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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Grendel is right, the heater takes more current on start up but once running I think its pretty much just the fan. I can only speak for my experience with hire boats (quite extensive in winter). I think yards are a bit over cautious with this engine running bit. I think they just want to avoid being called out! I can't see that there should be a problem but it will depend of course on your batteries, type of alternator etc but given the running you do, there shouldn't be a problem I would have thought. We have had the heating running for several hours on occasions without the engine and not had any issues. PS - sorry just seen the other replies, yes another leisure battery sounds like a good plan!
  2. I have to ask, do you spend much time at the baa?
  3. I don't think I've ever failed to get a refund. But anecdotal evidence suggests many folks pay a surcharge too. I think the yards probably have it about right. I think most of us on here are pretty savvy and understand about tides etc. However it's amazing how many people come through Yarmouth for example and plough up the Bure on full throttle against the tide. That's what guzzles the fuel IMHO
  4. That's true JM although I suspect it wont be on a huge scale. I don't think the Pedro's operation on the old Horizon site has had much impact. Looking again at the site there are a couple of outbuildings between the shop and the bridge but even so there doesn't look to be huge amount of space. It would be interesting to see a site plan.
  5. Interesting read JM. It looks as if they are keeping their options open, subject to the views of the working group and no doubt any architects proposals. I would be interested to know the extent of the site - certainly the existing building and forecourt occupy a fairly small footprint so even if they acquire the toilet block too, its not a massive site, or am I missing something? The main nearby business would be the Bridge Inn but I can't see the proposals making much of dent on their business - the Bridge is busy all year round and I don't think a seasonal type café operation will impact too much. Watch this space as they say.
  6. Sorry to hear about the weather, does sound a bit rough! As you say the tide should be ebbing now. Stay safe!
  7. I really wouldn't worry M. You saw a problem and posted about it. Seems quite logical to me. I don't know this gentleman or anything about him but he certainly seems to court controversy. I think you've just been unwittingly caught in the middle. Take a leaf out of Grace's book and pour a glass of wine
  8. Yes, most hire boats have 4 ropes, Swancraft certainly did. With Bridgecraft I ask for an extra which they are happy to supply. Just to reply to Mariner - bit hard to see from your photo but basically the 2 ropes on the port side stop front and back movement (they look a bit slack in the photo). The ropes on the starboard side basically keep the boat tucked into the bank. Springs are most effective and once set can be left quite happily. The post spacing and proximity of other boats can mean that a bit of compromise is needed but I think if the port ones are tight then the boat shouldn't be going anywhere! Oh PS and don't worry about asking for advice!! We've all been there, got the T shirt!!!!
  9. ...should add the tide runs fast at St Olaves so there will be some tension on the ropes which will reverse when the tide turns. As long as the ropes are secure, they will happily accommodate the rise and fall of the tide and there will be minimal movement forwards or backwards. Once set there shouldn't be any need to adjust your ropes. Hope this helps! PS low tide should have been around 7.30 (pm) so it should be on the rise now.
  10. Assuming that you are side on and have your springs set as in the sketch (sorry its a bit rough) you should be fine.
  11. Sums up why I have never used Facebook and never will!
  12. Isn't there a guy called Dave who runs the Marina? I'd have thought he would re-secure the boat or at least know who the owner is. As JM says though, remember the boy scout training! Good knots are key. A worry though if the owner is a long way off.
  13. Does it say where it is M? Looks like private moorings in which case someone may be in attendance?? Not a mooring I recognise.
  14. Grace and a pint of Ghost Ship what more could a man want.............. Two pints of Ghost Ship Crikey, better be careful, I keep forgetting Mrs Nog is looking in now!!!!!!!!
  15. Great video but yes, that engine is very noisy! Again, like Simon, maybe the batteries are a bit dodgy. I wonder if the Maltsters use Brakes fare which might explain it, as Robin mentioned pubs like the Bridge do set the standard.
  16. Love keeping up with your travels Simon. Glad you liked the Ferry House, it is a cracking pub. I'm also salivating! Agree with Liz though, keep the heating going if you can or even better stay in the Ferry! They don't boot you out early like some I could mention!! Enjoy
  17. I've frequently moored side on at Ranworth !! But that is of course in the winter when we've been the only boat there and I would have course moved to stern on if there had been a rush on....... Whatever the rights and wrongs I think it does show a lack of consideration but then possibly the Summercraft crew had never been on the Broads before? I don't think there is a notice to say stern on only but normally in season the moorings are packed. Simon mentioned it was very quiet on his thread so this could be the case generally at the moment. You still can't beat December!
  18. Bit unfortunate about the handover. Apart from the fish barrier fiasco, I've always found Wood's staff very good. We only go with them in February though when it's quieter. What we do is find the boat first and dump our bags. Mrs Nog then heads off to Larth-arms while I go to reception and pick up the paperwork. Then head off to the A section office, pick up the life jackets. Our hand over is usually just the basics as they are usually aware we've been before and know what we are doing (ha, ha). Then they just leave us the keys, I go for a burger, drag Mrs Nog out of Larth-arms and off we go. The staff sometimes say to ask if we need any help but I've always taken us out of the basin unaided. I can't recall any lectures about running the engine etc (which I would ignore anyway). I wonder if they are a bit more laid back out of season and have to go through the motions in the main season? I think on the whole they are a good yard and were very helpful with us when Mrs Nog broke her ankle.
  19. Good grief Simon, we get that in December! Hope it's as quiet in a couple of weeks but I'm not holding my breath. Looks like you have springs on there which I find keeps the boat nicely tucked in during rough weather. I agree about the Lord Nelson, it's OK and often has Humpty Dumpty on but doesn't feel very 'pubby' The Ship is more popular with the locals I think and feels a bit more like a proper pub. Really enjoying your tale. Might be worth mentioning that battery though! Swancraft used to have double battery banks although we never needed to switch the 'reserve' over. ,
  20. ........plus we can bring Grace along to carry the drinks
  21. I can think of no better companion JF Wait till those numbers come up.....
  22. Shame about the Wherry Hotel Simon. I've never tried the carvery but it always seems popular. Odd about the heating, the battery takes a hit in the first few minutes but when it's warmed up the current draw is much less. In winter I usually flick the heating on first thing in the morning before we set off and never had a problem. Might be worth mentioning to the yard and as 40s says. Looking forward to the next installment
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