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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Presumably if its a non tidal river, it must be above a Lock???? Could Vaughan be on the money??
  2. It doesn't look like any of the navigable bits, I'm wondering if its one of the 'hidden' broads. looks too big for Cockshoot, could it be Hoveton Great Broad????
  3. This is it. It says Mardi Gras "Horning" It never seemed to move or be cleaned or used. Such a shame. I wonder what the story is/was behind it. I assume it must have been tolled? I dream of owning my own boat and its such a shame to see them un-loved and un-used.
  4. Thanks for the very helpful advice, Matt, Sue and JF - much appreciated I was particularly interested in how the spare weeks system operates
  5. .......one thing that puzzles me is that if weeks are 'unclaimed' say in November or January for example, can another shareholder take them over and if so is it a freebie or do they have to compensate the 'winning' shareholder for taking their week??
  6. Matt, many thanks for that, the fixed weeks idea is more tempting certainly, we tend to go more mid December although the June week would be perfect. The air draft could be an issue unfortunately, particularly in winter, my 'ideal' boat would be a smaller Alpha hull, when the lottery comes up I'd probably go for a Swan Reflection style. Another factor is that we don't drive so need some certainty to book train tickets in advance. I have however had a PM from a kindly member which is much appreciated
  7. I appreciate that JF but they are not obloiged to swap and I bet if someone got December in the draw and refused to swap I'd be up the creek. We could ideally do with a syndicate with someone who had kids and was tied to school holidays which is the times I wouldn't want to go!!
  8. It's all very tempting but I just wish syndicates didn't have to do the draw system. I'd go for it like a shot if fixed weeks were available.
  9. This could be the answer Not too sure what Carol would say though
  10. NorfolkNog


    Interesting thread, yes, the big yards give more choice and can be competitive price wise. For me though, the main drawback is that they are not very flexible, for example hiring out of season. Why would they want to? I think that this is one of the many reasons that Swancraft and Bridgecraft, do, and did, provide such an excellent service. Personal opinion of course ,
  11. Ha, ha thanks JF - ah, shrewd move to do the same pub twice but, 6 - 0 to the Nogs I think Hope you have a great holiday for the rest of it and look forward to more tales and piccies and input from the lovely Sussex Belle too!
  12. I'm beginning to think that JF could be doing a crafty here. I can't be sure but number 1 looks very like the Lion inside although the pub has already featured in the same quiz So come on JF, are you trying to lead me and Mrs N up the garden path?
  13. it used to block 'bitch' as Bitch in the Ditch used to alter it to wallflower or something so the American bit does sound right (doesn't do it now though )
  14. Can only think of 3 that match that criteria Charlie and I thought 2 were closed, but I'm probably wrong. Me and Mrs Nog are closeted in a darkened room..........
  15. Number 3 is the Lion at Thurne (good one JF) Me and Mrs Nog got our thinking caps on for number 1.............
  16. Ha!! Number 2 is the Ram Having a think about the others......... Meanwhile Mrs Nog...............
  17. We do that frequently, excellent train service, love Cromer. I suppose GY is a bit Marmite, each to their own!!
  18. It's possible certainly although you might be better mooring at Stracey Arms and getting a cab as you would then be on the right side of the river for the main road.
  19. Hi John The advice about low tide is basically to ensure that you have clearance under the bridges. However if you moor at the yacht station this isn't an issue as its before the bridges. If you moor there around low tide, it runs quite fast, you would be better to go through the bridges, turn and come back against the tide. The only place to moor at GY is the yacht station, the old Marina Quays in not safe. There are buses or the train. You could catch a bus or train from Acle although the village is quite a walk from the river. PS agree with others, bus or train good idea - even a cab if your feeling a bit flush although it shouldn't be a fortune.
  20. .........not yet JF, not yet.........I want to say Swan at Loddon but there again I don't want to be wrong
  21. Ha ha, she sits all day and files her nails and twizzles her hair Seriously through, number one is the White Horse at Chedgrave, Mulling over 2, will be back shortly
  22. Bet Grace wouldn't complain
  23. Not me of course but that's looks like the New Inn at Rockland Mr Fire sir Good to see you back
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