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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Griff, when your mate gets back from wherever he's been, we are all in dead trouble!
  2. I've found it a bit on the slow side recently Pops but put it down to the string and tins t'internet we have up here in the land of t'whippets and flat caps (and Sir Geoffrey}
  3. I'm dreading to think what LR will think when he comes back...
  4. Brilliant Jean And subtley back on topic too! Classic move
  5. ......I've posted Grace's picture before but for anyone's who missed it........... (Sorry for the topic drift) no change there then.....
  6. Solid choice IMHO Small Alphacraft very cosy. Bow thrusters. Newer version of Freedom of Light which we hire in February. You'll be snug as a bug
  7. NorfolkNog

    Stern Only

    That's what worries me!
  8. NorfolkNog

    Stern Only

    Hopefully Bridgecraft again, Neil, very helpful folk, watch this space!!!
  9. Another absolutely fascinating film, many thanks to Carol for sharing. I was particularly interested in the shots of the river front at Norwich, how that's changed today! I haven't seen Regal Lady before which I assume was a pleasure boat? Some good shots of flappy things too! Cracking stuff
  10. NorfolkNog

    Stern Only

    I was going to say you haven't met us then Andrew but wait a minute, you have!! Seriously though there may be something in that. In the many years we've been out in winter I really can't recall having any problems with other boaters. Odd brush with a fisherman but even they are thinner on the ground and there's plenty of mooring space anyway. Of course there are fewer people out, I suppose statistically there will be less problems. But that is why we love it so much, particularly in December. Its utterly stress free. I take Neil's point about Loddon. Actually we do the same and moor stern on. Several reasons, habit and the rise and fall is greater. As we usually are on an Alphacraft of some description there is a large area of deck over the gas locker which is handy for Mrs Nog to step down on particularly when she's had a glass of sherry Also you don't know what is likely to come down the Chet. Its a sheltered spot so I don't bother with the mud weight particularly for a DTS. I take Alan's point too, I can't say I've actually seen that barge around in summer, so its not actually causing a problem as such. I'm still not going to argue with it though!
  11. Hi JA We sent ours in but before we saw the revised email address. Hope there're OK but please let us know if not!!!
  12. NorfolkNog

    Stern Only

    I think that big steel boat does make it look worse. It is one of what I call the winter itinerants. I remember it was there in February and I've seen it at other times too. There are a number of boats which 'come out of the woodwork' in winter usually huddled around the electric posts at various 24 hr moorings (which doesn't bother me because I don't use them). However I frequently moor side on at Ranworth, usually because I am the only boat there! Especially in December. You can get a feel for what's about, we frequently never see another boat moving all day in winter so you know there wont be much about. Also I would normally be just over the road in the Maltsters (unless I've walked up to the Ship) so would readily move if needed. Having said all that, I agree that one should not hog the moorings by mooring side on unless you can be reasonably certain that no one else is likely to need them! Ranworth is probably the most popular mooring on the Broads so I can understand the concerns. Its like everything else, its down to consideration and being reasonable.
  13. She's not back from the bleach factory yet JF................ ....
  14. Yep, they've been doing this for a while. We're getting 20 per cent off in February. It's a good deal. Just a shame they won't do December!
  15. Each to their own of course but it does make you wonder! Must have deep pockets too!!!
  16. Oooerrr, more of a process of elimination, I know its one pub I haven't visited and I think I would have remembered. I knew it wasn't the Buck as I've been in there - flagged floor from memory. Aw, sorry your holiday has to come to an end we've very much enjoyed your holiday tales and of course a little pub quiz and banter too
  17. Afraid we're struggling again JF. I think if I'd seen that carpet I would have remembered. I'll go for a pub I've never been in - the Town House
  18. Oh no, nothing against them JF, some of the guest beers are OK but not so keen on Greene King and Doombar! What's this San Miguel stuff?
  19. Carpet looks a bit lurid, would do credit to a Wetherspoons! Not impressed with the beer! Mrs Nog has returned from 't mill
  20. Should be, I think it just takes a bit longer to warm up. If Swancraft built it, it will be right!!!
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