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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Hammer - that usually does it. If not use it, just threaten it.
  2. What a hassle. Let us hope by the time you go this will have calmed down a bit.
  3. against the law to meet people you do not live with in a group larger than 6. So if you are a family (I am playing Devil's advocate here) of 4 you can have another family to visit of 6 to visit but not stay?
  4. From Monday 14 September, new rules apply that mean it will be against the law to meet people you do not live with in a group larger than 6 (unless you are meeting as a household or support bubble). So are the chaps all related on each boat or live with each other. None of it makes sense to me. One thing says you can have 6 people from multi homes, the next says 6 who live within a group. And how do you stay 1 meter apart on a boat?
  5. Have the 6 on the boat all have to come from the same bubble? I dont know , just asking.
  6. What will happen when it is Lads Week. How will you all get on with the new rules?
  7. Really sad day. When we lived in Kent we played bowls at Maidstone and one of the ladies there lost her son in the twin towers, unfortunately she also lost her husband who had a heart attack over the loss of their only son. 6 months later she was offered his remains that had been found. At the time I thought this was most unnecessary and it caused so much distress. I suppose the authorities dont know what to do in these circumstances for the best. So yes later we will raise a glass to a generation of talent that was lost that day. God rest their souls.
  8. Not nice to hear you sound so down. Our thoughts are with you. God bless.
  9. Shouldn't this be headed under Corona virus as before. Reading these posts it is a bit like ground hog day.
  10. Thank you Howard, that is good to hear as will be down Sarf in October, not half term week though. That should be fun with all the boats booked.
  11. Must be an error, they must mean the leccy posts at the Windmill just a bit further round if you are going towards Norwich or if the other way you have just passed the Mill.
  12. Polkeys Mill is one of my favourite moorings on the Southern Broads. Every aspect is for safety. Just as long as you remember to tie your rope to the post on the inner land side of the mooring and not to the posts that are intended during the winter and extremely high tides to keep you from over topping. Not only do they do that but are handy to hang on to when getting on and off. I have seen people tie to these outer posts and the rope has gone down the inside and got stuck and as the boat drops with the tide the rope gets tighter and tighter and nothing but nothing will retrieve it other than cutting it, so be warned tie on the correct posts and save yourself a lot of grief. Other than that , it is magical, quiet an interesting walk around. At low tide the wild life is very interesting and have seen a seal up there basking on the side of the river.
  13. I totally agree with you regarding the local GP surgery. From what I gather here where I live they just dont want anyone at the surgery unless you kick and I mean kick hard. You have to fight to be seen. In the majority folk never bother the doctor for no reason and if they have concerns or an ongoing concern then it should be addressed and not just dismissed under the excuse of Covid19. I have had a problem since March and my surgery keeps saying they are not able under Government guidelines to treat me, well well, isnt it funny that they gave me a phone number of a private concern that apparently can treat me. So as I am so frustrated with waiting , I am paying for my treatment, for the second time. Already paid for my treatment over my 60 years of working and paying a full stamp. I started work at 15 and worked well passed 60 but then that was the last time I paid for my stamp. Saying all that , at no time would I be rude to any member of staff at the surgery. Nor would anybody with any manners. Goodness me dont frighten people who may read this are just about to have a colonoscopy.
  14. Unfortunately , the great unwashed as I call them , the ungrateful that sit on their back sides all their life and expect everything to happen for them and be paid for them , and it is, are far too commonly found these days, and as for bad language to a nurse , they should not have to put up with any of it. I can forgive a person in extreme pain bad language but that is all and then afterwards they are usually the first to apologise. I hope Jamie is a bit better today. He is in the best of hands.
  15. It is a mine field and should not be like this. They are quick enough to take the money , it should be law that they immediately send an email to you confirming your booking. Otherwise I could advertise a holiday and bugger off with the money. A holiday is more than just the holiday, it is the excitement of booking the holiday, getting the confirmation of the holiday and when you have to pay the balance and any other relevant information that a customer needs to know. It is the whole experience, not just the booking and oh well we have their money and nothing. I do sympathise with you as I had weeks of sleepless nights worrying about our booking.
  16. We are on a Captain again in October and really looking forward to it. You wont be disappointed. The bed is a bit of a challenge to get in and out but it is all part of the fun. I find it more difficult being old and crotchety. If you are a lot younger , then no problem. A lovely boat, a huge storage under compartment at the rear of the boat which holds more than you will ever need. Lots of nooks and crannies to put items in. Love the way in which when you are in the front of the boat , you cannot be seen from outside when popping from the bed to the loo. So very private. The heating system is excellent and as we will in October find the front windows will get a lot of condensation on them , there is a blower facing the front wind screen and it soon clears. There is also heating in the canopy covered back area so if are like my hubby and you will be fishing from the rear you will still be toasty.
  17. Take the ropes to the rear of the boat. We have been on 3 Captains and they are a breeze to Moor using thus method. On our Captains the charging point was under the helm and were USBs.
  18. At the moment I think Carol is glad to have it working occasionally with the problems with BT. It is one of the best cameras on the broads and really reflects the hectic loveliness of Horning in the season.
  19. Not surprising with the grotty weather forecast.
  20. Hi Malcolm In the end after telephoning for about 5 hours and getting no response, emailing 4 times, writing personally to their office which is down to the road from my house, I then decided to contact my MP. Within 24 hrs of doing that Hoseasons had rung me confirmed my booking and emailed me confirmation of my booking. Do tell why on Gods earth do have to go to such lengths to get a result. I still do not know what magic wand my MP Peter Aldous has but it worked. Hoseasons confirmed to me that if you book direct with the boatyard then you cannot get the information of your booking on their site, so now I know why that was fruitless. Good luck.
  21. Believe me Hoseasons is not the only holiday company to adopt this stance. We are booked in September for a holiday cottage and when I dare mention about the reduction in VAT I was put in my place immediately by being told this was NOT a perk for the customer but a perk for the holiday provider because of their losses over Covid19. Make of that what you will.
  22. Much to hubby's annoyance, one year while staying at Watersedge in Potter Heigham, he asked me to watch the rods while he nipped inside. He had not been gone 30 seconds when one of the rods whipped across me and I had to grab it quickly from going in the river. Just my luck it was a carp as big as a dinner plate. I kept yelling for him to come out quickly and eventually he returned and landed the best carp he had ever caught. He must have sat there for days before this happened with absolutely not a bite. Typical.
  23. In those circumstances you were probably safer after 12 pints as not so wary of the rickety old pilot boat and its pilot.
  24. I can tell you that the guys at HW make you put the life jacket on so no excuse for those lads not wearing them. I suppose it is not (using that god awful word) cool to wear one. Well when it is your life we are talking about here, cool doesn't come in to it.
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