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Everything posted by Mowjo

  1. To be honest! I'm not one for rules and regs, but I think Carbon Monoxide alarms should be compulsory and part of the BSS, I hate to think what might have happened if anyone decided to sleep out in the cockpit, on previous boats I did it all the time when I had a late fishing session or it was to warm, my daughters boat had a new BSS on it, but when I checked the fridge there is no gas vent to the outside of the boat like the one you need fitted if the fridge is on the inside, I don't know if the tester missed it or it doesn't come under BSS rules, but I know of two boats in out marina with the same set up, we were going to fit the proper gas vent before the season starts, but my problem is that where it would have to be fitted is just below the edge of the canopy so any fumes would vent up under the canopy, I'm trying to talk them into an electric fridge, more expense but it's easier to deal with a flat battery than a dead person,, Frank,,,,
  2. Ok People! just to put some of your minds at rest, I've been to Broadsedge today to check my daughters boat and mine, the water level is around 12 inchs higher than normal but nothing drastic, I had a wander around and all the boats seem fine, if you are moored in what I call the new section (where the new workshops are going) the back road around there is a bit of a mess, potholes everywhere and a few quite deep, the bit where I am, just in front of the new W/shops has a little problem! some of the heading has given way affecting about four boats two of which are mine and my daughters, David has the repairs in hand, apart from that everything is looking good considering,,,, Frank,,,,,
  3. Martin! Screwfix do both sizes, I think your first one is 8A/34B not 5A/34B basically ones a 1kilo and the other is 2 kilo, I've used Screwfix for years for mine and never had a problem, prices aren't bad either,, Frank,,,,,
  4. Mowjo

    Hunsett Mill

    Jon! I actually thought it may have been the Gardener, the thing that made me think it was the owner was we only saw him at weekends and he let us moor there for a few times, and I'm sure that in one conversation he mentioned he was a Dr, all I remember about him was, he was smartly dressed, quite tall and had grey/white hair, Sad to hear about Hunsett though, I loved that boat and always wanted it or one just like it, Frank,,,,
  5. I have a warning that I don't think I've ever seen mentioned anywhere, it's about Fridges fitted in rear cockpits and I've seen loads of these on boats,,, last year my daughter loaned her boat to her in-laws while she hired a big one for her and the kids, we were around two days into the holiday when Chris's Dad started to feel unwell so we all moored up, a few hours later he was Ok again, next day we set off and the same thing happened, again we moored up, we thought he just had a bug or something as he was the only one of the four on the boat feeling unwell, While sitting on the boat with Dave I noticed that where Doug was sitting, there was a Gas vent for the fridge directly in front of him, it then clicked into place when Dave mentioned Carbon monoxide, the fumes from the fridge were the cause, now all this happened with the canopy down it was just the fact he was sitting over the vent, we took the cupboard door off the fridge for more ventilation and covered the vent, and Doug was fine for the rest of the holiday, so don't think just because you think things are well ventilated they are, and be very careful where you put vents,,, Frank,,,
  6. Mowjo

    Hunsett Mill

    Just found some interesting stuff on Hunsett here, http://www.norfolkmills.co.uk/WindmillsD/hunsett-drainage.html I remember the owner being a Dr but I still don't know his first name although he knew mine, I remember the damage to the sail well as my screen and canopy got wiped out at the same time in the 87 storm, a sheet of corrugated iron off the roof of the workshop at Wayford killed them both, thank God even back then I had insurance,,, Frank,,,
  7. Mowjo

    Hunsett Mill

    Yup! Soundings it has been done to death I agree, but on this one I'm more interested if anyone has any info on the guy that originally owned it, Like you! I'd love to live there even now and try and return it to something like it was, but the lottery people won't let me win, I'd also like to buy Thurne Mill another place that they seem to be letting go a bit lately, Frank,,,,
  8. Mowjo

