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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. We have the Log 40 and at Stalham with the boats going past it is a bit hit and miss. Once the river system is quiet it is fine. Bring back analogue. At least you didnt have to troll through 80 stations to find what you are looking for. Never did like change. M
  2. We do not live in a hose pipe ban area but then who needs a hose pipe when it DOES NOT STOP RAINING!!!. GOING STIR CRAZY WITH ALL THIS RAIN - not a question of "who clapped" it is a question of "who mentioned the word 'drought'". Can someone please find the stop cock and turn the dam thing off please, had enough of this game, really have.
  3. A better equipped boat would give peace of mind all year. Not a bad idea at all. When does it start?
  4. Is it Groundhog Day? I believe we went through this last year. I must be missing something because I have never read anything on here from anyone that could cause offence to have the reaction of an actual 'ban'. I was under the impression that this site was a bit more accommodating than some, I would be intrigued to know , but probably never will know, what on earth Daytona Bill has put is size 9s into this time. Poor chap.
  5. Yes indeed it was for the car. He seemed to be doing a roaring trade. On a good day , weatherwise, it makes a change to come that way.
  6. Best not think of mooring there. If they are that bad they should be roped off with that red tape. They used to be good moorings.
  7. We did wonder why everyone was down the other end, so to speak. They use to be such good moorings and we spent many a happy hour there. What a shame. Was quite suprised that the Ferry crossing is £4 and £7 for a day return. Saying that worth every penny. Pity the chap operating it couldnt be a bit more cheerful. May be having a bad day.
  8. Decided to go via the Reedham ferry on our way back from the boat at Richardsons yard today. Didnt have to hang about and off we went. It was good to see so many boats from Richardsons moored down there but they were only moored on the Oulton Broad side , shall I call it and none on the wooden moorings. Is there some reason for this. We could see a notice but could not read it. Did see Carousel moored in the Yard at Richardsons, but despite wanting to go aboard as the notice invites you , it was locked, probably because it was lunchtime ish. If she is there again it would be such a treat to look inside. Despite the forecast the weather although chilly in the wind was glorious.
  9. Did ours on line. Can recommend.
  10. I received this email from AW this morning. We can confirm that if the water is being used for domestic purposes like washing up on a boat and for food preparation, a hosepipe can be used. The use of a hose to wash down a boat is not allowed. Thank you Anglian Water Customer Services Well all's well with the world then isnt it...
  11. Good thank goodness for that, what a relief and commonse sense prevails. Now we can all look forward to the season once more.
  12. I too have emailed them to clarify the points stated. It is utter tosh to say we cannot get water for essential use. I think your post should be amended to read " Hosepipe Ban and Boaters." To state that it will hurt boaters is blatently incorrect.
  13. Dont panic people please. We live near Beccles and there is no hosepipe ban from April here. I am pretty sure that the Northern Broads will be just fine.
  14. The lights we purchased are Trilite - Labcraft Trilite KL16 Flourescent 12v from Midsummer Energy. Paladine have sent you a pm.
  15. If you go to the Bounty Boats web site (you dont have to have a Bounty) there is a discussion on there about replacing lights. Labcraft I am sure is the company we purchased from. They are brillient in every respect. (No pun intended) So fed up , what with failing eyesight (old age) and flaming glow worms for light and these are very good, and they dont zap your battery. Now we have got it sorted.
  16. Thank you , really enjoyed looking through the snaps. Got anymore.
  17. Thank you for all of your replies. Have got my eye on an old piece of carpet I have spotted in Management's garage so will have a close look at that and see what I can do with it.
  18. That was my first thought but it seems that the off cut left over has been used for something else. Pity I didnt get in first. Will keep looking to see what I can find. Thank you for the suggestion.
  19. Just had a nice new carpet laid in our second bedroom which doubles as an office. Suddenly thought this typists chair is rolling over the same spot all of the time. Has anyone any suggestions for a mat to protect the carpet that is not huge but just enough to do the job.
  20. Homes Under the Hammer would soon have that lot knocked into shape. Trouble is folk just have not got the readies to do it nowadays.
  21. "this includes multiple syringes, colostomy bags, millions of cotton buds and every bit if human detritus you can think of, and this is only what has floated, the river is no better than an open sewer" This sounds very much like hospital or medical waste and should be reported to the Environmental Officer at the Council. Sounds me as if a medical establishment is just dumping their rubbish which should be incinerated. On a more general note: If people these days are not raised to keep themselves or the countryside tidy what hope is there. We are blessed with a beautiful County let us make the most of it.
  22. Oh I expect life would still go on - it always does. M
  23. Quite enlightening to read a report that is not sensationalised. Truth will out at the end. M
  24. Likewise about the tears to your eyes. Perfect for Christmas Eve. Give you hope that there are good folk around. Thank you for posting it. M
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