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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. I think you might need to add routine servicing, gas, possible costs arising from a break down call out and maybe a repair fund for major renewals which may occur in the future. The basic costs look very similar to Paul's calculation when I asked him a while back.
  2. The more I think about it, the smaller group seems the way to go. I believe Griff's 'group' includes family members and long standing friends. Even if four or 5 folk got together, self managed running costs wouldn't be excessive surely. I reckon that I spend about 2.5k annually for the equivalent of around 4 weeks hire. That would be 10 - 12k which would surely go a long way to covering operational costs. Plus a smaller group would have the potential to be more flexible and even come to an arrangement where members could be guaranteed 'cherished' holiday times or school holidays for example. I can think of one Broads loving couple who I could happily share with but have the advantage of knowing them well!!
  3. Lovely thought Jean Everyone has their price of course but personally I'd get Paul to build us a new one It would be our ideal, cosy, compact but not too small. Perfect for winter particularly with Swancraft heating and battery systems. Problem is you would be looking 100k plus but as Griff says with a small group it could be achievable. That or the lottery......
  4. That's what I would go for if I could raise the capital. It would be people you would have to know and trust and be committed. Couple of school teachers would be ideal for me or people who hate the cold! You do have the advantage of considerable technical skill to maintain BA but I think it is a very viable and attractive option.
  5. Positively tropical in March Jean!
  6. Doh! Still hung over (well that's my excuse) Thanks JA I'll hit the button quick!
  7. I know I'm a bit late with this but can I ask if there any calendars left? I didn't order one in December as we were away and I didn't want to have to trail over to the sorting office to collect it! The calendar order button is still there but I just wanted to double check before trying to order one. Any info much appreciated.
  8. ....oh no, not Rocking Rudolph Worst beer in the world....possibly.....
  9. The AF 38 is a nice boat indeed but personally I'd rather see more smaller syndicate boats. I'm also not keen on the draw/week in each season approach many syndicates seem to adopt. Just my humble opinion of course
  10. Ha ha, yes Mrs Nog does radiate a bit of heat The heating on Humber Bridge is pretty good and with double duvets we were very snug. Also we took advantage of the fires in the pubs, well it would have been rude not to!!!
  11. Yep, always like a good holiday tale. We were out that week but thought it was quite mild for the time of year, certainly no issues on that front. More concerned with the extremes of tide!
  12. Aw, hope Andrew is feeling better soon. If you speak to him again Vaughan, can you pass on best wishes from the Nogs please.
  13. Now here's a first Mrs Nog has returned from holiday having bought a mere 2 pairs of shoes! Mind you she ordered another 2 pairs from eBay Mrs Nog claims a lady can never have enough shoes
  14. We were on the pontoon at OBYS on Saturday night. Probably just as well. OB didn't seem too bad but boats were high and dry on the private moorings at the top of Oulton Dyke. We moored at Somerleyton Sunday lunchtime but I think we were within a whisker of the bottom!
  15. Be interesting to try new pubs JF Wonder if Mrs N would be up for the challenge
  16. Me and Mrs Nog think 2 is the Lord Nelson
  17. Agree with Grendel Reckon 3 Dukes Head
  18. Will have another think JF sir
  19. Done that walk a time or 2 Did you set all the local dogs barking?
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