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Everything posted by ES2

  1. That could be quite interesting in the vicinity of Wroxham Bridge.
  2. ES2


    Now that we could possibly have a wide ranging supply of delicious fish what does the team think about introducing our nation to all the sorts of fish that they possibly eat when on the continent but not over here. I was impressed a few of years ago when my local chippie started offering hake along with their other fare. Personally I prefer hake to cod and haddock. Any observations?
  3. Having to visit Central London due to my job I found that Maccy D's had the best cup of tea or coffee in London for a reasonable price. Much better than the rip off posy tea shops there. Also, I really do like their Mc Muffin, a breakfast in itself. I usually visit the Wroxham one for breakfast and also keep the makings of a Mc Muffin in my freezer at home just in case I get a craving for one. Also a packet of hash browns in the 'fridge is handy. Also, their ice cream is great and very good value.
  4. I was in Aldi's the other day and noticed 1kg kitemarked ABC fire extinguishers going for £8. Since mine are all in date I did not purchase any but would have if they were getting a bit near being out of date.
  5. There is no need to throw the mud weight, the boat will naturally drift away from the mud weight and provides that angle. Just think about it, all those boats with snazzy winches and the mud weight hanging on the bows don't throw their mud weights, they just lower them. In all possibility the boatyards often do not provide enough warp to get a decent angle anyway. Just like using an anchor you should have at least three three times warp to the depth the boat is expected to moor in. One of the main reasons that mud weights drag is that the warp is pulled taut after deployment and of course as the wind acts on the boat it levers the mud weight out of the mud and drags it. Its pure physics really, leverage and all that stuff.
  6. When I do go on a hire boat I find it is not a good idea to throw a mud weight. You could possibly take a lump out of the boat or lose your balance when doing so. when deploying a mud weight, make sure it is tied onto a cleat, make sure the rope will not snare your ankles and just drop it over the side. I cannot perceive that the mud weight would gain any extra velocity on hitting the bottom by throwing it horizontally. You would only get extra velocity by throwing it up in the air which is not a good idea.
  7. Yep, Bruce is a good anchor, I use one myself with two metres of chain on the end of my anchor warp. However, the Bruce is very good at snagging obstacles on the river/broad bed and I always use a tripping rope secured to the small hole on the knuckle of the anchor so that I can retrieve it easier. The tripping rope should be attached to a small buoy or even a plastic drinks bottle to stop it fouling the main anchor warp.
  8. I thought we could only use self contained/self catering accommodation from the middle of April. Perhaps the moving boats were boatyard staff giving them a run.
  9. Yep, just found the thread but I am not allowed to post it on this forum. Just look and you will find it.
  10. My boat has a 4 stroke outboard. The thing with outboards is that the petrol tanks should be in proper vented compartments as specified in the BSS regulations, it is all there for you to read. Spare fuel should not be stored in the cockpit but is ok if stored on deck where petrol vapour cannot enter the boat. The main problem on the Broads is supply so do your research as to which places and filling stations are near the water and use them. I believe there is a thread somewhere which locates places you can buy petrol near the waterside.
  11. I think everything will work ok this year if everybody is sensible. With regards to customers of pubs, shops and supermarkets just wear a mask, use the sanitiser when required, use a touch card if you have one and certainly get a jab when you are called to do so. Personally although I am not too happy to be poked with needles it was ok and painless with no side effects, go for it if called. If anything is to go by the pubs are doing everything they can. I was in The Dog at Ludham Bridge last year and Jeff had a crowd due for that evening and opened the restaurant area to accommodate. He appeared with a monster spray kit to sanitize the area and told me that he does that regularly all through the pub anyway. Well done all the staff at the Dog. Lets hope that we can save something of this Summer season without being subject to certification that will put extra strain on our already overloaded NHS not to mention policing certification at the pubs.
  12. No, the marine/amphibious version of a carrier pigeon and much noisier. This thread has really gone down eel now
  13. I thought we were talking about ducks, y'know those pesky things that wake you up at ridiculous hours in the morning, not a ruddy 747, I am talking about a Ruddy Duck.
  14. No, an Aldis Lamp goes much further but not around bends, mind you two cans and string has that problem too. How about smoke signals? Just keep a fire extinguisher handy! Mind you carrier ducks could be used but I have heard that they are not all they are not all they are quacked up to be. Please feel free to groan.
  15. As I said before, I am not against identity cards but the compulsion to carry one or be fined is what I object to. My driving license is a primary identity card and I am quite happy with that but there is no compulsion to carry it when driving. The only compulsion is to have to produce it at a police station if stopped by the police whilst driving. We live in a free country, lets keep it that way.
  16. I too have a plain simple mobile phone. If it gets stolen or dropped in the river it is no great loss I think I paid about £30 for it a couple of years ago. The only thing is its not trackable and my breakdown people, Green Flag , like that feature. Also it is PAYG and the sim card can be zapped and a new one with the same number supplied by the mobile providers. I can zap it from my computer or anybody else's computer too.
  17. Here is my ID card. issued not long after Herr Schicklegruber messed up the World. I have obscured the relevant information for security reasons. Sorry about the delay, I did not realise that my fairly new computer was not programmed for my printer/scanner. As usual, there were the usual glitches such as "usb not connected" messages etc. Now it is behaving itself.
  18. A very valid point Grendel. As long as we are not forced to carry one on the streets I see no problem with having one.
  19. MM: We don't need one to go into shops or go on public transport so why in a pub? Of course we should wear masks at the counter and disinfect our hands and take all the other sensible precautions. As I said, according to the medical profession, even jabbed people can pass the virus on not to mention children and indeed animals.
  20. Strangely enough I already have an ID card. I was born not long after WW2 and it appears that even children had to have an ID card then. Whilst clearing out my deceased parents' house a few years ago I found a box of all sorts of old papers. Amazingly in it I found an official ID card with my name on it so I supposed all relics of the Stone Age must have had one at some time. I will see if I can find it later on and put a copy on here, obviously with my name obscured for security purposes. As a lover of living in a free country I am fine with having an ID card but not in favour of being made to carry it and being fined for not doing so.
  21. Point taken, but how are we to know which pub is going to insist on a certificate? Personally, if they can be issued, I do not intend to get one, if I am refused entry no problem, I will just take my custom elsware, possibly the supermarket.
  22. I note that The Boris has suggested we have a Jab Certificate to go in pubs. Since it has been said that despite having the jab, which I have had anyway, vaccinated people can still spread the virus, is not the Medical Profession overstretched already without having the faff of completing certificates and also the cost to the NHS be unnecessary? What does the team think?
  23. Hopefully The Fisherman's Inn at Burgh Castle will survive the lockdowns. Apart from a rather grumpy landlord a few years ago who I am sure has moved on I have always had a good welcome there. The building is a bit strange for a pub which I liken to the Norada at Potter Heigham I have always had a good beer there and a good meal. On a warm evening it is wonderful to sit on the veranda and look out over the marshes watching the sunset and the Marsh Harriers wheeling around. There used to be a little shop there too selling essentials which was quite handy.
  24. I do a bit of dabbling myself but nothing serious. I would have thought that if there were a charge to fish at St Bennet's moorings then a proper clear sign would be posted stating the case. As most hirers usually think they can fish from the moorings as on most 24 hr moorings it would be common sense to inform them with a notice if it was not the case at St Bennet's. Perhaps somebody from NBA could clarify the situation on this and other Broads websites.
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