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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Thanks, very pleasant lunchtime in the Fur and Feather with a drop of Norfolk Nog Currently at Ranworth anchored in the Maltsters
  2. Sounds a good plan to me Helen Be careful down the Bure near the bridges as you'll be running free and the tide will be fast But your new engine will make short work of the tide even if it's a bit before the flood For what it's worth (not much) that is exactly what I would do Good luck!!!!
  3. Let us know how the Breydon trip goes please Helen Bit damp and breezy this end
  4. Have you got bow thrusters Helen? Try mooring at Surlingham Ferry? Think they have electric points
  5. It is a nice little spot. Very pleasant walk to the White Horse too!
  6. Fingers crossed for you Helen If your crossing is as smooth as the one we had on Sunday you'll be fine. Have a good one!!
  7. Humber bridge the same. Just have 2 ropes running on same cleat
  8. Hi Helen Were they fishing at Neatishead? Might get up there in the next day or so
  9. Mrs Nog asked the same the other day Not a clue but it stops forward and backward movement and as the ropes are quite long they can flex up and down with the tide How often do you see boats moored with about a foot of rope from the cleat to the nearest post?
  10. ..... also used in tidal areas like Reedham Once set you shouldn't need to adjust the ropes
  11. Very crude diagram in the pub but hopefully gives the idea
  12. Shop pert of the pub so probably closed too. Real struggle mooring here but plus side being blown off bank is a comfortable mooring. Mind you, after a few double gins Mrs Nog will be sleeping soundly particularly if I'm paying Hope you get a good night's sleep though and look forward to your further adventures tomorrow
  13. Suspect just for the winter Helen Coldham Hall same, Dog at Ludham
  14. Tell me about it! Offshore gale at the Bridge Inn Dextrous Mrs Nog saved the day
  15. Moorings free at Stokesby if you're looking to moor there Helen
  16. Ah, see what you mean Stayed very central and even exceptional tide never touched bottom, must have lucky!
  17. Ebb tide not as strong as expected Safely through the bridges Chocks away for a pint
  18. Ten feet under the bridges Helen Bit choppy round the yellow Post
  19. Been through much worse tha this! Beast from the east a few years ago
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