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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Yes that is the same letter I received.
  2. Nothing in my letter in relation to that statement.
  3. I have just received a letter from the Broads Authority informing me that the full application for the erection of 8 residential dwellings 1 mooring for BA use , 12 residential moorings allocated to dwellings, visitor moorings, the refurbishment of the marina building etc has now been withdrawn.
  4. One year we hired Summer Safari and as Mrs Hampton let us have the boat early in the day and with favourable tides we went from Oulton Broad all the way up to West Sommerton. Those were the days when you could get under Potter easily.
  5. Many years ago we were moored at the mooring prior to How Hill (towards Ludham Bridge) on the farmers mooring when a couple arrived in Emerald and they were all puffed out and anxious. On enquiring as to what was the matter - well she said, we always moor here , we do every year, look she said opening her Log Book and there was the records of all their moorings over the years. The reason for being so puffed out was they thought this was going to be the first year they could not get there. From what I have seen passing in recent years the mooring isnt maintained like it use to be and I often wonder about the couple. She reminded me of Mary on Coronation Street.
  6. Nothing like looking on the brightside. As long as they dont build motorways up here we will be fine.
  7. Thats not bad then all three wrong... The web site is this one for you to check. https://canalplan.org.uk/boats/
  8. Saw this on the Boat Listing... Jane Anne Built by Eastwick Norfolk in 1977 - Length : 7.9 metres ( 25 feet 11 inches ) - Beam : 3.2 metres ( 10 feet 6 inches ) Powered by an Inboard Diesel engine with a capacity of 1500 CC. Registered with Environment Authority - Thames Region number 74449 as a Non Hire Annual Private Motor Boat. ( Last updated on Thursday 23rd May 2013 )
  9. Jay - behave yourself..
  10. Any news on your second test ?? Been thinking the same , surely must be due soon.
  11. Not viewed it yet but am so pleased you are posting once more.
  12. We did have a microwave on both Captains 8 and 6. The one time we used it we ran the engine to run the inverter. One morning the heating came to a grinding halt and we had to run the engine to get that to come back to life. Our batteries were saying 12.9 at the time and we thought there was plenty of life in them. However on coming back to the yard we were informed that the heating is on a separate battery. With all of these gizmos and gadgets on these latest boats it will be interesting to see how they cope.
  13. Ok having these huge boats but when they have had their 'day' what is to become of them. Cannot imagine folk wanting to purchase one of those to take them through retirement years , they would never get on or off of them for a start. It would not always be convenient to expect the family to join you every week you want to be off out and about on the rivers. Bring back the smaller boats for 2/3.
  14. DavidH - just looked at your website. Very interesting, lovely photos. However, the one of Captain's galley is nothing like the Captains we have been on. Where it shows the hob the sink was.
  15. Well in theory yes but you have to have batteries that are going to be up to scratch to provide all this power that is needed and water tanks and waste tanks which would have to be substantial. Otherwise there will be a lot of running of engines at all hours. As we found when mentioning things that had gone wrong on our boat - well it is nearly the end of the season was the comment - well my thoughts were it costs just as much at the end of the season as the beginning. The luxury boats will have to be 'tip top' for the whole of the season if they are going to charge a huge premium to hire them.
  16. Are you any good at reading the tea leaves? Be naming you Mystic Maurice.
  17. Having the oven for a few hours not only cooks the spuds but heats the boat in the cooler months.
  18. Had a look and yes it has shore power , thought it would have. As for the holding tank being in the sides of the boat - well you could hear the water going down into the tank under the galley so I doubt that. Be good for anyone in the second cabin, especially anyone with water works problems. I should imagine there would be a queue for this one loo. Out of interest Brooms are open Saturdays and Sundays for pump outs and water until end October.
  19. Yes well as my old Mum used to say - All top show and no knickers. If you will excuse the expression. You all keep saying no 240 volt. Well the Captains have 240 volt, in fact they have only 3 pin sockets around the place and USB ports. Cannot imagine this boat not having 240 volts.
  20. In fact we had discussed if we hired again we would have two pump outs in the week and there are only two of us. Following Griff's mantra of 'if its yellow let it mellow and only if its brown flush it down' it still filled up quickly. As for having 6 people on board - what privacy does that give anyone - and swinging a cat phrase comes to mind. We were only two on board and it was just big enough for us two. Storage - where do people keep their clothes, where do you keep food etc. At least on the Captains you have a bespoke galley with lots of storage and worktop space. Plus a fantastic fridge that kept frozen food frozen really well. The heating on our boat worked only when the batteries were well up. Apparently the heating is on a separate battery from the domestic and starter. When we put the heating on our last morning it cut out and we had to start the engine. How some folk have their heating going all night amazes me as this knackered the battery after a couple of hours. One plus on the Captain in this kind of weather was the demister , when you put the heating on all the windows cleared within minutes, plus two good windscreen wipers.
  21. 4 + 2 They have to be joking. That design is really only for 2 people. One toilet that fills up quickly you would need a pump out so often. Most reviewers say the same.
  22. Just wait until you are in your 70s. Nothing unusual to have 4 trips to the loo at night.
  23. Apparently on speaking to Simon who is the Manager at Hippersons they too now have a Glamping pod or whatever it is called on the river.
  24. Ok if you don't mind walking out in the dark to the loo. Not for me either.
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