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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Believe me at the end of the day a boat is a darn boat. Talking 'stinkies' here. Be it from the Top End version to the basic , they all go wrong , everyone of them has its negative and positive points. I have yet to be on a boat that is absolutely perfect. Depends on a lot things, time of year especially. Hired early in the season to find that you get told , " well its early season and these things show up when the boats first go out" , to "well it is the end of the season what do you expect". Oh yes and that was from a top end establishment. Personally speaking I think the industry has shot itself in the foot trying to make the boats into floating hotels which they are not and never will be. Top or bottom end they all need 'pumping out' 'water' and fuel. Gadgets and gizmos are just something waiting to go pear shaped. People's perception of a boat now is really not a boat in the true of the word. Smaller yards need good support and good publicity. The Agency that has dropped this yard speaks of standards. People in glass houses should not throw stones I believe is the saying. No one is perfect in this world. To end on a light note - the funniest thing I think I ever heard was a conversation repeated from a customer to an engineer when the customer enquired as to whether the boat got Sky and he replied yes 'open the roof'.
  2. Have tried in Edge and Chrome and it just not want to know.
  3. I see it has one of those dozy beds to climb into at the front of the boat. Ok if you are training for the Olympics but hardly suitable for most. I like to sit up in bed and headroom is lacking. I found getting in and out of the bed on Captain a chore and making the bed , well, it was exhausting. Howard even if you do win whatever, keep your pennies for something more practical.
  4. Well that could be well handy if those are the only times when the tide is at its lowest and some poor soul has to navigate through there. (Tin at on) wish they would raise the darn thing a foot or two. Thank you Alan.
  5. Oh dear, dont tell other half of mine please? Not long had the new boiler and he needed to go and lie down in a darkened room when that bill came in.
  6. Now that is a comfort to know that we are not alone in our bungalow as far as water pressure is concerned. Cold water is really good but the hot , well there is another story. We have a bath (which I wont part with) but to fill it takes forever and the water is getting cold by the time you get in. The electric shower Aqualux is really good. In the kitchen if I put the hot tap on , I can get on with something else before it comes through hot. Think it must come the long route. Have considered a pump in the past but think it is too much of a faff. You get to a stage where you just get on with what you have. Oh the joys. By the way I wont part with my water tank in the airing cupboard. How people air their clothes these days beats me.
  7. That was cheap , down here it is about the £90 mark.
  8. Thank you Jean. Really interesting to read and good insight as to a boating holiday in March. Glad I am not the only one who wears thermals if on a boat. Wise move. So pleased to hear that the wildlife is getting on with what they do in the Spring. Lots of little ones to look forward to seeing shortly.
  9. Pumpmedic , nice chap. As you say it is good to put faces to names.
  10. Looks a nice healthy meal Jean. Good for you, take no notice of these darn do gooders. I believe in a little bit of what you fancy does you good, and no chaps that does not include the barmaid at the local.
  11. Back to Amazon Rant. Wondered what on earth I had ordered by the size of the box. Then remembered and thought , well that could have come in a padded envelope it is in its own plastic anyway for protection. It being just a kitchen timer.
  12. We found that the Captains are not that hot on batteries, especially in the colder months. The heating really needs the engine running. Mind you compared to the racket a Connoisseur makes they are (oh for God's sakes) P U S S Y cats. It got a load of stars for a word that is used every day of the week.
  13. Stunning photos Jean. Enjoy today. Not sure if this is your last day or not. No need for the bikini today but still a fab day in March. Betting than winning the lottery , getting some good weather.
  14. Weather looks fantastic today Jean. So pleased after that awful spell of weather we have had. Gets much warmer I think you will have to dig out that bikini!!!
  15. I thought this was going to be about the A47 or similar and roadworks!!! Durr..
  16. Just read my post. That should read slow on the uptake not update. My mind is on updating at the moment. Sorry about that.
  17. Thanks for that Mystic MM that is when we are on holiday - end of September. Dont worry DJB - September is going to be brilliant weather. Not a heatwave but just really lovely pleasant days. Do think though that Broads Direct are a bit slow on the update. They could be earning a few bob taking boats through. Not as if it would cut much into their day. Let the boatyards have a direct phone number to whoever is on duty and he/she can pop over and take you through, job done. With the lack of a pilot at this time you are bound to get one who will take the hire boat through regardless. Jean - enjoy your time on the boat. Have ordered you really good weather. Storm A B C or D can sod off and leave us all alone , we have had enough of storms.
  18. My beef is Royal Mail who send texts stating the time of arrival and turn up 2 hrs before. Why bother. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  19. I would imagine if that is the case with yourself, then you are not alone, so hopefully one or more of our members may reply.
  20. Thank you so much. Have now downloaded it on to TV so will watch later. Really appreciate your help.
  21. I am sure I read a post letting us know of a programme that was to be shown on BBC4 at 7 on a particular evening recently. I am sure it was an archaeological piece and was about a flight over the Broads, unless I am dreaming. I have looked on BBC iplayer and cannot find. Anyone got any ideas please?
  22. Are you talking - Waveney Stardust or Nancy Oldfeld for example. These are predominately for people with disabilities but can also be used by able bodied folk with one of your party say using a wheelchair. Good old day out they provide with all facilities on board for a very minimal cost to the individual.
  23. The wooden mooring posts could do with being more substantial and much higher on the first section of the mooring. Either that or raise the quay heading. Many a time I have seen the river over topping and the wooden posts are just visible. It does rather slope down one way. I am surprised to hear that one of the pontoons is missing a mooring cleat, it isnt that old that it should start falling apart, well not quite yet.
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