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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. How long does the virus live on these surfaces ?
  2. There will be winners and loses in all of this as there always is. I am hoping that the UK holiday business will thrive as folk can stay on their own and , heavens forbid this last sentence, but cook for themselves. It does not take a lot of imagination and I am sure many will enjoy this. I do feel for you NeilB as know what it is to have a Mum in a care home and you do worry about them. A big thank you to all the Care Homes and their staff and also to staff like Morrisons who are doing a grand job. That's a thought, will they restrict 50 at a time in a supermarket. Can you imagine if they shut the schools with kids running amok around Tescos and the like. Unfortunately not all parents are caring.
  3. Who are Marstons Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  4. I agree with you, blocked drains is all we need because some numpty puts newspaper down or kitchen towel.
  5. On a more practical note. With the elderly what happens when they need the dentist? Have raging toothache etc, life does go on despite this virus. Having now self identified myself as now aged 69 I am feeling younger by the minute. Morrisons this morning (it is always a bit flaky on a Monday anyway because after all we do live in a remote area after all and the boat usually hasn't arrived until Tuesday) was pretty good. The only empty ish shelves were for some reason jars of sauces for pasta etc. I got everything I went for. I did chuckle that the 2 for £10 wines were practically non existent, not bad for a place that boasts "nobody drinks alcohol around here". what tosh!!!!
  6. A few boxes of wine too please?
  7. A message just received from Sainsbury's CEO You will have seen that, due to the ongoing uncertainty around the full impact of Coronavirus, supermarkets have been much busier than usual and customers are choosing to stock up. I wanted to personally reassure you that we have more food and other essential items coming to us from manufacturers and into our warehouses and distribution centres. If we all shop just for the food that we and our families need, there will be enough for everyone. I also wanted to let you know that at Sainsbury's, we are working really hard to ensure this remains the case. Over the past two weeks we have: - Ordered more stock of essential items from our suppliers - Put more capacity into our warehouses and - Set limits on a small number of items, including some cleaning products, soap and pain relief. This is a precautionary measure - if everyone shops normally, there will be enough for everyone. There are gaps on shelves because of increased demand, but we have new stock arriving regularly and we're doing our best to keep shelves stocked. Our store colleagues are working tirelessly and doing the best job they can. Which brings me onto a request. Please think before you buy and only buy what you and your family need. If we all do this then we can make sure we have enough for everyone. And please help elderly and vulnerable friends, family and neighbours with their shopping if you can. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and to thank our colleagues who are all working incredibly hard to ensure we can continue to serve our customers well. Best wishes
  8. Peter I do on line shopping every week anyway but I do need to get out and speak to people. Cannot imagine the likes of J S Porter being told to stay in , can you. To isolate the elderly is terrible , not as if they can afford to watch the TV now as the 'young and successful at the BBC' have decided to take their TV licence away from them that was given free. It makes me chuckle to think that they can rescind the Free TV licence because they can and yet I still get my £10 allowance each year which came from when Maggi was Prime Minister, how come that still has to arrive each year. It would not even cover the washing powder now , let alone pay for the heating.
  9. I have just sat and watched the Health Minster and the over 70s 'May, May, be advised in the coming weeks to self isolate if they are unwell from previous health problems. Dont despair I have the answer :- From today I am 69.
  10. I can understand those with health problems but I am going to go shopping. It is only advice.
  11. Most of us on here can remember Asian flu, well although only about 10 years old when I contracted it and was in hospital (only because I was about to go on an RAF plane) at no time were football matches cancelled, shops practically looted, being told we are banned from going out. Whatever next as you say Chelsea14Ian totally overplayed. I agree about the news 24/7 and having to fill their time, after all Brexit has gone off the agenda so now they another sore to pick at. It has got to the stage where I fast getting to the stage of not wanting to put the news on. It is all doom and gloom. I am certain that in the Wars no one in this country at the time behaved in this disgusting manner of panic buying. I am for a glass 1/2 full and not half empty. Adding to that a glass of white wine please and definitely not half full.