    Hunsett Mill

    I just came across an old Picture of Hunsett Mill from back in the mid 80's when it was my favourite place and as far as I was concerned the most beautiful place on the whole of the Broads until they ruined it, we Moored at Wayford at the time and passed it every time we went out and back, I can't say I every remember the boat Hunsett moving but we often saw the owner in the Garden and a few times had a cup of tea with him, I thought he was a lovely guy and he always had a cheery wave for us and I'd always shout how nice the Garden was looking when we passed him, the odd thing is that although we spoke to him many times I never actually knew his name, I would think he's turning in his grave looking at what they have done to the old place, does anyone have any information on the man that used to own it, I was told that he had purchased a lot of land opposite the Mill to stop it being developed, but have no idea how true that was,,,,, Frank,,,,,
  9. I like to look at boats in the rain, at least you can see if it has any nasty leaking windows,,,,
  10. You'll know if it's the right one for you Grace! it's a bit like houses you seem to know within minutes if you'll love it or hate it, my daughter asked me to find her a boat, so the wife and me set out, found a few that she could afford, a few were ready to go and only needed minor stuff doing, but no she feel in love with the one I wouldn't touch, it did and still does need a lot of work and money spent to bring it up to what I call normal standard, she paid 10k for it and so far she has spent 2k on just the cooker, fridge, toilet, and me re-furbishing the front cabin, it still needs about another 2k spend finishing everything else off and painting it, at the end of it she will still only have a boat worth 12k, but she doesn't care because she loves the boat, and you'll find once you own your own boat, the cost of running it tends to go to the back of your mind because the enjoyment outweighs the cost,,,
  11. Good advice from Martin Grace! this time of year is a bit of a buyers market so there are some very good deals to be had, with luck he'll sell lower rather than wait until things pick up, then he's runs the risk that if it doesn't sell he'll have to pay a years mooring fees, insurance, and I presume some sort of river tax, that could mean £1000 or more he'll have to pay out, make sure you let him know your interested but a have other boats to look at, don't forget the Mmmmm! it's going to cost a lot to have those cushions replaced and anything else you can think of, once he knows your interested but have others to look at it may just spur him into the sale in case you go elsewhere, my Wife does this, I let her do all the haggling she's an expert, I stand in the background going I do like it but! my Seamaster 813 was on sale for 11k, she haggled it down and we got it for 8k, the Freeman 23 was on for 11k she got that for 8.5k, and the Hampton 25 we have now was on for 16k she got that for 13k, so if you love the boat don't let the seller know , throw in a few Erms, not sures and that'll be expensives, and the money you save will pay for all the bits you want to do on it,, And Brian is right! I don't know about mooring fees on the Medway, but I worked out it cost me just under £40 per week or 2k a year to keep my Hampton 25 on the Broads, may sound a lot but I have the use of it 52 weeks of the year , so for me that's a couple of weeks away abroad or a couple of weeks hiring a boat,, Frank,,,,
  12. Me again Grace! I forgot to mention! one of the first things I do is lift the engine bay floor and look at the bilges and engine, if it's clean and the engine is fairly clean it's usually a good indicator that the previous owner has probably looked after it, though still worth having someone check it, also think about the toilet, is it a sea toilet, porta potty or pump out type, I ask because a lot of people I know have bought boats off the Broads only to decide to move them to the Broads at a later date, and as the sea toilets aren't allowed on the Broads having them converted to a pump out type can be expensive unless you can put up with a porta potty type,,,,, Plus I agree with everything Martin has said, unless you can see major damage or the engine is cream crackered it sounds like your on a winner,, Frank,,,
  13. Grace! what do you actually mean she needs a lot doing to her??? New cushions can work out expensive, can you just get away with new covers, Curtains, if you have some on there you can use them as patterns for new ones, I bought a second hand sewing machine and have made my own on the last five boats, all my fabric for curtains and cushions has come from E/bay, depending on Hubby's DIY skills it's not that hard to rebuild things like cupboards and stuff, I know some people will tell you everything is expensive doing a boat up, it will be if you get others in to do it, I've completely re-furbished the insides of my last three boats and none have cost me more than a few hundred pounds, the expensive stuff is things like cookers and fridges, your looking at between £600 and £1000 to replace them with anything half decent, to be honest I'm not sure on surveys after a friend had one done, and after it was done I picked up several things that the surveyor had missed, I think they are like MOT's only valid until the tester is out of sight, if you think you can trust the seller why not just ask someone at the marina who knows about boats to look her over for you, it's all basic stuff. I know some will disagree with what I'm saying here, but you have the basics like a newish canopy, original Gelcoat that maybe could be re-polished or worse way painted, to do the rest you'll need to do a lot of searching on the Net for the best prices for stuff you need, but that time can save you a fortune, I don't claim to be an expert by any means, just a competent DIYer, but I've sold my last five boats at a profit, the one thing I have learnt is think about things before you start ripping them out, you'll be supprised at the things that can be repaired or made to look like new again,,, Frank,,,
