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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Yes, Reedham looking good. We've got our hose so might get some water if we can thaw out the taps (been there, got the T shirt)
  2. Shop open 10 til 4 except Monday
  3. Hi folks In the Ferry at Stokesby Weather not great but nothing we can't handle. Coldest December I can recall since 2010
  4. Pub open, not sure about shop. Pub seems much the same, think they closed to refit the kitchen but could be wrong.
  5. It's snowing! Good job the fire is on!
  6. Surprisingly it was still light at 4 o'clock today, the photo looks darker than it actually was
  7. Thanks Jean, it is cold but heating working well on the boat and warm in the pub No issues so far, touch wood!
  8. Oh dear, seem to have inadvertently stumbled upon a pub
  9. Ranworth Dyke was clear but frozen on Malthouse Broad. They were busy dredging though!
  10. Might be some trains tomorrow, working on Plan B It's a lovely day
  11. Cockshoot frozen halfway down, side dykes frozen. Oulton Broad a no no
  12. Spoke to the lovely chaps at OBYS Oulton Broad frozen solid and no chance of thawing tomorrow. So no Caxton Club.... unless......
  13. .... BTW the ice is on the inside Might scrape it off for Mrs Nog's gin
  14. I'll try to do more photos M And you are right, keep where the tidal flow is. Tad frosty this morning but the river is fine
  15. Thanks Jean Just switched the heating on now. It's been firing up all week without the need to run the engine so very pleased. Also Mrs Nog has very warm feet. Number one priority today is to avoid icey areas so pretty much main river today. Hope to go through Yarmouth tomorrow weather permitting of course
  16. Warm welcome in the Swan and didn't get booted out early either. Mrs Nog continued on the gin trail so a very enjoyable evening all round
  17. Endorse Griff comments about not going through ice. We are hopefully being very careful and sticking to the main rivers. Problem is when you get sustained cold weather, that's when the ice builds up. I'm thinking back to 2010 when we had a prolonged cold spell. The beast from the east was bad but didn't go on for such a sustained period. Will see how we go tomorrow!
  18. Thanks Liz!! Mrs Nog very happy Apart from the fact we are getting booted out after this one Swan here we come
  19. Quite a bit of ice around as we speak. Many side dykes affected ditto Salhouse and I guess usual suspects Ranworth Wonack etc. Need to be careful out there at the mo!!
  20. Mrs Nog duly informed. She's like a donkey to strawberries with gin so watch this space And yes, I was amazed to find beer of that quality. It would be rude not to have another wouldn't it?
  21. Hi Liz went to Cromer yesterday but yes, no trains today. Back in Horning and amazingly the Ferry is open and even more amazingly its got 3 Blind Mice Juice Rocket on, good form too. Just waiting for the inevitable announcement that they are closing early. Then back to the dreaded Gloombar
  22. Unfortunately closing early seems to be the name of the game these days Thanks but escaped Faircraft Loynes at lunchtime and didn't want to get frozen in tonight so we re located to Horning as the tidal flow should stop any freezing (hopefully)
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