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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Would be good to know the facts about this. It is a bit like Chinese whispers this. It gets more intriguing as time goes on. I too would love to know where elsewhere is.
  2. That should say after not by all accounts - afraid to get their hands dirty to make themselves a living.
  3. You are quite right Howard and a nice bunch they are too. Hard working and not by all accounts to get their hands dirty to make themselves a living. From what I have read , and I am beginning to think I have dreamt all of this, it was a boat moored at Gt Yarmouth sheltering from the winds, a boat on its way to Eire. The nitty gritty details of who got their collar felt is another story.
  4. Not sure if Ynys Mon is sheltering in Hunters Yard from the stiff wind, but there’s one of their yachts moored flying the Welsh flag. Have they let the Welsh out of Wales yet? I ask as everything is being eased peacemeal.
  5. Took this earlier off of the Horning web camera that is off line at the moment. I would have said normal really. Herbert Woods is almost empty.
  6. To coin an expression often used in this house by a certain someone - well what have you done with it this time? I will let Carol know once more.
  7. If you look elsewhere you will see that this has already been explained by someone who was there, it was not a hire boat. A running commentary on another forum , given by the wife of the tow boat owner, said the incident wasn’t hire boat related and involved three policemen with tasers giving chase in the tow boat up the Bure. Police managed to board the vessel and a man was arrested.
  8. Obviously whatever needed to be twiddled has been and it is all up and running again. http://norfolkrivercottages.co.uk/rivercam1.html
  9. The web cam at Horning is actual down at the moment and the holiday cottage folk are trying to get it fixed. Had a nice email to confirm this fact. They thought they had sussed the fault the other day but no it seems.
  10. Oh dear hope your post is removed as could get HW in a lot of trouble.
  11. I think you will find they have 89 boats going out over 3 days this weekend. They certainly are getting them out. Good to see families wearing masks and being careful. Gladdens my heart to see the boats going out once more. I know we all take a risk but life has to go on and you have to be very careful. Snip taken at 3 this afternoon.
  12. Excited families getting on board this morning...
  13. I see Brinks has gone off line this morning. Must be catching whatever it is.
  14. You are a little tinker (old fashioned expression Mum used to say) - what are you????
  15. All back to normal at HW so conspiracy theories put to bed......
  16. How exciting, something going on that we are not allowed to see. Get real it is probably a technical hitch. I see the web cam at Horning , the one by the bungalows is out of action as well, perhaps they are cahoots with HW. I do really think we should all get out more....
  17. Received a moment ago in my email..... Delete please mods if on here before. https://mailchi.mp/visitthebroads/summer-2020?e=9fffd49a2d
  18. As far as bookings are concerned , we have booked with Hoseasons for a boat and I have been asked to wait 5 days for the documentation as they are up to their eyes in bookings at the moment.
  19. Come on - you have me beat, that is the translation I am getting.
  20. Dont be fearful of people using credit cards to book, very sensible under the circumstances as you do get a certain amount of protection.
  21. I must say that when we were out on the hottest day of the year along with the rest of the day boat hire boats we saw no anti social behaviour, everyone was behaving themselves. This element which should be in Spain by now will soon disappear. Boatyards should be more strict as to who they are hiring these day boats out to. Some boat yards have a policy of no more than 6 on a day boat and that is about right when you consider a normal family out for the day. These idiots who are for the most completely brain dead from the feet up should not be allowed on any boat. If the Police came on hard on the yard along with the Health and Safety people, yes they would be no doubt a few quid down on this year but at least they would still be operating and lets face it , once your reputation is lost it takes a long time to build it up again.
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