  14. Welcome from me as well Kathleen, as pointed out you may be limited to where you go on the Broads because of the height of some boats, one thing no-one has mentioned here so far is the cost of servicing outdrives, I believe from what I've read on here before it can be £500 plus per leg, I'm sure someone will have a better costing, personally I'd say don't rush into buying a boat, try and get to the Broads for a couple of days and have a wander around a couple of marinas, talk to people in the know like Jon from Wayford and they will advise you on what suits your needs, I've done it myself! seen what I thought was the ideal boat only to end up with a totally different boat, you and your daughter may like performance cars but trust me! there's nothing fast about the Broads unless you count Mac D's at Wroxham, I'm on boat number six now and my needs have changed on every one, I learnt years ago it's not about how bling your boat is or how big, it's how you use and enjoy it, you'll soon learn within a short time that there is rest of the World time and Norfolk time, in a hurry here means sometime this year but remind me in six months, so as I say take your time, and have a look at other options before you decide anything,,, Frank,,,,,
  15. Welcome aboard Grace! I've been on the Broads for the last thirty years and I'm still learning new things, like Paladins little hide away, and I though I knew all the hidey holes, totally agree with the comments about other forums, I only give advice on problems I've had and solved with the help of some of the best boat mechanics and builders on the Broads, or things I've done that either work or don't work on my own boats when I've done my own refurbs, but I'll guarantee someone will usually shoot me down on the other forums, and it's usually the same people every time, as MBA says anyone can Google stuff, but there's nothing like hands on experience,,,, Frank,,,,,
  16. Hi Paladin! I know your comment was made in jest I just presumed that as it was owned by the Parish you needed permission to use it, now I know it's for everyone I may even move up a bit and let Gracie in, thirty years on the Broads and that's the first I've heard about the Barton one, i'll have to look out for that one, Frank,,,,,
  17. Paladin! is that the one at Barton where the water point is, if so I've moored there a few times and it's very nice, again ones of those "if you can get on it" moorings, it would be interesting to find out about ejecting them Paladin, I'm pretty sure that most of the boats moored there have no Idea you need permission, I don't think I've ever seen a sign saying so, How would say Gracie apply for permission and how long would it last for? I have a bad habit of just mooring anywhere if I don't see a sign telling me not to, in thirty years I've never been asked to move but I have wondered if the same thing would happen if I were in a hire craft, I've even moored at the end of peoples Gardens, I've seen them out in the garden and asked if it's Ok to moor there for a couple of hours and had one or two tell me to stay as long as I want as long as I don't go onto the property, had one guy many years ago on a boat at Neatishead that had broken down, I helped him get it going again because I always carry Electrical spares, while talking we got around to moorings at Neatishead and how you can't always get on there, turned out he owned a big house there and said I could use his private moorings anytime I was there and even gave me a key to the chain across the dyke entrance, I can't remember his name but I think it was John and he owned Sutton seeds, the wife often says I have a cheek, but I say if you don't ask you don't get, It's one of the reasons I love the Broads I've always found everyone Friendly, and if you approach them in the right way and with a smile they usually help you out,, Gracie! I'll let you off this time, I use other forums, nudge! nudge! and have been insulted by the best of them without taking offence, Frank,,,,
  18. Oi Gracie! I resemble that remark, I'm a private owner and in thirty years on the Ant I've only managed to get on there once and I think that was around 1987, Seriously though the only time I see that mooring free is during the winter, from the start of Spring until the end of the season it always seems full, and most of the boats I see moored there seen to be there for days, we even saw two smallish boats there for nearly two weeks, so don't hold out any hope of mooring in that spot, and now you've called me pesky if I do see it empty I'll moor there just so you can't,, so if you see a Hampton 25 moored there called Crackers that'll be me,,,,
  19. Welcome aboard Martin! we were having a bit of discussion about the gift shop in another thread,, so it's nice to see you carrying it on,,,, Frank,,,,
  20. It's more accurate than my Old Dads Seaweed weather station, with his if the Seaweed is dry it's not raining, if it's wet it's raining, at least mine covers it all,, Frank,,,,
  21. One for Jon! "Pongo" the mobile pump out boat at Wayford, he was as mad a bag of Frogs but a real nice guy, I think we used to pay £5/6 back in 85 for a pump out and he always did a good job, when Pongo gave up my niece was going to buy it from him but all the new regs coming in put her off the idea, that was back when it was OK to pump your loos directly into the Broads, gave a new meaning to Poo sticks,,, Frank,,,
  22. Alan! that's all a bit too tidy for me! I'd never find anything, but I'm surprised yours doesn't look like that!!! Nah! I fibbed! mine isn't quite as good as that, but I must confess that every time I hoover the boat I actually hoover out the battery compartment, anyway Kfur's isn't that good! it's not symmetrical that third battery on the right has the strap knot on the right while the other two are on the left, Frank,,,
  23. Ok Bazza! if you want Mega fuses try this one for size!! Frank,,,,
  24. And this years award for going most off topic goes to Jill_R even I'm going to need to go some to beat the Green Door one,,, Frank,,,
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