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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. 2p for what it's worth I stopped in 2006 and Mrs Nog has smoked on and off but given up again recently. People close to me have suffered through smoking. But, we all know the risks. But if folks want to smoke I don't have a problem in the slightest. I repair old radios too and you should see the insides of some of them! I certainly don't agree with folks being ouscticsed because they smoke.
  2. Hired several when they were with Swancraft Excellent boats
  3. No obvious rights or wrongs I don't think. Its always best to pass behind another vessel where possible. My approach is to throttle back and wait if I'm in any doubt. Possibly a case of rushing and a bit of impatience maybe? Its a shame some folks don't seem to appreciate that its supposed to be a relaxing holiday without getting involved in river rage!! Another advantage of winter cruising!
  4. The water is on at Reedham all year round but they remove the hoses in winter. We carry a short length of pipe but have used a bucket in the past! Brooms should have water. I'm pretty sure WRC turn theirs off in winter. I think Oulton Broad is on the pontoon only.
  5. Just reading this again it's a bit ambiguous (my post that is) We had booked with HW early for February, I think we booked in the previous summer They then advertised a discount, maybe the first year they did the winter discount. I spoke to a lady who was quite sniffy (maybe the same one who was decidedly unhelpful when we got stuck with the fish barrier). She said we couldn't have the discount and likened it to a shop having a sale. But now it is a regular feature we take advantage every year. I think I am trying to suggest there is a a difference between established well publicised discounts and those that appear at the last minute. Phew.
  6. Been there a few years back. Wouldn't entertain it. Which is why I can understand the gripes about arbitrary discounts. But stil stick to my point about established discounts
  7. Fair comment although Herbert Woods do offer early booking and early payment discounts which is a permanent feature of their pricing policy. Regarding Vaughan's comments, a yard must cover it's costs or it will go bust eventually. I guess they must try to balance pricing against customer expectations and demand. It must be a tricky thing to achieve with a bit of crystal ball thrown in for good measure!
  8. I'm not a rugby fan by any means but this is a real shot in the arm for pubs particularly after that dry January nonsense. I belive it's on terrestial TV too so all our Broads pubs could benefit not just the handful with Sky.
  9. I think it was Robin Godber who said discounting is death. Having said that I get a hefty winter discount of 20% from HW in February plus loyalty discount plus early booking discount plus early payment discount = more beer money! Forgot to add - this is clearly advertised in their brochure so maybe not quite the same as 'pop up' discounts.
  10. If you look at the boats it's mostly their older ones they seem to be offering.
  11. Using a projector and photographing the screen works surprisingly well. The camera attachment looks good too. I also use one of these, a Nikon Coolscan. It's an old model which can be picked up cheaply but gives very good results. You do need some sort of magnification otherwise the pictures will be very grainy. The ones to avoid IMHO are the small box type scanners which scan the slide direct.
  12. Indeed! and a very warm welcome too!
  13. Drat! Steam driven Internet here in flat cap land Could a kindly mod oblige please
  14. Drift off topic on this forum? I thought it was obligatory BTW love the new aviator Mr Fire sir.
  15. Ah, I did wonder, since Swancraft stopped hiring we've been a bit light on the upper Yare, might try getting up there next month for a spot of revision
  16. Did you hire one of the Melodys once or have I lost the plot (don't answer that)
  17. Oooo, er, not ringing any immediate bells, have to ponder on that one JF BTW I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the box but why is Lynsey called Hazel???
  18. That is a decent hike. I've done Surlingham Ferry to Coldham Hall (and vice versa) a few times but Rockland as well, respect sir. Coldham Hall is a bit prone to closing but I've yet to find the Ferry closed (when they are supposed to be open of course) PS - you didn't visit the New Inn as well??
  19. Got to agree, the higher the aerial can be positioned, the better. Mrs N and I very rarely watch TV, usually the aerial is stowed away and there it stays. However a few years ago we hired this one with a very simple but effective telescopic pole. It simply fitted into a socket on the deck and extended well above the height of the boat. The aerial looks to be the Yagi type which Nigel recommended. I do recall reception was superb, probably the best we have achieved the few times we've used a TV. I don't suppose this arrangement would present any problems as a DIY job. Should be fairly cheap too!
  20. Looks a nice boat for the money, even I could just about afford that! I reckon you would have a fighting chance of getting under Potter too, bet it's only about six foot three air draught Worth a thought
  21. Swancraft at Brundall, with respect, are extremely helpful and knowledgeable but to be fair there has been some confusion with the Thames based company of the same name. So understandably they wouldn't have any knowledge of the boats history. Probably stating the obvious but I thought I should just point that out!! EDIT - sorry crossed over here! Just seen your last post. If it wasn't Swancraft at Brundall, apologies. I'm not aware there is any connection.
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