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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Good. I am sorry that groups of people hanging about (which they should not be) in the shopping centre have been causing problems. Lilly Law should get down there and sort them out.
  2. Oh my God Arthur what on earth has been going on. I thought we were all singing from the same hymn sheet here. Live and let live , be kind to one another, it just does not sound like it. Well at the end of the day ( I know night comes) we all and I mean ALL of us want to live and be healthy as far as we can be. No one goes out of their way , well may be the odd nutter, to infect anyone else, in fact when I have dared to venture out , it has been very obvious that everyone is avoiding everyone. Dont get down and depressed please life is so short. Hold your heads in shame any of you that have upset Arthur to such an extent. I have not been reading the last few posts so do not know what has been going on, but for just one of our members to be thinking like Arthur is terrible.
  3. Ahh!! that brings back memories - you watch your doctor put these on and the next expression is always - just relax!!!. I hope it does not come to us having to wear disposable gloves, not only are they blessed expensive but as we all use hand sanitiser and at the shops you can clean your trolley before use, a tad unnecessary.
  4. If this is of any help to you. I have order two full face shields. I ordered them from Primatel.co.uk with the code MAIL7PPE30. We went to Homebase in Lowestoft this morning (resisted the temptation to knock on Hoseasons front door) and it was fine. Everyone wearing face masks that I saw , everyone avoiding like the plague everyone else. No one stood on the door being self righteous.
  5. Oh how I do sympathise with you. I too never want to part with any of my blood and to say it is a performance is an understatement. I have found Beccles Medical Centre blood department are excellent and really know their stuff, since going there. They use a fine needle and just lately they have been successful and oh my what relief it is when you see that file filling up. Usually (but not recently) have ended up with it being taken from the back of my hand. At one time I really did wonder what I ran on apart from neat alcohol.
  6. The trouble is they think the virus has gone away. I have ordered more masks today together with a couple of shields , you just never know if someone is the household gets it , we dont all live in mansions and can be apart from one another. I am like you am staying away from everyone unless absolutely necessary.
  7. Two grand , blimey, when Macey had her pups you could have retired there and then. No doubt when everyone who still has a job can go back to it the prices will come down once again. Even so I bet you are really excited at the thought of meeting your new puppy.
  8. Ours is not a hire boat but a holiday cottage. However, I think Graham is right. I have paid the full amount but have still asked the question regarding the VAT. When I get a definitive answer I will let you know. This holiday cottage is not Hoseasons but Dont even think about ringing Hoseasons , spent another 3 hrs today telephoning and got nowhere. Have tried, cancelling your holiday, booking a holiday and enquiring about a holiday and you get the same scenario, they just dont want to answer.
  9. Thank you. Just about to pay the balance. As you say may be at point of sale and think it is from August so I suppose anyone booking a holiday from August to January would be applicable. Why is everything so blasted complicated. I would normally have paid the balance just like that and thought nothing of it.
  10. So if you have already booked a holiday August onward you should get a reduction on the balance to pay. Am I correct. Or even a refund?
  11. Netty Southgate ,William Hollocks and his son Raymond. Are you sure we are referring to the cast of The Archers? Sounds like names from a good novel.
  12. Noticed today that the Wells Web Cam has really improved since it got away from the BBC web cam. https://www.portofwells.co.uk/webcam/
  13. I agree with you and probably the guy had wound himself up like a coiled spring long before the OP arrived on the scene. He probably spent the night before the release of hire boats not being able to sleep thinking about what was in store for him and his neighbours. Was very unfortunate that the OP did not realise that on the sign of QUIET MOORINGS underneath it says , you must turn your engine off within 2 mins of arrival. I hope that last sentence is taken as meant as a light hearted quip.
  14. Well said - live and let live. Be kind if possible to one another.
  15. Quite frankly I think the resident should find something to do. It was obviously a man, retired, I've got one in doors as well and notices everything that goes on. I personally could not give a stuff. When the guy at Potter purchased his property he knew darn well it was opposite the moorings and what they entailed as far as he was concerned. However, if you allow Jo Public to use them for God sake they have to 'use them'. A novice on the river will take a bit more time may be than some but to start screeching across the river when they have just arrived is unforgivable and such bad manners. Who does he think he is. If he is perfect then I would like to shake his hand. I would have thought that quiet moorings meant just that, When you are safely moored , no music etc and general racket. Hopefully no domestics either. Rant over......
  16. Not good to hear but so pleased you and your friend are ok , also that his Mum is being looked after. Would not have fancied the taxi fare bill as that was some journey, but can I just ask , just in case it happens to us, how do you pay now, is it by card? I cannot imagine anyone carrying around a load of cash , just in case. Take care and dont overdo it. M
  17. Just twigged - gin palaces?
  18. Go on do tell what is a GP , apart from the medical version..
  19. GPs ?? No wonder you cannot see a doctor they all out on the river.
  20. That is not good to hear. They are so very careful and considerate and that canal boat is pristine. Hope not too much damage.
  21. Found this other photo. Just a screenshot I took watching their blog.
  22. Foxes Afloat : It is so sad that lovely Dylon has passed. He was such a lovely dog.
  23. I have some Blakes coat hangers in doors. They were left on our boat when we bought it.
  24. Your post Peter confirmed my thoughts, if you do not have a member of the family working in the NHS you have no chance of getting anything done. My cousin is a Nurse Practitioner and when her Mum suffered a twisted bowel because she was 'in the business' so to speak they moved heaven and earth for her and saved her life. It should not be like this, everyone is equal when it comes to ill health and we should all be treated the same. When I was in the James Paget a member of staff told me of her experience of being in there and how wonderful they had all been with her (long before Covid19) brought her iced water etc. That was because she was a member of staff. When I asked for some iced water , I was told tap or nothing. I have a concern and have been contacting the doctor for over 3 months to be told , we dont deal with that at the moment. Wonder if I was a family member if things would be different. This is just my thoughts.
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