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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Lord above, wouldnt want to me you lot on a dark night, sorry for the pun.
  2. I was referring to Speed Triples post. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  3. Years ago (1959) I lived at Biggin Hill, Dad was in RAF and I sometimes wondered if some of the locals had been beamed down from another planet, so may be you have a point. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  4. Bit like being in Scotland, if its not raining, its about to.
  5. Very traceable I would have thought. Doesnt smack of Travellers as dont they burn theirs.
  6. Lovely Alan. Bless you. Tan is sorely missed. I am so pleased she is there in your Avatar. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  7. Just been watching you on your youtube channel and have hit the bell so I will know when you have a new vlog ready.
  8. One tip I learned in the week is to coat your chicken pieces in corn flour, just lightly. It really does help get a nice colour on the chicken and the chicken also retains its soft juicy ness (?) I tried it Saturday night for a curry and it works.
  9. Well I never did. Yes could work over here just as long as whoever runs the railways at Reedham Bridge and Somerleyton are not in charge , else it would not be running if the sun came out for more than 2 hours or it was under 1 degree.
  10. Wells this morning, 2 hrs to high tide. The tide is creeping across the car park much to this fascination of the local population.
  11. Staithes is beautiful. Especially if you like being 'christened' by SeaGulls at every moment. Our car was unrecognisable when we left. It was completely pebble dashed.
  12. I do think you are being unfair to Gt Yarmouth. it is the same old story once you get a bad reputation everyone makes sure it is maintained. Everywhere has its downside and I dont care where you are talking about. Lets face it even on the Queen's doorstep there are rough sleepers etc. A lot of people end up on the wrong end of the tracks through no fault of their own. Deprivation in this country is everywhere , that is where money should be spent. Some folk cant help themselves I agree but just because you are on a what is referred as a luxury cruise , at that price for a ticket I would doubt it was that luxurious, it doesnt mean to say you are going to visit the most exotic and luxurious places in the world. Lets face it on a cold and rainy day anywhere can be daunting.
  13. I know what you mean. It makes you want to crawl into a corner, especially when listening to some who have made the 'pile' and in some cases a very large pile. At one time you would not have got on the BBC for instance (only an instance) if you did not speak the Queen's English. Now I watch programmes and at time can no longer even understand what is being said.
  14. Typo - "we were playing with a very much different etc ...." not were were not. Sorry.
  15. Hello!!! - Norwich won the game , Norwich won the game. Let us not knock it, make the most of it. As said a long way to go and let us hope they keep their positivity going. (If there is such a word as positivity). From what I gleaned and I dont often listen to what is going on, were we not playing with a very much different team due to injuries? May be the more informed will let me know. Anyroadup. It is a joy to hear.
  16. The first thing I noticed was the inappropriate shoes with heels. Cannot imagine she would be welcome on boat bustle or no bustle. The swans , dog and the lady seem to be looking down the river at something while the guy in the rowing boat seems to have his eye on the lady in the red hat, scarf , or whatever.
  17. Well posted Gracie. Oh Lord - when will people just get on with their own lives and stop trying to judge everyone. The supermarket delivery man and myself have just been having a conversation about customers different deliveries. He said some people only have drink and fags , and my reply was - it is their money and what they do with it is up to them. I felt like saying your job is to deliver the products. This NHS nonsense where it doesn't matter what you eat , drink or do , it doesn't matter what it is - according to them it is wrong. The next medical person that is twice my size that wants to advise me on my weight is going to get told.
  18. I have not got COPD as have been tested for it but still have had a cough for 5 years. It drives you mad. No never smoked in my life but my parents did. I hope you feel better soon.
  19. The good old days when you could get up there. Had some real fun and games in the dim and distant past turning outside that house at the end. We had not got a clue. The wind was always howling and turning the boat always seemed an impossibility. When you finally managed it , what a really lovely peaceful mooring. Pub just around the corner that stocked most things if you ran out.
  20. I thought it was West Somerton. Doh !! just read Grendels post. I was thinking doesnt look Rockland and then read the above posts.
  21. Thank you for the map , very helpful. Looks a doable (if that is a word) walk for me and mine. Glad there is a good car park. What is 600 metres in old money please? I am still a feet and inches gal and still (although it does not go down well indoors) convert everything back to pounds and shillings and pence. Thank you Jean for your help.
  22. Jean is there a car park.ear to the walk please. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
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