great news was that everybody enjoyed it. Les spent most of the last day scouring the hire websites for "next time" and we have a week booked already for May. I also have instructions from SWMBO to book a short break before then just for us two :)
  5. Just returned from a week on Siesta 2 from Stalham. I talked Debs into this trip at fairly short notice. Her first thought was that she wouldn't like it because of the 'sploshie' noise of the water against the hull while she was trying to sleep. This was based on the one night she had spent on a broads boat (or any boat) about 15 years ago when she came to Wroxham for the day and visited myself and a group of friends that were out for a short break. In the back of my mind was the idea of looking for a boat share eventually but this obviously depended on how Debs and our two Jack Russels took to the idea. So last Saturday we set off, me, Debs, Les (FIL) and two small dogs (Jack and Tilly). We arrived at Stalham a bit early at about 12.00 and reception told us to go back at 12.30 to find out what time our boat would be ready. Debs and Les went off to Tesco to stock up on essential supplies leaving me and the dogs to wander round the boatyard. It turned out it would be ready at 14.30 so it was time for lunch in the Swan. Back at the boatyard we collected buoyancy aids (inc Jack and Tilly's) and had completed the handover, unpacked and returned the cases to the car and were off by about 15.10. the weather was lovely, especially for October and the cruise down to Ludham Bridge was beautiful, We moored downstream of the bridge and were set for our evening meal at the Dog. In the morning I got up first as usual, took the dogs for a quick walk and then got the kettle on. Poor old Les isn't used to being awake this early. The strange thing is when he was working he used to start really early but in the last couple of years since he retired he sleeps like a teenager! Eventually we set off. All the way to Salhouse Broad where the dogs had a good run in the woods and we had bacon sandwiches for breakfast. Interestingly Debs commented that "next time we need a boat with two cabins". If that's not a buying signal I don't know what is :) Off we went to have a look at Wroxham but the only place to moor was the Hotel Wroxham so we only stayed for a couple of drinks and headed back to Horning. we were lucky and managed to get a mooring at the New Inn which was us set up for the evening meal. The next morning saw us heading for Ranworth were we moored on the island to give the dogs a run. This was Les' first attempt with the ball-thrower. He got better and the dogs had a great time. (TBC)
  6. Thanks guys, for some reason I didn't realise there was a 12" rise and fall at Ludham. In my mind it was about 4" lol Next week is my first step towards persuading Debs that a boat share would be a good idea and I don't think getting stuck on the Ant, not being able to get under any bridges, for a week would help :) Steve
  7. I may be worrying unnecessarily but we have Siesta 2 (Air-draught 8'6") booked from Richardsons at Stalham for a week from next Saturday (21st) and I'm a bit worried about getting through Ludham Bridge. Any advice anyone? Steve
  8. I've just seen this and it's not that simple. As a lot of parking parasites are finding out.
  9. That wasn't Ryanair, that was supplied by the airport :)
  10. I think that if I was in their position I would be keeping hold of the money. They have already paid.
  11. It is a contract but only a 30 day one. I won't do them for any longer than that.
  12. The problem is the Homefi sim is the full credit card sized one:
  13. £15 for 3GB! We get 15GB with Three for that.
  14. Whenever I try to get into Photography I get a page with no posts at all. I can got the latest post in the forum HERE and apparently there are 1076 posts in the forum in total but I can only see that thread. Any help appreciated Steve
  15. Here I was thinking 'Don't Richos run a minibus between the station and their yard?' Then I realised that was nearly 20 years ago. How to feel old doh!
  16. Debs and I live in Essex. I was born in Norwich, Debs in Leicester. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  17. We are hoping so too. We collect Siesta from Stalham on the 14th
  18. And yet DVLA make a lot of money providing owners names and addresses to parking companies.
  19. Nothing wrong with the idea of a ticket machine per se. The problems arise when they try to impose penalties, dressed up as genuine fines, for any 'infringement'. They then realise that there is more money to be made from fining* people than there is from the parking mooring charges themselves and that's where it begins. *and of course it's not a real fine, just an invoice made to look like a fine to scare people into paying it.
  20. We've shared it on Facebook and posted to a Jack Russel group Debs belongs to.
  21. Any chance of a pic of him(her)?
  22. Maybe a post with a photo in the Facebook group might help. That way people could share it outside the group so more see it>
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