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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Hylander

    Loddon Staithe

    Might keep undesirables away. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  2. For anyone with any plans for using the train read this.. https://www.inyourarea.co.uk/feed/NR347AR/Worlingham,Beccles/all/5f246ab0-1008-4f45-b6de-644300ca8f45?utm_campaign=Daily-1232019&utm_medium=email&utm_source=IYA-DailyDigest&utm_term=news-link
  3. Moored on the River Ant en route to Stalham.
  4. Dont talk to me about cyclists. I personally think they should start paying road tax, all the money that is spent on them and they get it for free.
  5. I personally like the closed season as it gives other folk peace and quiet as far as mooring of boats in concerned. Coupled with less boats on the river. I would vote to keep it.
  6. Saw this elsewhere. https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/fisheries/consultation-on-the-review-of-the-close-season/?dm_i=3O4M,J336,CAS96,22BQ2,1
  7. Yes also interested as we have given up boating but certainly not given up on our beloved Broads.
  8. We send our condolences as well. So very sad.
  9. well spotted , my eyes are not what they were, I just could not make it out.
  10. Can I be nosy. The home next to where the little boat is moored , in the front garden there seems to be a little house, rather like a hedgehog house or do my eyes deceive me.
  11. With the predicted high winds and a couple of storms coming might be a good idea for someone to pop down and secure the boat. If not Simondo may be one of the forum members.
  12. And you can hold the spoon for the next 6 months.
  13. Did you actually receive a giant wooden spoon for Christmas Smoggy, if not , we will make sure you receive one for Easter. Well on a serious note. The amount of money paid to Tolls that is mismanaged this mooring could easily be resurrected. The trouble is it was left too long.
  14. Hope I am not repeating anything said before, but, years ago I can recall mooring at a very smart new mooring at Bure Castle which had been paid for by the European Fund. (circa 1990) Cannot recall the correct name. The reason for knowing this, there was a huge sign there saying so. For many many years this was used by us all and remains in my opinion a very important safe mooring spot.
  15. https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/what-is-happening-norwich-riverside-floating-restaurant-1-5909352
  16. Are you fond of hospital food I wonder!!!. You are brave that is all I can say. What was wrong with their own shower and their own hairdryer. You have a very very understanding wife.
  17. Was looking this morning at the web cam and it is still at night so may be the frost has got to it this time.
  18. Yes and a special thank you to Simondo. Without your help I would be nowhere.
  19. Success and a big thank you to you all. I duly did another download and all the photos came up as thumb nails so I could see what I was downloading. Have deleted a heck of a lot of rubbish that was not required on there. Waiting for the new memory stick to arrive today and then I will transfer over to it. Yes I bought a licence it was about £11.80 but it was well worth it for all of the memories it has recovered for me.
  20. I am trying again to do another download to see if this one works. Had a very nice email from Diskdigger who said they would not let me pay for a licence fee because in their opinion my files are corrupted. I found the folk at Diskdigger very fair.
  21. At the moment I will stick to Diskdigger and am prepared to pay for the Licence about $14. Not much point though if it does not support jpg files. I have emailed them to ask before I proceed any further. Thank you for your help.
  22. Now it is saying that all I have downloaded it does not support this format. jpg
  23. i tried just a few but there seems to be nothing there. I must be doing something wrong.
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