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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. You can get some really nice battery operated LED Christmas lights which would be ideal for your boat. Small Christmas tree, one of these take it out of the box versions all ready decorated. - my kind of tree that.
  2. I hope your new boat will be suitably attired in all of the (dare I say it) Christmas trimmings.
  3. move onto a windward shore or one with a higher bank. We did that one night at Cantley , luckily enough the wind (Gale) was blowing off the bank and keeping us well away from the side and from getting stuck. The tide was running very high and over topping all along the mooring. However, a boat further down from us was so tightly moored that in the end the inevitable happened as the tide went down. Luck was there was a load of them on board and they were able to give it a good shove to free it up.
  4. BA moorings on the other side near but not at the pub/cafe. Make sure you are at the 24hr mooring. You can also moor at Polkys Mill. Good safe excellent moorings.
  5. We have a Direct Debit which goes out once a year.
  6. Speaking of fishermen, I am surprised we get from A to B at times, we always skirt around wide if fishermen are on the bank (where safe to do so obviously) and if other half spots a fisherman or men in a small boat then we crawl past so as not to knock them flying.
  7. Someone not feeling well but not enough to call the 'services' , just needing to get out of it. Again I say - I am on the Broads to get away from people not to be sat cheek by jowl as they were that day.
  8. Come off it - not full. What if there was an emergency. It is 24hr mooring for the sides of the Staithe not three abreast. As it happens we all know (up to a point) the crews on board these boats and they are decent chaps but if they allow it for them then a group of lads could turn up late and do the same thing so no one could move. In the colder days with heaters going not good at all and I personally would not like to be hemmed in like that, - bloody sardines come to mind. Certainly not the peace and tranquillity that Neatishead Staithe normally provides.
  9. Am I seeing this all wrong it looks rather pink and green.
  10. The light banter and change of subject is giving our Gracie what she needs ' a rest from the forum ' I am sure she will approve, especially of the posts regarding snuff.
  11. Whether a coincidence or not but at the moment down South it seems to be mostly Brooms hire boats that are out. Seen two Faircraft Loynes a few Richardsons two Pacific cruisers and a lot of Brooms. What with yesterdays torrential rain and winds we are still drying out now. Mooring was a real treat.
  12. Robin ,Remember it is not always your fault (your meaning all of us) it usually the other dozy buggers on the road. They are hampered by texting, talking on the phone, eating their breakfast, putting on make up etc or just plain dealing with kiddies who are misbehaving on the back seat. As soon as your attention is gone for a mini second from the road in front of you , then accidents happen. Coming home from Lowestoft on Saturday , I noticed in my rear view mirror blue lights and a flash of yellow so thought ambulance. I kept an eye and when it was relatively near to I slowed down (much to the annoyance of the driver behind me) and stopped. The other road users on the other side of the road also stopped. Well everyone except the 'tart' in the car behind me who just as the ambulance was passing him decided to indicated right and pull out. The ambulance shoved on his two tones and obviously frightened the life out of this driver who immediately pulled back in. What did he think we were all stopped for 'a chat'. My be Father Christmas should bring him a rear view mirror and teach him how to use it.
  13. Whiter than white. My God to get things white these days like your towels you have to go to such lengths. Aerial tabs , Vanish Crystal white, a descaling tablet and softener. I am sure years ago your OMO, Persil, Daz, etc whitened your washing without all of this added stuff. My Nan used to bung it all in the Copper as she called it. Mondays was wash day, whether it was snowing , foggy or pouring with rain, it was wash day. Genuine folk do not get offended it is only a sad minority in this country.
  14. Yes one of the same,.. Also known as Rickh His wealth of information , along with Strowies are sadly missed. .
  15. Speaking of folk who have left us. It would be good to see Rickh back in the fold once more.
  16. Yes Good luck Robin. Dont beat yourself up if it all goes t.ts up and you fail. I bet more of us failed the first time than passed. If it is meant to be it will happen.
  17. The crew of Corsican are missing too.
  18. Plenty of Ducks , Swans, Geese and many more at Potter Heigham, despite the Otters.
  19. Dont talk to me about Bramerton Woods End , last time we were there , there were two guys fishing (ready to take the fish away and eat them, say no more as to who they were) sat right next to the sign saying NO FISHING. We shifted them up a bit when we arrived and if looks could kill we would be no more. What with them and the Brundall lot that descend for the weekend and stay put all weekend.
  20. Thank you for giving the link. I dont know about anyone else but I could not bring their so called 'map' up at all.
  21. Jean I can understand the pay part but how do you display?
  22. Sorry but got to ask - you have been very quiet just lately , no recipes for us to watch. Hope you are all ok?
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