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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. If you are odd Howard then so am I. Be glad when they can all return to going abroad. Peace will reign once more on the Broads.
  2. I agree with your last sentence. Far better idea.
  3. Something referred to as time and place' comes into it. This is neither the time and London is not the place. Changing the subject somewhat - I was just looking at the Oulton Broad web cam and there are a few yachts whizzing about in the breeze today.
  4. Seeing that daft lot on the news this morning gathering in London for their so called 'rights'. Well what about the rights of normal folk who dont want to be infected by those numbskulls. The only way to get back to normal is to be patient. These so called protesters should have a fortnights holiday in China I would suggest. They would soon be told where to shove their rights.
  5. I actually posted a comment to one of the vloggers and said that I thought you had to stay local , the reply I received was, I am local. Well local to me is popping down to Beccles for fuel and shopping or attending the medical centre , it is not making films walking around Suffolk and Norfolk ( however lovely that is) with the family. We have stuck to the rules the whole time. Only walk from the house and the only 'trips' if you can call them trips out have been to have our vaccinations at Southwold and to attend the Hearing Clinic at Bungay, other than that and essential things we have stayed at home. We have neighbours that are out and about every day in the car. I suppose it is how you interpret the rules.
  6. I usually send a cheque off to BA in Norwich and within a day or so back come the cards.
  7. £20 for one and all. I am pretty sure that my Direct Debit that goes out every year for a pensioner is £20. What benefits do you get for being a pensioner. I stand to be corrected.
  8. I agree and to most of us they are a welcome sight.
  9. I see the Rangers are out and about watching and waiting.
  10. Gosh over 3 grand for a week, better start saving or even standing on the corner singing if those are the prices. One thing folk always remember is people who are profiteer.
  11. Speaking of the word 'local' , I watch You tube and there has been quite a few videos of someone being out and about all over from North Norfolk to Gt Yarmouth etc , well my interpretation of the 'advice' is to stay local and only go out for essential shopping and medical appointments. Am I missing something.
  12. If only, sorry I am very boring.
  13. We have a Lidl in Beccles. I went there just the once when it first opened, took what I thought was a right hand turn into the car park and unfortunately although there was a slope down to the road as soon as I had began my journey into the car park I realised to my horror that no it was not the entrance at all, despite there being no cars park across this part , there was a dirty great big kerb waiting for the underside of my car , I took it very slowly and managed without doing any damage to get into the car park. I was outside my car trying to look underneath to see the damage and ascertaining whether or not it was worth going home to all the grief I would get for being so darned stupid, when all of a sudden a delivery driver came through the same 'entrance' , although on this occasion he went over said kerb like a ding back and there was an awful crunching noise. He then got out and started to inspect the underneath of his van. It was like something out of a comedy sketch. I then realised where the correct entrance is. Bit of advice to anyone moving to Norfolk or on the edge of it as Beccles is, realise that it is an 'overcoat colder' up here and oh boy do we get some icy blasts. Apart from the fact that the locals where I live took 10 years to speak to me everything is lovely. I think we are now accepted , although some still blank me when I say good morning. Having no family near is also a concern as we are both cracking on now.
  14. Dont the letters B and A stand for B.gger All as well. Saying that I have always found on contacting the BA office about electricity cards and other matters, that they have always been polite and helpful. I speak as I find.
  15. That is ok when you have plenty of years left, some of us, our hour glass is going through fast at a pace of knots'. We are grabbing whatever we can get and are grateful to just be able to get away. Things will be different for a while but they will get back to normal and all those that love the sun will go abroad as usual and all those that love to freeze to death on the Broads will still be there booking up.
  16. Oh right - met a few of these in my lifetime I can tell you, especially at work.
  17. Go on then - I'll ask - what is cockwomble? Have you noticed that all three boat's names have a certain ring to them "Disco Volante" Beaver Las Vegas" and "Yeah Buoy".
  18. I read that yesterday 43 Vietnamese landed on the beach at Walmer. Now all other considerations forgotten what happens to these people as far as Covid is concerned. I trust that they are isolated and tested.
  19. Driving back from the garage after taking hubby's car in for its service , we commented on the fact that everyone appears to have a dog nowadays and mostly more than one. I wonder what will happen when they all have to go back to work and school. Animals dont understand why all of a sudden they have no company.
  20. Oh that is so sad. As the owner has come to this conclusion is can only have come about by locals using the footpath because for the best part of a year most of us have not been able to get to do the walk as not classed as 'close to home'. I know when we went there last , the words ' beware of the cows' was ringing in my ears and I declined to walk the path, that was starting at the little bridge. I read this article, is the story true about the shopping? https://loddon.org.uk/loddonwp/pyesmill/
  21. I do that anyway. Each to his own. I am sure the pubs will re-open when safe to do so. I can sympathise with Howard as he does love to visit the pubs around the Broads. Darn Virus.
  22. Supposed to be 'bikini' weather on Saturday, you may be able to start your calendar sooner than you think. For us ladies is it going to be lots of months showing big hunky fellas or is it going to be like the Pirelli Calendars of old? Thinking about it that last sentence is wrong for the entire woke brigade.
  23. Thank you for posting. I read the whole thing and it is so true and could be written today (apart from the names mentioned) and that was written in 1949.
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