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Everything posted by D46

  1. Nope it is indeed Norwich as promoted by this booklet picked up from the broom stand at their first boat show last yr , obviously it's a visit the Broads publication , but no prizes for guessing who runs that ! . Most people attending were local although I accept there may have been visitors too , but this is still promoting the area within the area to people already here , that's not good marketing practice , and it will make virtually zero increase in the number of visitors . Read the first paragraph , immediately it's stated that Norwich is the only city in a national park , not only is that inaccurate but it's totally falsehood , and yet some people wonder why the authority isn't trusted , there lies a very good reason for such lack of trust . Appolgises for the double pic and it's orientation .
  2. Has anyone said that Visit Norfolk or Visit East of England shouldn't promote the region ? What they should be doing is fact checking first and then promting the region in it's true light . Both however actually do promote the region but they do it far outside the region itself .
  3. A Mirror required possibly ??
  4. Some of us are quite a bit of buffeting at Rockland but with the advantage of no trees squash me
  5. In honesty I think given its been reported in a local paper rather than a national it's pretty obvious it's a given its in Norfolk or Suffolk , who said visitors only visit once I certainly didn't , what I did say is you can't attract people to the area that are already here . As Fred pointed out marketing is not part of BAs remit they have enough on as it is . Very cute comment regarding my CV , BTW , however I don't feel the need to prove myself really so your insomnia will be intact .
  6. A hotel that's in the defined area , how on Earth will that attract anyone who's not already there ??? Dr packman might be clever but don't disregard others who have proven history in the subject of marketing , I guess you'll want my CV next ?? . Hotels are I accept not just got locals and visitors use them but the fact remains they have not visited on account of any marketing by BA as they do not currently do it far and wide and that is where true marketing is judged .
  7. I could if it was really marketing , sadly a heck of a lot of it is nothing like marketing , to attract visitors you market your product far and wide not on the doorstep . Successful marking involves addressing the audience outside the area in which you are , no one will increase visitors Numbers with signs in an area you have already traveled too or Indeed live in , simply because if you have managed to get those people here they will already know about the BNP they don't need reminding of where they are , marketing is ment to attract people to your brand etc not remind them they are using the product .
  8. No need to worry about who's name will be on that brass plaque that's a obviously going to be only one person Dr packman , but for that to happen he would need to be judged on his actions ie accountable . In truth he's probably the biggest reason that quangos should be made accountable . Tell me this , why is he pushing so hard this BNP situation ? Is it for the benifit of those that live and work here and the infrastructure or is it another reason ? . Not having the tourism figures for before and after this BNP issue started I can't really comment but I'll stick my neck out and surgest there's barely any increase in footfall .
  9. Having worked in marketing for a good few yrs I think I'm pretty clued up on what it is . The fact that Dr packman hasn't been replaced is very much down to the lack of accountability for his actions and nothing more , that's exactly the reason he's been in the job 20 yrs or so it's certainly not for his performance , regarding Margaret Thatcher at least she was accountable to the government and indeed the population , so no it wouldn't be a hollow victory it would be a victory for common sense , as for the miner's strike that's much more complicated than you appear to make it and I put that period down as a tragedy rather than a victory for any side .
  10. To be fair I never said the Court's had sanctioned the approval of using the term BNP for marketing . But the fact remains road signs in loddon and elsewhere around the broads are not marketing nor are they wanted by the residents or seaming the PC's , my appolgises for my slightly misleading post .
  11. The point is quite simple if you have to ask a council for authorisation then you do not do that work until you have authorisation . I can't for the life in me see why loddon PC can possibly be responsible they said neither yes or no and in that case no work should have gone ahead until that was resolved . Yes they are ordinary people who out themselves forward for the benefit of the village and they definitely deserve respect for doing that , but I don't see how anyone can blame them , the responsibility is on BA to get that permission before doing anything and they simply did not do that . BA didn't do the work anyway the contracted that to NCC who also didn't have authorisation from loddon PC nor apparently even contact them . This definitely poses the question of how many other times these signs that many people don't want have been placed without authorisation . I wouldn't mind but what's the point in marketing and area to people be they locals or visitors that are actually in that area it's rediculous to say the least , proper marketing is carryed out in area much further away from the area or attraction being marketed . Personally I see this as one person in the authority making a statement of " look what I've achieved" not that he's achieved anything , don't believe me then ask someone in the marketing business what they think millions every yr is spent by areas marketing tourism and I can't think of one that does it on its own doorstep . Then again is it actual marketing or is it a statement saying you have arrived in a location ? And I'm fairly sure BA don't have permission to make statements like that as that is not marketing and that's the only permission they have to use the BNP brand .
  12. No need to be confused JM it's just me waving a finger at a post that might antagonize some peeps in order to try and keep the peace a little better .
  13. Me moderate the tone of my posts ? As an ex chief moderator I'm sure you're fully aware that reply was hardly nessasary and a threat , had a member made that Post they would no doubt be in trouble . I believe in leading by example this was not the case regarding that particular Post .
  14. Ah so the democratic approach then .
  15. Shall I take that as a threat ? .
  16. For those that like a good Storm , Here comes Dennis
  17. But for the fact on several occasions you yourself have surgested that discussion should not be happening regarding the fate of these signs as it encourages such acts .
  18. Basically it equates to 5 hrs for 365 days for just under 2 1/2 yrs , not too bad really for a diesel heater many others breakdown much more often
  19. I really can't see how the forum could be implemented if any action was taken against any individual as there's already a disclaimer regarding that in TOS for speakers corner . Nor do I see any good reason that something in the public eye can't be discussed , to threaten banning an individual is madness and contravenes TOS procedure regarding breaking of TOS . Before long TOS will be longer than any thread if this continues as there have been several revamps in a short length of time . I fully agree with paladin regarding possible illegal acts as in it's the Court's that decide that not a public forum , and I certainly don't believe that discussion of such acts actually either condones or encourages such acts , this is after all in the public eye and of public interest .
  20. Is this yrs weather any different from last yrs and other previous yrs with a couple of exceptions ? . Higher tides and indeed very low tides can be fully expected at this time of year as can storms . Most people's boat go through storms and high and low tides while they aren't onboard with no problems whatsoever , then along come the human and it's suddenly a disaster zone . If you keep an eye on the weather and tides ( because no amount of talking about it can control them ) and gear up for any eventuality they you'll be just fine
  21. There's another hose on the front of the pub in the corner at the back of lazy breeze moored in the dyke .
  22. Bull poo , bought them recently ?? Like at least 2 yrs ago , they were new to them at the time of purchase not 2 yrs later otherwise other moorings would be new , besides the words used were " brand new " that to anyone signifies that they are additional to the existing moorings and that is not the case , nor can they claim they are constructing new moorings on exist land as the capping is there and so are the posts , making it an existing mooring that being upgraded and nothing more .
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