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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I know I am bringing up the rear here - well someone has to - what the Dickens is a Firkle?
  2. I have a Huawei Honor phone and it is the best thing since sliced bread as far as I am concerned. Takes superb photos. Does everything that these expensive phones do and sometimes better. I have a daughter in law who of course has to have to latest phone and the most expensive and to this day I have never received a photo that I dont feel either she or I need to go to Specsavers as the photos are chronic.
  3. Thank you for your replies I have passed them on to my other half who is interested in this gadget.
  4. Our holiday was cancelled by Darling Boris.
  5. Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Saw this on the internet. Anybody any opinions on this. Is it any use? https://getryoko.com/articles/internet-connection-wherever?lyl=1&l=en&c=gbp&vndr=ryomar&cmpid=5ebbaf07b4373c00014021ed&sub1={lpurl}&sub2={keyword}&sub3={matchtype}&sub4={adgroupid}&sub5={creative}&sub6={campaignid}&sub7={device}&sub8={adposition}&sub9={network}&sub10={placement}&ref_id={gclid}&subid3={campaignid}&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7qP9BRCLARIsABDaZzife1BqYPJAqixtka2eVdiVbKYxP24RQRKeDsorKR6yCm7u6qxKmhUaAtAhEALw_wcB&utm_expid=.BJblS1IZSiG813hSGwQCoQ.1&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fpickmypostcode.com%2F
  6. Dont see why they stopped the boating holidays and the holiday cottages. We were due to go this Saturday 14th November. I rang HW and asked when the refund would be forthcoming , they said from the 23rd of November. Is that to make sure we are not going. Richardsons refund you straight away.
  7. When I drove to the farm this morning for some fresh eggs fruit and veg I passed our little parade of shops and I was quite astonished to see every parking bay was full, there must be at least 30 bays and loads of people about. During the first lockdown you hardly saw a soul. What is it about this lockdown that seems to have passed all these people by.
  8. Spotted - one paddle boarder. Taken just now.
  9. Doesn't make for good reading Mouldy but every word you have typed is so true. It is like being in a revolving door you can never get out of. We went out for a walk this morning and the number of cars on the road, we both said this lockdown is nothing like the first, when we used to walk before for our exercise ( I say the word exercise loosely) all cars were parked in drives and in the roads, no body went out unless it was absolutely necessary. I am quite baffled by what I have read in the previous posts that you are allowed on the rivers in your boat, well how come I have had to cancel our holiday on the 14th? What is the difference , we would have just been 2 old folk on their own. We live not an hour away. Same with many people who own their own boats and live locally. In the first lockdown you rarely saw any boats on the web cams, really only the odd liveaboard going for provisions. It was a true lockdown.
  10. Good to hear if you live at a distance and are concerned about your boat.
  11. Speaking of our boys in blue. In the early 60s my brother-in-law (very much an ex brother-in-law now) was just out of training school and was on the beat on his own , he was with the Met. He was driving his noddy bike along the road down by the docks in London and came across folk desperately trying to load a lorry from a nearby building. *** being *** and helpful decided to stop his bike and get off and go and help them by letting them back the lorry up to the building while he stopped the traffic. This duly happened and they drove off. Shame was they were part of one of the biggest gangs in London at the time and were robbing the place. However, he remained in the met and eventually became a Detective Sergeant as I say with the Met at West End Central , all I can say is eventually you would have been hard pressed to decipher him from the crooks. Coppering in those days in London was not like it is today. I dare not describe him on here, I would be banned.
  12. Please dont take this too seriously - just to lighten the atmosphere which is very sad at the moment. I ought to head this - to cheer us up, well us whinging ladies, may be, but fellas take note , dont upset the little woman. Listen to Pam's words carefully.
  13. I have just been in touch with Herbert Woods and they offered me , a transfer of the holiday that has been cancelled, a voucher, or a full refund. You cannot say better than that. I have opted for a full refund until things are more settled.
  14. Many a true word and all that but you can keep your whinging. Women do not whinge end of.
  15. Remember you are testing your eyesight.
  16. At the end of the day as long as we all stay well that is all we can hope for. God bless all of you and yours and stay safe. Christmas will still happen and also other festivities that are celebrated at this time but just on a much smaller scale. Griff if only winterising was that simple.
  17. This is like Groundhog day. The trouble is , the good and the great (not Cummins) all do as they are told and abide by the rules, the infection rate comes down and then the morons are let out again and we will be back in this situation again and again.
  18. Common and sense are definitely the problem , sense with some is not so common in fact I dont believe half of them have a brain, hence the situation we find ourselves in today. Self Self Self, got to have their nails done, got to go to the nightclub, got to get p.ssed up , and got to gather in groups , because they are not like the elderly , they wont get it. Well thanks a bunch to you lot of morons.
  19. Have we heard it is going to be a 4 week lockdown - and in what sense, just no pubs , clubs etc, what about holidays?
  20. Welcome back from Brian and myself. Recently on Captain your ears should have been burning as we recalled the day you 'saved' us when you sorted out the heating using this forum , for us. I still have the copy I printed out when I got home of that heating system and that print out is worth its weight in gold. Think every hirer of the Brooms Captain should be given one to refer to. I thought Brian was going to have apoplexy that day when the darn thing would not shut off and it was a lovely sunny and warm afternoon, certainly no need for heating. It transpired that some bright spark had put a timer on it to come on and that time every day. With your knowledge , it was cancelled. We would have had no chance of knowing what to do. Thank you once again.
  21. I agree Jean, I struggle with the cold as well. It all sounds very idyllic but you still have to get out of bed to go into a freezing cold loo. As for these guys who have the heating on 24/7 it seems, you want to be on our boat, 1 hr and heating goes off, hubby is always belt and braces and is always concerned about the state of the batteries. This rain will put off a lot of folk, wet ropes, slippery surfaces, it was all very well earlier in the year when we had that tremendous summer (what happened to that I ask, it disappeared the moment we went on holiday on the 21st August and has not been seen since.) Howard has the right idea, hire in the depth of winter and spend every waking hour in the warm in the pub by a roaring fire.
  22. Speaking of Rockland , we noticed, well could help but notice the guy who is moored permanently on the end of the dyke, radio aerials erected beside the boat and looks as if he has moved in. Wonder what the local Parish Council make of that.? Good spot to moor on when on holiday that end mooring, good for fishing.
  23. That would be a good idea but there was only bedding for the front cabin only. However for future use I will ask for bedding for the main cabin as well.
  24. If it helps Captain 6 has a folding table and is very manageable when closed up, also can be moved around and not fixed. Captain 6 also has a bow and stern thruster, absolutely fantastic in high winds and for mooring when wind and tide are arguing with each other. Captain 6 also has USB points and not the old fashioned cigar lighter sockets. We always take a small and I mean small washing up bowl to save water. As for the bed, it is the boat's Achilleas heel. At mid 70s I struggled no end to get in and out and dont mention sitting up because it is an impossibility. So no cuppa in bed in the morning.
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