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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Clearing a bit and sun just starting to peek through. Not safe to navigate yet but Mrs Nog very optimistic (she just wants to look at the tat in Beccles and quaff a few gins in the Caxton Club) 😀
  2. Ah, juke box on full blast and young clientele. Not adverse to a bit of music but as I say could have been Prince of Wales Road. Green Jack was on good form and it did calm down later on.
  3. That's interesting. We went in last year and it was fairly quiet but absolutely banging on Sunday night.
  4. Thanks Jean we were hoping to head for Oulton Broad today. Still time if fog clears, if not, Plan B on the train. Ship is tempting but.......
  5. Looks like we will be spending the day in the Ship
  6. Has the New Inn changed hands Mr Smoggy sir? Agree about the stout
  7. Now there's a thing. Went in Swan, no Humpty Dumpty, only Wolf and Wherry. Called in the Angel. Very impressed. Good gin menu for Mrs Nog and Winter's on gravity for me. So needless to say we dropped anchor there. So lovely and warm we sat outside
  8. Nice and quiet in Reedham too although I suspect it won't be as quiet when we get back up North
  9. You were right in the end, just got way laid at Coldham Hall
  10. It was like Prince of Wales Road on a Friday night. Has it changed hands?
  11. Looking forward to a half of shandy in the Swan
  12. Loddon full of fishermen as per the norm but just squeezed in at the end
  13. Not so quiet in the pub last night though
  14. Quiet and peaceful at Rockland this morning. Just the way we like it
  15. Yep, you can moor at Swancraft but always ring Paul first. Lovely spot to moor. We hired from them for many years.
  16. Close, but no cigar 😀
  17. Every table reserved in Ferry so outside. Quite pleasant actually
  18. Nice ride up to Thorpe Green and back under Postwick Viaduct Rowing boats and canoes everywhere
  19. Very pleasant overnight stop at Swancraft and a Norfolk Nog in the White Heron
  20. Reedham - quiet and peaceful - just the way we like it (apart from the gin palace that blasted by earlier)
  21. Lovely morning on Breydon Water Not seen another boat moving all day
  22. Safely through Great Yarmouth lovely day too
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