  12. We have a boat booked for May time and have every intention of going on that holiday, come on it is as good as an isolation suite if you self cater. Win win. If we were proper ill that would be different , then you would not feel like going anywhere. Stay safe everyone.
  13. In the last day it has been a great comfort to see Brinks for one and many other contacts we have saying they will honour bookings etc. They have changed their cancellation policy. During this unprecedented situation, things are changing in ways we can't expect And whilst we all look forward to our holidays, we are aware our customers may need to make last-minute alterations to their plans. To enable this, we have bought in a no quibble policy that will help you do just that The Norfolk Broads offer an opportunity to escape from the stresses of everyday life. We believe the Broads National Park offers a great opportunity to do just that. Pack your car up with the supplies you need for your time away. Board your boat, or enter your holiday home and you're in your own space. With everything on hand to help you enjoy the space and tranquillity of the Broads National Park For extra peace of mind, we've added to our robust cleaning programme. We've introduced a new disinfectant that gives an extra measure of confidence. We've also asked our staff to follow the government's guidelines, and self isolate if they develop a cough or temperature We do hope that this offers you some reassurance
  14. I would not have thought so Jean. After all from what I have read today , once someone has had this they are free to return to work after 7 days. The whole economy cannot come to a standstill. As was said this morning on the BBC complaints programme that we all wish the media would stop talking about a lockdown , that is what you do with prisoners , what we would be having is quarantine and if it gets to that , then they are not telling us the truth about this at all. Unless we end up with troops on the streets with guns I cannot imagine the criminal fraternity isolating and worrying about anyone else, they never had so why change the habit of a lifetime.
  15. I must admit Alan that I have never been in the cafe. Busy to me is a good sign as empty cafe would not be. This morning everything was just as it always has been. I passed a couple of little ladies who were saying I've put a couple of extra bits in my shopping today, which is understandable, not going mad as the media are reporting. Please look after yourself. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  16. Just been to Morrisons in Beccles. There was no empty shelves , nobody was stockpiling, no nasty incidents. I wish programmes like GMB would stop frightening us olduns. Yes there was plenty of toilet rolls, I expect the numpties that stockpiled them are feeling a bit stupid now. I managed to get everything I needed. Well done Morrisons and their staff.
  17. Talk about Global warming to those in Alaska who have had their coldest winter - 40 below most of the time. Imagine their heating bills. I watch a blog from North Pole (yes there is a place believe me) in Alaska and it has been a struggle to keep warm, but saying that their shops in North Alaska are , Costco, Safeway, Coop, Walmart, Tesco. are absolutely stuffed full of produce from floor to ceiling. They have huge tins of items and bulk buy most things from I can see , so no panic buying, they have to cope with 3 months at a time , most of the time. This is just an example.
  18. I think despite all the gloom and doom, we have to think positively that life will go on , for a few months it may be a tad different but we will get through this. It used to be dodge the spots when it rained , well now it is dodge the virus when out and about. Stay well every one of you please!!!
  19. A big plus with a Broads boating holiday (or holiday cottage come to that) is that no plane journeys, you are in your own space if you self cater.
  20. Corona virus. Not a joke. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  21. On the news tonight Brundall doctors one confirmed case of someone returning from the far east. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  22. I thought there was nothing that could kill this little blighter.
  23. You forgot I think it was 2000 Foot and Mouth. There was a fear at one time that could be transmitted to humans. Well I am always putting my foot in it - does that count.
  24. Speaking of the saga of the 'tin bath'. Hubby always tells the time when he was about 12/13 and it was Friday night and out came the tin bath in front of the fire. He remembers the total embarrassment of when he was sitting in the bath and the door knocked, it was the lady from next door, "oh come on in" says his Mum , bless her, he was mortified. He said they made a cup of tea and sat there drinking their cuppa as if it was quite normal to do this when a young lad was having his bath.
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