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Everything posted by D46

  1. There you go it's already been done and not only that it's remained with the boat too
  2. Meanwhile back on topic , I really don't see why every boat can't be equipped with a map that is fixed , it's a one off cost and I'll be surprised if it's not in the Skipper's manual already ( but who looks at that !) . Other than that download one or use the Free broadcaster , I'd be surprised if most people haven't got a route planned for their holiday in the first place , how can they do that without knowing where they are going ? . Either way Richardson's ain't a charity it's a business and in any case the charge for a map is far less than a pint , hardly something to worry over IMHO .
  3. D46

    New Inn Horning

    Didn't know that they had stipulated that , TBH I can't think why it's no different than mooring at BAs mooring at ranworth where there was an attendant bit not now I believe , maybe it's different rules if your a business ? In fairness I recon that double mooring is much more dangerous than stern on and yet that's allowed under certain conditions at alot of BAs moorings . Mooring attendents ain't going to be cheap and I don't blame businesses making a small charge especially if your not using the facility as that removes a mooring that could net them a return , if it's off set against food purchased then I really don't see why anyone who's using the facility can moan .
  4. Yes but what's More important ??
  5. I'm pretty certain that self isolation isn't the biggest problem at least not for your partner , obviously the travel company won't cancel it could cost them a great deal of money if they did and weren't covered by insurance to do so , personally I can think of alot of reasons to cancel be that travel companies doing or the individual .
  6. Pretty certain that's a mechanical box and it's quite possible it's a cable issue TBH , if it worked before and nothing has changed but paint it really has to be . Oil level is by screwing the dip stick back in according to the prm manual .
  7. Which one there are mechanical and hydraulic in the prm range .
  8. That's works as even if it went back to the airfilter it would still smell .
  9. That's where it's supposed to go ie from the crankcase breather to the airfilter via a rubber pipe .
  10. Nothing to do with sewage but it's still pollution all the same . This afternoon I sailed through a huge oil slick from carrow yacht club to carrow bridge , BA were on site with a launch and alot of oil brooms as clearly the problem emulated from the bridge , I can only presume this was some form of test in order to lift it on Sunday to get vagabond out , obviously all didn't go to plan . Does pose the question however in that oil in the water seams to be a BA issue and yet sewage isn't .
  11. D46

    New Inn Horning

    Thing is all those who work or have knowledge of the pub industry know full well that the profit is in food sales not the wet side of things , many times in the past I've seen posts on various forums stating that the poster moored at the new inn had a few drinks and then headed off the the Chinese to be eaten onboard only coming back out of the boat to leave the following morning . Personally I don't blame pubs for protecting themselves though there's a fine line between that and pricing yourself out of the market . As far as horning is concerned there's little free mooring these days , hence pubs can and often do as they please , infact there are few moorings on the Northside that aren't BA ones that don't attract a charge . There's no way a pub will give up it's mooring for a fee so the person is then free to eat elsewhere that's financial suicide , gain £10 and lose at least £20-30 even less the mooring fee of £10 so £10-20 , that still equates to a profit ( just) given the mark up on food .
  12. D46

    New Inn Horning

    They did however employ a attendent to assist with mooring and they have a very expensive quay heading to maintain , all of that cost has to come from somewhere with in beer an food pricing or a small mooring fee , I don't like it either but I fully understand it's a business and they are entitled to charge what they think is fair and many do ..that said many places still don't surlingham ferry for example .
  13. Absolutely agree it's time to restrict the number of units per customer , I can't stand selfish people who think only of themselves and those buying to resell for profit just to make a fast buck should be shot , preferably as they leave the store , then the product put back on the shelf for everyone , sounds a bit extreme I know but seriously some people make my blood boil in their selfish ways , the biggest problem with limiting sale's is some people just visit multiple stores so it doesn't combat the greed and me me me aspect that's so despicable in some .
  14. D46

    New Inn Horning

    Not even if the mooring cost is taken off the bill ?
  15. Monarch was for sale recently so I guess she's now finally sold and yes I believe she was previously in Horning , I take it the wet shed referred to is Richardson's one ? . Not sure if the new owners are members on here , maybe who knows .
  16. D46

    New Inn Horning

    Absolutely agree , if the pub is closed then so are the mooring's .
  17. D46

    New Inn Horning

    To be fair everyone commenting knows the pub is currently shut therefore they should also know to land and moor there is indeed trespassing , IMHO it requires a level of respect for the property of others , after all no one would appreciate people wandering onto there property , does it really need no mooring signs etc .
  18. Oh dear that not good news , as the pipe is 1" off the bottom and side entry it would surgest that onless it happened on a very choppy river that's the level of the curd , it may be that it's going to need specialist cleaning probably steam cleaned , first job is to suck as much fuel out via the filler a little at a time then lower the pump pipe when it can't get any more fuel , hopefully that's possible , but given that alot of tanks have quite bent filler hoses it might not be easy to do , if you can get most of it out then for m there on in your sucking up the curd but only in one area , if you can ballast the boat towards the filler then you'll definitely get more of it , sounds to me that it's really not going to be easy at all but it's definitely going to have to be done , TBH it's probably a specialist company job given that it's so difficult to get to , there will be a way but I doubt it cheap . I'm guessing that there's no way of removing the tank completely as that's by far the easiest way.
  19. Interesting to note that vagabond is apparently going to the deal ground for repairs before going down the yare by it's new custodian , so how is it safe to move through the city ? , it's certainly reenforced my opinion that it's going just up the bure but we'll see no doubt .
  20. Having had this very same issue and unfortunately while cruising which stopped me dead , that was traced to a carpet of curd on the bottom of the tank , unfortunately the tanks builder had made the supply pipe way too long being less than 10 mm off the bottom , fine with a very clean tank but anything in there and there will be it gets sucked up blocking it entirely , my solution was first make an inspection hatch , then because the original pipe couldn't be shortened as it was welded in put in a new supply pipe this time 30mm off the bottom and block off the original one , after pumping out 3/4 of a tank I got to the route of the issue , that demands a wet and dry vac as it breaks up as you move it , once cleaned the fuel was filtered several times till clear and treat with a shock dose of Marine 16 , additives don't actually remove the problem they do leave this carpet behind as in dead diesel bug which needs removing . Hopefully you supply pipe isn't like mine was and too long and your tank has inspection hatch if not you really need to make one , going one step further I also incorporated a removable bolt with copper washer which is a very Handy dip stick hole .
  21. Oh yes there near the ground most definitely so within walking distance , that said it longer than it takes to get to Riverside , they are quite obvious from the river right next to a construction site , thinking about it it's not that long ago since the council insisted there were no mooring in the city except the YS , where in effect there are included 2 temporary demasting moorings opposite Riverside by bridge master court ie the first ie the new flats .
  22. Ah I didn't know that , yes let's hope that nothing changes by the novisad bridge as no one abuse's it other than one boat that's been left there , it's definitely council monitored though , I did hear a ranger a few yrs ago telling a hire boat crew they couldn't moor there and claiming they weren't insured if they did , ironically the ranger had moored the authorities YS boat there to refill the fuel tank at Morrison's , once it was clear to everyone who's land it was and they were both doing exactly the same thing the situation suddenly went away .
  23. You and me both , then again they are no where near there , they are much further down towards the rail bridge , don't expect them to be too quite either during the week as work has started on the next block if flats right along side them .
  24. I'm not sure it's been mentioned where vagabond is heading and I'm not sure either that the new mooring's by the football ground as BA moorings they may well be council run , JP didn't state they were BA moorings he only said new moorings and it would have been in his interest to do so surely , besides by new read new timber's to the quay nothing else has happened .
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