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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Life jackets are about to find a new home. Thank you forum for letting me post.
  2. As you all know we have given up boating so I have two adult life jackets as shown below. Anyone wants them they are going free. All I ask is that you pay postage and a small contribution towards the Forum. If you are interested can you pm me please?
  3. I recall that juke box - oh the good old days. As for the Nagnav comments - strange there is a reoccurring theme throughout, the penny will drop that one day we as passengers are not in control and it can be very daunting on occasions when to slow down would be a better option, speed limits are there for a reason. My foot brake is often applied. We have in our house a list of ready to use excuses for every occasion. One such excuse is - I am keeping up with the traffic.
  4. If they did it would be a question of bring your own booze because it would be beyond them to organise a decent bar.
  5. Yep , like it or lump it - charity begins at home and always will do, trouble is those who hold the purse strings and so busy sitting on the fence they forget about our own folk who are really struggling.
  6. Makes interesting listening. Wise words.
  7. Well done Robin. When you were not around to tell us the news I assumed you were winging your way to Scotland. Is that still the plan or will you wait until the better weather next year? Whatever, well done, what a good feeling to pass your test, the world is your Oyster as they say. No stopping you now. Are you going to treat yourself to a lovely brand new car? What exciting times.
  8. I did chuckle at that. At my age I think I would scare the horses, so sorry to disappoint ,yes stockings but only Christmas ones for my little grandchildren. I get such pleasure from filling these and seeing their faces. It doesn't matter who tries to spoil Christmas with its commercialism (big word for a Wed afternoon but there you go) you cannot take away the pleasure of Christmas and kiddies , of which when it comes to Christmas I am also a big kid.
  9. Cant wait - will you be hanging up your stocking (oh dear not that subject again me thinks).
  10. Glad you said that because at one time we toyed with the idea of doing that canal because it did not have locks and lift bridges. I had enough of that on the Llangollen canal. On visiting relatives in that area we have driven down past this canal through the Brecons, sat on one of the canal bridges and had our lunch watching the world slowly go by. It looked lovely.
  11. I thought that Canal had no locks or lift bridges or have I got the wrong one?
  12. Oh yes ... still waiting for that certain someone to reply. Hope you have your Nike's on.
  13. Naughty but I like your style .... Oh suspenders , those were the days....
  14. This subject has gone quiet. Come on Robin dont keep us in suspenders please ? Did you take your test on the 7th November?
  15. Serious head on - are you saying Timbo that you can no longer post a link to say the EDP or the like.
  16. I can understand how you felt seeing your boat on its way. Terrible feeling. Never ever thought I would get so attached to a boat and even now 3 years later I still think about ours. Keeping everything crossed for you and hope today brings good news regarding your property purchase. Heard on the Anglian news this morning that house prices in this area are dropping so I think your Vendors should grab your offer while it is on the table. Hope your next post will be something to be celebrated.
  17. As said before it is what you make it. If you are the type of person who has to visit the ' kids' everyday and cannot live with visiting relatives 24/7 then stay put because it would not be right for you. We moved up here initially to be near to the boat and ended up being about an hour away from it , so as mentioned we always felt that we were going away when we went on the boat. However , as time went on we moved the boat down to the Southern Broads and were only 10 mins away from the boat. It had its advantages, if there was flooding or any problems at the marina then a quick trip down the road was all it took. Yes to be honest I have toyed with the idea if anything (God forbid) happened to hubby it would be good to move to say a McCarthy and Stone retirement flat in the South East of England but before that happens I think ERNIE will have to come up. Would I be happy stuck in a retirement flat with no garden etc, I dont think so. Norfolk and Suffolk have the same large Industrial Estates as elsewhere so there is no difference there. Norwich has all the West End shops. You have beautiful coasts and beautiful rivers. What is there not to like.
  18. Very wise words Vanessan.
  19. A bit like folk who view your house, most of them are a ........ waste of time. Just being nosey most of them. You went to such lengths to demonstrate your boat. As you say so rude.
  20. "hate having to go back to visit relatives". Ray a man after my own heart. Never a truer spoken. We go we stay in a hotel to be able to get back to a sanctuary for the night when we visit. Peter I am not talking about commuting to London from here, (I would advise immediately against that) I was just saying if you feel that deprived at being cut off from 'coffee shops, restaurants, litter, polluted air, millions of people, etc then just pop on the train for a day and you will soon be back.
  21. These days of the internet you can never feel cut off , well at least that is how I feel. As Peter says you make it a success or failure. If you sit there moping the whole time about why did you move up here, ask your self why did you want to move in the first place. To be honest for our bucks we got more bang as far as property is concerned. We were both retired so no jobs to fret over. Goodness me there is a railway line not so far away 2 hrs on the train and you are back in precious London. I personally think you live a lot longer up here anyway, much slower and better lifestyle entirely. Cold is cold to me whether it is down South or up here. Bung on some more sweaters if you are cold.
  22. Likewise with us, we moved up to near to Beccles 12 years ago and this is now very much our 'home'. Yet the feeling somehow you are still on holiday never goes away.
  23. What are you trying to say MM.
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