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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. It was busy a couple of weeks ago Jean, think Ferry had an offer on.
  2. Must agree, Swancraft really did set the bar for hire craft quality. Not only in external appearance but also what you didn't see. For example they used double battery banks with top quality batteries. I doubt if that's the case today. I am reliably informed that at least one major yard uses the cheapest batteries, which may account for hirers running engines at all hours And yes, the names on the Richardsons boats are on the back only and look to be a bit faint so quite hard to spot.
  3. Many thanks for the advice folks Yes, tried the YouTube option but seemed to be 30 day trial? Will try signing in too. Downloaded the 4k and that seems to work a treat and very simple to use (needs to be for me) Also downloaded the Handbrake program successfully but havn't had chance to try it yet. There seems to be all manner of programs if you Google them but I am wary about downloading them without a reccomendation hence your advice is much appreciated!
  4. The ex Silverline fleet has been getting the Richardsons makeover (photo courtesy Sally Ann Bennett)
  5. I wonder if any of you technical experts can help? I took a number of time lapse videos on our recent trip. However the camcorder has stored them as MOV MTS files and I cannot get them to play on either my computer or tablet (Windows/Android). Is there a way of converting them to say MP4 format? Also I used to use a free YouTube downloader program but it appears that this is no longer supported. Is there a similar program out there which can download and store YouTube videos? Any help would be gratefully received!
  6. Thanks HG, bet you're looking forward to it!! Please keep us posted when you do!
  7. Well that went all too quickly. Really grateful to Bridgecraft for looking after us, nothing is too much trouble, flexible and accommodating. Highly recommended.
  8. Stunning sunset at Thurne Back tomorrow
  9. Hi Andrew thanks, it was annoying but to be honest if that's the worst part of the holiday I can live with that. Trouble is the yards tell you to run the engine 4 hours a day and if you are sitting on a mooring fishing you are not getting the hours in. I think a lot of folk run the engine to heat water. I think it warms up quicker under load so me and Mrs Nog shower on the move which saves valuable time and doesn't annoy everyone else. Could have been one of those ex Connoisseur boats, get behind one of those with the engine running and you really do know about it!!!
  10. Yes, wouldn't disagree Jean. Used to be over the road if memory serves. Lovely sunny day though
  11. Well stocked brewery shop
  12. I think there might be a Nog in the offing
  13. Mrs Nog is already on the case M!! Next year most half terms are 12th to 16th but a few are a week later. Depends on the local authority. So we'll ain to avoid that earlier week!!!
  14. Thanks Jean, I'm looking forward to some Norfolk Nog later in the Fur and Feather
  15. They are red hot about naming names on here M so I'm saying nuffinck! But yes, Richardsons. They are everywhere and most seem to be fishing. I think they must have had an offer on too. They have only starting hiring in February for the last year or two. It used to be quiet and peaceful, not now!
  16. Hi Andrew, nope engine still going at 11.30 Fortunately after a couple of shandies in the Swan me and Mrs Nog got to sleep. Mental note to one self - avoid half term week Mind you we ll get our own back - I'm setting off as soon as it's light and I won't be doing it quietly oid half term week next
  17. Boat in front been running the engine so we've retired to the pub. Well after 8pm grrrrr...
  18. Two boats spread out over almost the entire length of Horning Staithe. Fishing both sides. Grrrrr. Just managed to squeeze in at the end with inches to spare. Grrrr
  19. Yes if below freezing temperatures are forecast best not to moor at the likes of Ranworth and Womack
  20. Not bad clearance for the time of year
  21. Nuffinck. If I'd had the materials I'd have stuck a warning sign up myself
  22. Went in Faircraft Loynes yard but no spaces. The yard staff there are really friendly and helpful but couldn't find us a spot. Tis a bit breezy this morning too
  23. Loads of room at Horning this morning
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