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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. I'm no expert, however I suspect the costs would start to stack up particularly if you have the work done by a yard. If you are able to do it yourself it would be much less. Problem with leaks is that there can be more damage than is immediately visible. Always worth getting a boat checked professionally if you are in any doubt. As I mentioned earlier good boats tend to be sold almost before they hit the shelves so to speak. I think it is worth taking time and waiting for the right boat to come along. It will be out there, just make sure you are on the spot when it comes up! Fingers crossed for you and please continue to keep us posted. Good luck!
  2. Yep, Bridgecraft took over the Anchorcraft operation. The Harmony bit ties in. I think brochures often use library photos as has been mentioned. Barnes Brinkcraft is a red herring I think, not renowned for being helpful either (allegedly)
  3. Most of the ones on Craig's site are "H" One "K" which is still on the Broads and one "L" which left in 2007 I've a vague recollection the one we hired was via Blakes but could be wrong.
  4. I can't see any boats listed as 'Harmony' on Craig's site which are listed as Falcons. I'm not sure how many Easticks built, I don't think it was many. It would be interesting to find out more. I don't suppose you have the Broads registration number as well as the Thames one?
  5. Hi Mark Welcome to the Forum. Good boats tend to be snapped up very quickly. For example Swancraft had a beautiful Alpha 35 for sale. I don't think it was even advertised. It was snapped up in a matter of days. I'm not sure if you are local. If possible you could try doing some footwork and asking around the yards and make local enquiries. The end of season is probably the ideal time but I'm sure you'll find something. It can be a case of waiting though. Good luck and do please keep us posted!
  6. I hired a Falcon from Easticks in the summer of 1976. Can't remember much about it I'm afraid other than it had hydraulic drive. It didn't strike me as being brand new and nothing was mentioned. So possibly it was built in 1975? The main thing that sticks in my mind is that the yard were not the most friendly the Broads. We didn't go back. I may have taken some photos but they will sadly be with the previous Mrs Nog. Sorry I can't be more helpful, I'm sure there will be someone out there with more info.
  7. Cheap skates  Seriously though, why did Faircraft Loynes off load them?
  8. Thanks Nigel, that's very helpful. I did a bit of Googling and came across this site which is an interesting read and full of information. The guy certainly doesn't pull his punches in some of the comments but certainly knows his aerials! Nigel's comments are far more succinct but if you have plenty of time to spare it's worth a read. Basically says exactly what Nigel said but a bit more long winded! http://www.aerialsandtv.com/touringaerials.html
  9. Interesting looking at those, certainly aimed at the more luxurious end of the market. There does seem to be a pattern with the new Richardsons offering, the Broom ones, Herbert Woods and the way Faircraft Loynes have been going too. Expanding upwards certainly seems to be the trend, possibly to create more space. They are very nice of course but give me an Alphacraft any day which gets under (almost) all the bridges.
  10. Help! Mrs Nog is in the Clark's shop trying on THREE pairs of shoes!
  11. Have a good one JF Full report hopefully
  12. The trick is not to get trapped behind it!!
  13. Another aspect of JF's blog has been to highlight just how magical the rivers are in winter. Its just so peaceful and the rivers are all yours. I do hope it might inspire others to venture out too. Not too many mind! Apparently Herbert Woods had quite a few enquiries about December. I suggested to the very nice lady on reception that she might have a word with the powers that be. you never know, we might see a change of policy there!
  14. That's right Jean, nothing to fear. Just head across the Broad, there is a slight dog leg to the right and look out for the Wherry Hotel in front of you. Just head straight for it and you can't go wrong. Yacht Station is on the right at the head of the Broad. Well worth a visit and a quick train ride to Lowestoft or Beccles as well.
  15. Excellent stuff, hope to be up there next month, must remember to
  16. Yippee!! Guess what's just dropped on the mat. Many thanks to Aunty Pat for the express postage and to all concerned for another excellent publication. I like the new landscape format too with plenty of room to make a note of Mrs Nog's birthday underneath................ Many thanks!
  17. I feel comforted that someone with Vaughan's experience is thinking along the same lines! I suspect that if you have the flexibility then this does make a syndicate a more attractive proposition. I think its very much down to personal circumstance in the long run.
  18. A very interesting thread indeed and Griff's points are well made. Clearly a base line for running a boat is around the 3k mark (depending on where you moor of course). The rest is basically what the owner(s) are prepared or able to do. Many owners get real pleasure and satisfaction about being hands on with maintenance and upgrades, which is fine. Others prefer to sit back and let others do it but of course this is when the costs start to mount up. Personally my Broads time is limited by a) my wallet and b) the time Mrs Nog can get off work. We don't drive so flitting down for a weekend or at short notice is a no no. Having read this thread through again, I've come to the conclusion we (personally) are better off hiring for the time being. There's no worries about the boat - like grandchildren, you can just hand them back. We like 10 day breaks if we can manage it particularly in winter which could be awkward in a syndicate. And I'd hate to have to base my holidays on the luck of the draw. Also in winter hire costs are at their lowest so we get a good deal there. I think unless Swan Reflection 2 comes up for sale or those little numbers come up, we'll stay as we are!
  19. .......watch the Flying Dutchman though
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