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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Hope so and enjoying themselves. This is a good web cam.
  2. The little boat seems to have disappeared from the web cam picture.
  3. Yep certainly appears that way and the more of a wrong doer you are the more you are likely to get away with it. What the Law to rock up , forget it , too busy doing Royal Protection duty and managing protest marches. All of which attracts overtime.
  4. When it comes to stopping a boat it is not necessarily the fault of the water or the wind or the boat skipper. I take all the blame for what happened to me many years ago on the canals. I was daft enough to think that I could stop a canal boat with a rope , and to boot with it wrapped around my hand which was in a glove. The boat came alongside and no I did not stop it , all that manifested itself was the rope got tighter around my hand and my hand with the rope eventually tried to go through the mooring ring. How I did not lose my hand was a miracle. Hubby immediately banged the boat into reverse before any more happened and I lay on the tow path my face firmly wedged into the stones and earth and poor hand trapped. I was seen by the ShropDoc and I was very very lucky. So I agree with Grendel it does sometimes involve limbs if you are daft enough like I was to try the impossible.
  5. Doesnt even bare thinking about, how awful for that family and a stark reminder how easily accidents happen whether on the water or land. Poor little kiddies and that poor husband , he will never forgive himself. Such a tragedy.
  6. The reason I ask is on Youtube is a flotilla of boats going to the Broad at its official opening. To my mind that meant it was open to the public from then on. Then I always was an optimist. Be good to have somewhere fresh to discover.
  7. Is this open now for the time being or was the day it was opened a 'one off' please? Can you point out where it is please?
  8. As you come from Stalham keep your eyes peeled for obvious moorings along the river bank that have been established over time. Best if you can get the afternoon sun look at the compass on your phone. They are all magical in their own way.
  9. Thoroughly agree with you , thank you. It is not a question of rock up and drop your mud weight down South, far from it.
  10. The last a Fireman should have to worry about is incinerating whatever. Some things taste better when burnt anyway. These Cheffy lot call it flavour.
  11. I have always cooked on board. Putting together an evening meal can be so simple. Depends what you are fond of. Takes two minutes to pop baking potatoes into the oven, (keeps the boat warm as well). I would always make my meals before hand and freeze down but needs must as the devil drives you can get some really good tinned chilli these days. Bung on some grated cheese (comes already grated) and take a pack of butter for a bit of flavour. Couple of good beers or whatever is your tipple and you have an evening meal. A fraction of the price of a pub. If something as easy as this defies all then I am afraid you are doomed to spend your life fishing at the pub. By the way I am married to a fisherman.
  12. So not stuck under the bridge but on the bridge . Got that completely wrong.
  13. I was quite taken back when I read that nurses knew what that scum bag Saville was up to and they said nothing. Then I thought on it and recalled when I was at work how things happened and you kept (nothing like Saville) your mouth truly shut else you job was in jeopardy. No hand outs in those days and definitely no support whatsoever. Thank goodness today things are different. Today I would not have put up with half of the s... that I put up with in those days. So in full support of your mantra that if an irresponsible person hits your boat you write about it. Good on you. Genuine accidents happen that is why it is called an accident but complete disregard for other folks property be it a hire company or personal is different.
  14. Come to Beccles. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/all-you-need-to-know-about-beccles-food-festival-1-6018054
  15. Not good then for some poor soul. Hope they are sorted now.
  16. Must have been some boat that bridge is so high. I had read there were problems this morning on the A47 at Postwick but no more than that I can tells you. Will have a look on Radio Norfolk.
  17. You can bet your bottom dollar that if fishing was allowed all year the prices of holiday homes would soar. No more quite times. Yes and I am married to a chap who loves his fishing. Can we keep the closed season please. Only time I get a decent conversation.
  18. Can we have a Gosh or Urgg!! as well as the like and thanks etc. In response to Alan - Gosh !! can you?
  19. Good God !!! to folk actually eat that much food?
  20. So pleased for Norwich, only one bit of advice , dont sell off all of your good players and let the Manager go this time, otherwise you will be once again relegated. Delia hope you are listening.
  21. I bet you are a dab hand with a U - bend.
  22. Lovely to see you posting Gracie. Missed you loads.
  23. Jay - behind that sofa you may be but we can still see you.
  24. I know what you mean. There used to be an extremely lonely Cuckoo which used to be in full song near to North Cove Moorings. Was so thrilled to hear it in the Spring. After a few hours you began to wonder what you did with that cork from the bottle of bubbly because you could find a use for it. Just about beak sized!!
  25. What would our forefathers make of it all. A vessel of any kind has always been a 'she' and always will. Just a fad a bit like veganism. Can you imagine folk of any persuasion in the WW2 worrying about this, staying alive and even finding a meal for the family was uppermost. God help future generations be afraid to open your mouth at all.
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