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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Ah, never trust Facebook! I think that's always been the case, they only let certain boats suitable for winter (no canopies for example) and have a chat with you just to be sure you know what to expect. Sounds like no change really. If you can raise 50k Jean, Paul would build us a new one! Lovely thought!
  2. I think the Nogs will have to chuck in the towel with the first one JF If it's on the upper Yare we've not been able to get up there much since the demise of Swancraft. Rushcutters was about all I had left. However Mrs Nog is still picking fluff off the spinning looms so we'll have a think about the second one. Strangely the window reminds me of the Fat Cat and Canary
  3. That's a shame Jean. They usually have quite a few boats out. I was having a chat at the yard a while back and they seemed to think it was worth doing. It would be interesting to know the thinking behind it. They can't have every boat out for winter maintenance at the same time. That would mean no official hire in December or January. It was a very sad day when Swancraft stopped hiring. I'll have to redouble my efforts at the lottery!
  4. That's interesting Jean, thanks. I think they did hire but restricted to the Southern rivers. The only yard that I'm aware of which will hire right through winter are Faircraft Loynes. Woods hire apart from December and January. They resolutely won't shift from this, I've tried! Thank goodness for Bridgecraft
  5. Do Ferry hire in March Helen? I see Easter is late next year and the OP wants to go in mid March. Herbert Woods start in February so one of their newer boats could be an option. Having said that we had Freedom of Light in February and were lovely and warm
  6. Simon is right, Roamer is Tuesday or Saturday start. Richardson's wont be flexible but it does look as if their season doesn't start until late March or April. Might be worth giving them a bell just to check. Faircraft Loynes hire all year round but have selected boats available in winter which should be cosier. We've hired one of the Regents in the past during December.
  7. I've hired quite a few Swancraft boats back in the day, including Swan Roamer. As others have mentioned they have good heating, hot water and battery systems. Also please don't be put off with the season, you can get some very good weather in March. There can be a philosophy that the weather suddenly drops off the scale in October and suddenly becomes tropical again in April. We've been out every December and February for the past 11 years and never had a problem. A boat with good draught proofing and a good heating system will be fine. There are some very good suggestions in the thread. Good luck and please let us know how you get on!
  8. We used to go with Swancraft in December before they stopped hiring. Superb boats, with Bryan and Jean on that one. Snug as a bug.
  9. Nope. Must come up eventually though
  10. ...well I've rejected quite a few. I'm still struggling to think of a pub which would have the temerity to serve Humpty Dumpty next to Greene King! I want to get this right now though. Mrs Nog will have finished her 15 hour stint down t' pit shortly so we'll be on the case!!!
  11. Ah, too quick out of the blocks there JF Will have a proper think and if necessary engage Mrs Nog when she gets back from t' mill Just as they come JF, we do like the collage but whatever is easier for you
  12. Bit of an oxymoron Broadland Sunrise and Abbot! Only one pub would sell those side by side I reckon Lord Nelson
  13. No it was a good one, just happens to be one of my favourite pubs, top notch beer
  14. Ah!!!!! We pass the Yare quite regularly but it never seems to be open! I can't recall it having a fire, must make a special effort to get in. Keep them coming JF - need to keep us on our toes
  15. Good guess Trevor but it's an Adnams tied house so they wouldn't normally sell Wolf. I've gone through every pub on the Broads in my mind several times but must admit I'm stumped.
  16. Waters Edge was a wind up but yes, Surlingham Ferry is about all that's left and they do have a fire. ....however looking at it again I don't think it is Surlingham. It is a puzzle this one. Not back at The Bell surely? They do have a fire
  17. Exactly what me and Mrs N thought. I've never known the Ferry sell Wolf but you never know. Do they not have a stove though?
  18. That other one is a killer though. As I say Wolf isn't massively common on the Broads. I think I've seen it in the Ship too but they don't have a fire. It'll probably turn out to be the Waters Edge
  19. I agree, only one pub I can think of with brickwork like that
  20. Hmmmm, not many pubs sell Wolf and have a fire. The pub which sells Wolf probably more than any other is the Dog but it doesn't look right. The Bridge has started selling a guest ale but the fires not right. I'll have a wild guess and say the Beauchamp If not I think we'll have to leave it to Mr ECIPA
  21. I think the wine one is the Loddon Swan
  22. Right hand pic shouts Waveney Oulton Broad........
  23. Enjoying a few sherberts with Mrs Nog in our local so I anticipate the quality of our contributions to deterioate as time goes on Is Lou your middle name Grace petal?
  24. You've done it now JF! Mrs Nog has been at the Play Store And guess what she's got.........
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