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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. On reading the reviews I did chuckle at this one. Deprive folk of sleep and this is the result, a big moan. They still enjoyed their break so not a deal breaker at all. Waveney Pegasus is comfortable and well-appointed boat having a high standard of equipment and furnishing. Unfortunately we did have some issues. This boat has a problem with wave slap making it difficult to sleep with constant very loud slapping against the hull when moored up at night . It did not help that the bed was very hard and felt like you were sleeping on an ironing board! The boat also has a issue when connected to shore power resulting in a pulsing, constant humming noise and as the power inverter and shore power system is under the bed this only added to our sleep problem. We had a issue with the TV. It would switch on and of on its own and sometimes would not receive the ITV channel. Luckily we had a laptop and our WiFi router from home so we did not miss the Rugby! The Waveney Pegasus is a nice boat providing you are a heavy sleeper. The Waveney River Centre staff are very helpful and professional and I would use them again. It was just a shame that lack of quality sleep did affect our break.
  2. Had a good look and on the whole I personally think it is a lovely boat but and a big but they would have to put as Pete suggests - a stern rail with a timber capping - because sober or tipsy the river is darn close and easy to fall into. Knowing me I would be the first to fall in. Apart from rescuing the mud weight as has been suggested , we would have no need to venture to the front of the boat as would drag the ropes towards the stern for ease when mooring. It does look very luxurious. Just had a further look and noticed 2 burner hob which is electric () plus looks like a microwave oven ( ) also the galley slave is only one to have a view when relaxing as the cabin is tucked away down the steps. Second thoughts no not for me.
  3. Can I just add to my last post, that her husband is in his 50s and was perfectly healthy , never had anything wrong with him. It really was a time to pay attention and listen. When they took him into hospital unable to breath, he did not have a temperature or a cough.
  4. Listening to Kate Garroway on GMTV this morning was such a leveller. Boy did it hit hard and made you sit up and realise that this bloody virus is a dreadful dreadful disease. When you think what her husband and many many others have suffered because of this virus it puts into context the importance of hand washing, social distancing etc and although like others I find all this a darn faff at times having to keep wiping everything down, boy is it worth it if it stops a family member going through what her husband is going through and other people. Please everyone dont think this is over and look after you and yours.
  5. Sorry if anyone else has posted this today but it at least lets us know exactly what we should or should not be doing at this time. From what I can see not a lot has changed. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=1738&utm_content=bottom-button
  6. For the rest of our lives we are going to 'get it - not get it' , it is just going to be one of those things. Life has to go on and it will just be one of those things we have to live with unfortunately. There is no cure for the common cold , only remedies to relieve it, same with the flu. We have a jab but it only protects against a bad dose of flu. This will be the same.
  7. P...s Morgan is an overpaid, self important, rich beyond comprehension, bully of a journalist, who works at ITV on a morning programme. Big fish in a little puddle. The programme runs perfectly well without him when he is not there and it is a blessed relief. He does make some good points at time but by God can he go on an on an on an on. Wish at times I had a gag. Definition of an expert - an ex is a has been and a spurt is a little drip.
  8. Hindsight may I remind you is a wonderful thing. We can all be wise after the event. I am not defending the Government and MM has some good points. Lets face it I think we are all a bit 'on edge' to put it mildly wondering whether or not things are going to go t.ts up once more. I pray that it does not and some kind of normality will return.
  9. Hylander

    Post Covid...

    That says it all. No takeaways in this house and yet I still put on weight. Well done.
  10. I see where you are coming from but you do have choices and if you are lucky you can lead a long and healthy life. Not going to say happy because one thing I cannot abide is these people who insist on asking , hope your day is awesome, whatever that is supposed to mean. I think the awesome gene passed me by. It is like these folk who , say, old so and so , he or she had a good innings , he or she lived to be 86, you say that to me when I am 85. I like you do believe when your number is up it is up and from what I can see God only really wants good folk up there with him. Just be careful that is all we can do.
  11. Hylander

    Post Covid...

    Is that pregnancy or a beer belly? I too have put on a pound or two or three.
  12. Shame there isnt a erg yuk comment thingy that you can tick. Do you have to be so graphic?
  13. I thought of you this morning when I heard that you had been told you can now leave the house. I am still a bit sceptical about all this , a lot of people seem to think it is all over and it is a free for all as far as meeting people and travelling etc. I am still going to err on the side of caution and keep my distance and unless necessary not meet other people even at a distance because I am not convinced this virus has gone away in any shape or form.
  14. Just noticed on the web cam at Wroxham that the trees have been chopped down at the moorings. Have they been down long? Suppose it keeps folks boats a bit cleaner , but did give some shade.
  15. My sister age 81 has not been able to go out in her back garden many times thanks to the ignorant pigs that live next door who from day 1 have had people round in the garden till late at night. She lives in a small terrace house, gardens very close, these people not social distancing and so she could not go in her garden for worrying about catching the virus. So I know what you mean Grendel.
  16. I think the old saying is ' get a hat get ahead' in other words - get noticed. Good way of getting free advertising.
  17. I see there appears to be a van parked just so we cannot see the darn bridge. Who is J Tatham? Are they the folk dealing with the quay heading?
  18. I read the other day that folks were wondering what had happened to HW picnic boats, well this morning here is the answer, repairs to the quay by the look of it.
  19. Hmm!! then you have not got the unorganised lot over here that we have. Couldn't organise a p.ss up in a brewery most of them , that includes our Leader. People need a strong leader in times like this. Not all this flakey nonsense. Rant over. Not political because this post applies to every last one of them. Please remove if you think it is not allowed. Thank you.
  20. Jemaki - how did you block that chaps face out please? I am new to this blocking and cannot quite get it right.
  21. I dont know Jean we can all rock up with our flask and sarnies and give them all an excuse to chase us off. Could be fun.
  22. After reading the above post I am beginning to think the word should be - pickled !!!!
  23. I am afraid he is not the only one that has interpreted the rules to suit themselves. Second homes were a no no from the start and yet Charlie went off to Scotland with Camilla and the Queen went to her second home at Windsor. It has always been like this and it always will be. I am just grateful to be still healthy (ish).
  24. Oh dear - sorry I did no mean to cause any problems. My way of thinking (Lord help us) is that when you are relaxing on holiday , the last thing you want on your mind is, who is watching. I had not realised that you would see people so close to the camera as that poor chap enjoying his pint was. I could not scribble anymore out otherwise he would have been non existent. I wish I could put the little squares on the face but I dont know how to achieve that one.
  25. Really, have you got nothing special on this evening.!!!! I was, no am concerned for the folk renting the property.
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