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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. We are supposed to be 'doing' the Lancaster canal next year, hopefully that will take place. Been before and it is such a beautiful canal.
  2. Watching the 1 oclock news on the BBC, I was astonished to see that when they did a map of the Manchester area , it showed hundreds and I mean hundreds of street parties, raves, house parties bbqs gatherings etc that have been going on since the lockdown. What is wrong with these people. I think they should all be rounded up and given 24 hrs on one of the hospitals wards. They would not think it so funny then. They just think they are immune and it will not happen to them and this is just one City of the brain dead that cannot get drunk on a Friday/weekend in a nightclub. We really do not stand a chance.
  3. If and when you do hear from Richardsons, can you let us know how you got on please? We will have some idea of how to proceed when it gets to our holidays. Stay safe.
  4. I too am expecting a phone call from Richardsons shortly as our holiday is due 12th May, not that long and would think that will be cancelled. I know it is a blow but the longer this quarantine period goes on the safer in the long run we will all be.
  5. Thank you so much. Have now posted and all is well.
  6. Thank you. I have just done a restart to see if that would help. I did have something come up a couple of days ago from Norton querying this site and whether it was genuine to which I replied yes.
  7. It seems that for some reason I cannot post in Members Out and About area. Have I missed something here.
  8. I know we touched on a couple of more serious points here but thank you for keeping me smiling, you are such good company if only on the forum. Keep up the good work.
  9. Bloody idiots the lot of them. I echo Chris B's post. How very very sad. The total of deaths is really frightening. That guy is not allowed to be on the river to exercise at the moment. The only people on the river are liveaboards. The whole idea is that we ALL stay at home to somehow get this darn disease to dissipate.
  10. You could not make it up, just seen a canoeist going down the river at Wroxham - what makes him think that he is any different from anyone else. Stay at Home..
  11. You didnt say this year or next. I dont think until we get a vaccine we will ever get back to normal as we know it. Like others I am hoping for the best and prepared for the worst and there could be a lot more worse to come. It seems odd that some people are still flouting the regulations (my old Mum in Law now gone loved that word, everything was to do with the Regulations). I have been reading a book once more that I have had for some time now called Nella Last's War about the Second World War Diaries of Housewife 49 (there is a video starring Victoria Wood bless her). When you read it and realise how shortages were in the war, we have not even scratched the surface, plus your family was either in the forces in God knows where in the world (no mobile phones or Skype) and those that stayed were mainly poorly or in proper essential services, together with the fact that your home could be bombed at any time. Thank goodness we dont have that. This was the only flag I could fined. What would Iain have made of it all.
  12. I was just watching the web cam in Shetland. Quite a queue of traffic and much the same traffic as normal. Also saw two people walk down the road and go into the same corner shop, no tapes out there showing you where you have to stand. Has Shetland not got the same restrictions as us. https://www.shetlandwebcams.com/taxi-rank/
  13. Oh dear I quite enjoyed the programme. I thought the guy who did the French polishing, brought the musical box up a treat.
  14. Especially when you think of their so called talent at Spitting. Having to be quarantined at home I should think they will all need Counselling before long, poor little things. I have an 81 year old sister who lives along and on the phone yesterday she said to me, I wish people would not keep assuming that because you are older and live on your own you need permanently entertaining. Most of us are just fine. Except she has been unwell for the last week with shall we call it waterworks problems , on antibiotics now that she drove in her car to collect from the chemist. As she said I have always been on my own so whats new. Again the old adage comes to mind, without your health you have nothing. If only some people would be more careful and take it all seriously, although I am beginning to feel the penny has dropped. Nice weekend coming up, we will see what happens when the brain dead decide to go out for the day.
  15. Snap , have been thinking when the time comes and if we get offered the chance we will move it to the next year, God willing we are all still here to enjoy a holiday. Waiting to hear from Richardsons regarding May's holiday.
  16. What you saying ? Just my sense of humour.
  17. For anyone needing clarification this was all I could find. https://www.salhousebroad.org.uk/
  18. Fat cats and I mean that in more ways than one can go without their wages for a year and still be ahead of the game. Shame on them all.
  19. The problem is at the moment I think we hang on the the word of everyone and everything in the hope of hearing or seeing a glimmer of something positive. You just never know what to believe now which is dreadful. Sounds like a genuine idea but then so does so many scams out there. Just be careful. Does anyone personally know the Cators and can phone them and find out if this is kosher. I used to have one of those flyers they gave you when you paid your fees , on there were several contact numbers. Anyone still got one.
  20. What next.... Goats on the war path .... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-52103967?xtor=ES-211-[30955_PANUK_SOT_13_CNV_Send3BS1ANDS2Openers]-20200331-[bbcnews_goatstakeoveremptystreetsofseasidetown_newswales]
  21. As long as you are practising self distancing or whatever the term is today I dont see any problem with what you plan whatsoever. You will bring a lot of joy, which is desperately needed at this time and also it will make you feel good. Go for it. Just stay safe. Edited to say 'on the way home' isnt via Glasgow I assume.
  22. Good thinking Batman. You are so right.
  23. The term Food covers not just consumables but things like washing items for personal use, antibac wipes , and toilet rolls are hardly a 'food' item. I think it would mean that the clothing departments would be closed off for folk to do their weekly shop.
  24. I wonder if the food side will stay open for people to do their shopping that live in the homes there?
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