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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. I can see a lot of sense in that. I had a conversation with the landlady at The New Inn, Rockland about fishermen. She frequently sees boats coming down the dyke and turning around again as fishermen are taking up the moorings. She has in the past shouted out to the boats to come and moor up, which they are entitled to do. She also said that none of the fishermen use the pub, pay nothing towards the moorings (as Breydon has said) and she got a load of abuse for her pains. I accept there is good and bad in all our society but sadly its been my experience that fisherman are not always the most pleasant folk to deal with.
  2. Sorry but I hope it stays. Try mooring at the likes of Loddon or Rockland in season. They are supposed to shift but never do. There are fishing platforms dotted about but I've yet to see one used.
  3. If the cash point goes, does anyone know where there is another? I've a feeling there might be one on the main road as you head towards the North Station.
  4. From the EDP http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/shop-owner-fury-closure-oulton-broad-spar-1-5709645
  5. Hi Lucy Would you be looking at the Northern Broads or Southern Broads? Would you need water, electric etc or a more basic mooring? If you are not too far away the best approach is to go round the yards in person, this usually yields better results rather than phoning or emailing. You could try speaking to Paul at Swancraft (ad at the side here) although I believe he is full at the moment but its worth asking. I'm sure more knowledgeable members will be able to help. Good luck!
  6. Ah, might be hope then. It would leave Wroxham with no pub at all. The Shed always seemed more popular with the locals.
  7. Different hulls? I think Vaughan has it. Velvet was a Royalls fit out so better quality I suspect.
  8. That's a shame, we went in quite often. Preferred it when they had all the beers though. I wonder why it's closing. It has closed in the past so you never know. They should never have closed the Castle!
  9. Hi Simon, thanks, yes that's pretty much as I remember it. The gas fire used to be where the TV is. We found it very handy but I guess it was down to new gas safety which was a shame. The warm air heating was good in February! The gas oven looks to be a replacement, otherwise much the same which is a testament to Royalls fit out. A very cosy little boat, I'm sure you'll have a great time. Being that bit shorter you can probably nip into spaces other boats wouldn't fit into as well (not that we had a problem in February)! Enjoy!
  10. Hi Simon Good choice I think. I've looked for our photos, didn't realise it was so long ago - we hired Velvet 2 the last February Royall's hired which was in 2009 (time flies). It had just had a new engine fitted, we were the first to take it out. Lovely little boat, cosy but made good use of the space. Sadly I can't find any internals although its probably changed a bit now anyway. It used to have a gas fire (as well as warm air heating) which was very useful although this has probably gone. I believe its a Rhapsody which I guess is some Alpha derivative? Very easy to handle, no problem with solo hire. I really can't remember the air draft, I'm sure its very low, I doubt there's many other boats in hire with much less. I distinctly remember it up at Horsey when nothing else was getting through. I often thought that its a boat I would like to buy if I had the money (ha ha). Do let us know how you get on when the time comes.
  11. Velvet 2 for me. Only hired once from Royalls. Suspect may not be as carefully maintained by BB It's shaft drive, I think 3 is hydraulic I've seen 2 at Horsey when only day boats getting through. Ex P will know best but a reckon it's maybe 6.5 6.6? Probably as good a chance at Potter as anything. I may have a photo of the helm, I'll look later. Just the sort I'd buy if I win the lottery! Had a nice albeit small island berth too.
  12. Alas not JF - on foot in Norwich - what Mrs Nog calls our 'dirty weekend'
  13. Superb Humpty Dumpty Broadland Sunrise on today! Catch one while you can! This really is an excellent pub
  14. Spotted this lovely wherry last night coming down through Bishops Bridge. Wonder if more knowledgeable members would know which it is?
  15. These were the opening hours as of February Apart from the Doombar I do like the place. Seems popular with locals especially as Castle is no more
  16. Looks like river levels have been a bit on the high side today. (photos nicked from BA and BB)
  17. Hate to say it but try Facebook? Won't find me but quite a few folk are. Was an old website called friends United or something similar? Or a professional networking site called LinkedIn. Good luck! Doesn't Charlie live in Sarf End?
  18. Yes, I had heard Langford senior had passed away. Very sad, I agree with Boycee, one of my favourite marques, I just wish I could have bought Swan Royale, still my favourite hire boat, spent many happy weeks aboard.
  19. Hi Neil, no sorry, we will be out but later, around mid December. You are right, we love it in winter. November/December are often milder, if you do get colder weather its usually in January or February particularly. As you probably know from my ramblings on here we have had no issues and cruise and enjoy the empty rivers to the full! Just double duvets for the night, decent heating system (no shore power) by day and we are as snug as bugs. You do get shorter days of course but we feel that's more than compensated by having the place to yourself and being able to moor side on at Ranworth! We always cross Breydon too and (touch wood) have not had any issues. In fact the roughest crossing we've had recently has been in June surprisingly! Go for it and enjoy!!
  20. Sounds good Barry, do please keep us posted. For cherished slides they might do you a good deal and do really good hi res digital versions which should be better than a scanner. Just wondered if Carol is aware, I'm sure she would be interested too!
  21. Might be worth asking VI about those too Barry. Could be better quality than a scanner and shouldn't cost an arm and a leg Carol rates them highly
  22. Just catching up, really sorry to hear about your accident. We can empathise, Mrs N broke her ankle in Wroxham while on holiday a couple of years ago. They did a great job at the N and N and she made a full recovery and was soon up and about again. I'm sure you'll be fine. Will be thinking of you.
  23. Hi Barry I believe that Carol uses a firm called Video Impact (I think) in Loddon. They can digitise 16mm and could probably do your slides too. If you don't have many it could be cheaper than buying a scanner. The cheaper scanners don't magnify so the results can be a bit grainy. I use a Nikon Coolscan, it's an old model but gives excellent hi res results.
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