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Everything posted by kpnut

  1. I hope I do see you around next week. I’d love to meet you and those dogs of yours!
  2. Oh right, thanks. I might have seen something like that and thought it was something electrical. Neat-looking appliance.
  3. You wouldn’t want my engine, although I love her! Bit oily, and past her best. Heater control in front of saloon, next to sofa and heater exhaust also points towards sofa being the place. I’m intrigued and will look again when I get there later in the week. Many thanks everyone.
  4. Yes it works very nicely and I go round listening out. I thought it was behind the sofa but it wasn’t, then under the bed but didn’t spot it there either, although trying to hold the mattress up at the same time as looking was tricky. Not sure how big the thing I’m looking for actually is. It’ll be obvious once I know! This is the same person who used to think that the ‘warm air heating’ was just using the heat from the engine to warm the air as I’d been told during hire handovers I needed the engine running to use it! I think cake might be a better ‘reward’ (bribe), wine is a bit of a mystery until each bottle is opened. Hope I’ve picked some good ones.
  5. For the engine or for the refreshments Grendel???? and Helen, a son wanting to visit is a real treat! Xx
  6. Cakes made ( hope they survive ok till saturday, think I’ll freeze and fill later) Homemade wine, 3 flavours to try -check Homemade Blackberry liqueur - check. Just need to get ourselves there now. Looking forward to meeting you all. Tony’s (hubby) first time on the boat since I bought it last year. He’s really coming to sort out a gearbox oil leak and hopefully convert the oil filter ( which I think is also leaking) to a spin-on. He’s worked on plenty of tractors in his working life, but not in the confined space of a boat! Any advice at the weekend is most welcome. And if anyone can locate my diesel heater for me, that’d be a bonus. Not sure what I’m looking for to be honest!!! Kate
  7. Jolly Richie is still out and about. The wrapping looks a bit faded and scratched close up but still distinctive when coming along the river. I don’t like the new name plates either. Very difficult to see etc as others have noted. And it makes a lot of the boats look identical, rather than unique, each with their own character. I hadn’t thought about the logo not being obviously Richardson’s as I’m used to it. But fair point.
  8. Hope all of you, Mike, Pat and Alan, recover soon and it’s kind to you.
  9. Does Seren always go and lie in the car when you’re busy at the mooring? Finlay seems to know the engine noise etc when I’m reversing into home at Stalham and it’s the only time he stands by the door when mooring. Then he just wants to go and sleep in his crate in the car, can’t budge him!!! Sounds like your whole trip was a big success. I agree that the secret garden at How Hill is stunning at the moment. In case you were unaware, dogs are allowed on leads. It will be much easier going past Boulters, turning, coming back and reversing in that way. Something to do with the wind down there I think. I still have clammy palms every time I go in, even thinking about it puts the pressure on!!! Hope to see you again when out and about soon.
  10. Does she always sleep with one leg in the air like that? Mine does, and I’ve never seen another dog do that. She looks a real character. Xx
  11. You beat me to it Dave. A really chance event. The red carnations did their stuff! And lovely to meet and chat to you. Excellent concert. We had to hang around for ages for Richard - why is my two children have always been the last to pack up their instruments, right back to when they first joined youth orchestras. And then we got dragged off to the bar, which was lovely as I got to catch up with loads of people I hadn’t seen since before covid.
  12. I’ll be cake baking this week to bring. Simon, can I reserve 2 NBN stickers please- the ‘cling-on’ type if possible rather than permanent. We won’t be gathering at Malthouse, so if I get to Salhouse in the morning, will it be obvious which bit I need to moor at? Looking forward to putting names to faces. Kate and Tony.
  13. We used to have Huss (rock salmon) from the chippie when I was young. My memory says I really loved it. Hadn’t seen it for decades until I was in Grey’s in Hoveton last summer. It was on the board but when I asked for it, they didn’t have any. I was very disappointed! All this talk of steamed fish with asparagus has sorted out tomorrows tea. I have plenty down the allotment, early spuds not ready yet though.
  14. Well, I did time it a bit wrong didn’t I? Plenty of trees along the lane to shelter under, but trousers slightly more than damp and dry dog towel day it certainly is not! Very lovely to meet you and family and beautiful Seren, hope to see you again soon now you’re based ‘up north’. Enjoy the rest of your trip, suns due out again tomorrow.
  15. I nearly ended up at Nestishead too Helen, I’m just round the corner at Gays Staithe. Depending on the rain I might come and say hello later, but looks like it’s a bit set in now.
  16. Thanks Helen. Maybe I’ll leave it till there’s more water then. I did ground a narrowboat on the Montgomery canal once and it took a while to ‘unstick’ it! And I didn’t like the grating sound I heard from the prop once on a hire boat when having to move off a wild mooring at low tide.
  17. Me neither. Would love to think I can, but the heart might not stand the increase in rate! Funny enough Helen, I was going to go up there this afternoon as I’ve wanted to try the locks for a while, but thought with the low water level it might be a bit too shallow. Is it ok?
  18. Well done, Bern, Nik and Jean. Hope it was a hotly contested evening. I am looking forward to hopefully being there next week. I have to have an unscheduled visit to the boat next week to get my snapped throttle cable replaced. Very annoying and as is said, BOAT! (Well, maybe not quite that much)!!! Kate
  19. It did Jean, thanks very much for all your wishes. Even the sun shone versus forecast. And Tony and as the oldies won the canoe treasure hunt! Just goes to show that teamwork pays off - he listens and does what he’s told and it all works!!!!!!! Lesson for married life?
  20. Have a good evening all of you. Probably won't be thinking of you at the time! (will be in the midst of welcoming guests to daughter's wedding weekend in the Lakes). Just filled car with all the catering - and I do mean filled, not one more box can fit. Kate
  21. I’ve been wondering where these are for 5 years. I’m sure the sign has been pointing in the wrong direction, into HW yard. So I’ve always just used the yard wc! a family asked me the other day if I knew where they were as they’d also followed the sign into the yard. Maybe I’m wrong and just going daft! Thanks for the info.
  22. Sorry Grendel, after all that quick work from you, I’m going to have to give my apologies. In fact for the next two weeks. Tomorrow driving back from Croy in Scotland having painted the exterior stonework of my son’s house in this fantastic weather this week. (He acted as apprentice this week which was so lovely to see him wanting to get involved at last, at the age of 29!!!!!) And next it’s my daughters wedding up in the Lake District. All my catering is now done and in the freezers, including the cake (sponge) so I’m going to be able to have a more stress free week than I’d anticipated. Have fun as usual all of you tomorrow evening. Kate
  23. You’re right Grendel about fresh yeast giving a better flavour. For a 7g ( of one sachet ) dried yeast recipe, use 15g of the fresh yeast. And as you said, yeast keeps for months in the freezer.
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