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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. You are obviously not a local on the Southern Broads who uses the train to get to and from work. Buses are few and far between in this neck of the woods. I personally think our bridges break up the boring reeds , reeds and more reeds, they focus the mind. They all have their own charm. A lot of boats dont even need them to open, just wait for the tide in a lot of cases.
  2. Well as if we are not all depressed enough as it is. I have just read Griff's post. Old story wrong doers - 1 - people who play by the rules - 0.
  3. The thing is when the boat was 'Berthed' on the Port bank on Sutton Broad I had an attitude of - Live and let live, non payment of Tolls / Bss / Insurance was the Ba's responsibility, yes he was freeloading but that was for the Ba to sort out, my biggest concern was the environmental impact of waste going direct into the river - If indeed it was. If so I cannot imagine that anyone would want to moor there for a long time until it all cleared away. Yuk!!
  4. Oh I do sympathise. Changing tablets seems to be something these doctors do without looking into your medical records very closely. Not as serious as yourself but in 2015 I was admitted to James Paget and put on a drip for a week and it was concluded that a tablet that I had been put on was causing all of the problems. Just recently my doctor changed my pills , and not being a medical person myself , I did not realise that these pills were the same as the ones that knocked me completely off of my feet. It takes a lot to do that but these literally did me in. I could feel that I was going the same so stopped taking them. On looking at my medical records on line that you can do now, there was no mention of what had happened in 2015 , no warning about these pills. I have written to the doctors practice and informed them of the fact that my records are not correct. I asked for a reply in writing, as of today I have not received a response. However, looking at the records I see there are additions that did not use to be there. I use something called System on Line that is run by the surgery. Have you got something similar?
  5. Well I have to say that having done my bit of working from 15 to 65 I think I deserve to be enjoying the sun in the garden and am doing just that when I can. I know what it is to sit in a sweaty office , literally dripping from it being so hot while Management had air conditioned rooms and kept their doors firmly shut so as to not let any cold any reach where we were. Saying that there are those who would be more than pleased to be working at this moment. I was really thinking of all those lucky souls who are on the rivers. Just a tad envious. Your day will come when you retire and it is not all beer and skittles I can tell you. Just as you get to retirement everything seems to go wrong with you , what do they say, the mind is willing but the body is weak. We make the most of the good days. Just enjoy it. Now where did I put that tin of Raid?
  6. Whoever opted for this week for their holiday on the Broads, well it could not get any better if you had gone abroad. What glorious weather we are having. Good for the soul even if you are not on the rivers.
  7. I am sure someone on here will have the know how as to what to do.
  8. Thank you. That is better. gets tea over with first.
  9. For those like us who are not blessed with having Sky Sports or BT Sports , it is on You Tube. Not sure of exact time but think it is 6 p.m. Does anyone know the exact time?
  10. Oh dear , you must have got drenched. I would not mind so much if when this happened, you shrank like the clothes in the wash. I could do with a lot of shrinkage after this lockdown malarkey.
  11. Love the way you have caught that heavy rain approaching at Gt Yarmouth. Places always look better in the sunshine.
  12. Sorry I have been shopping to Morrisons, otherwise I would have replied sooner.
  13. Spotted you on YouTube this morning going through Ludham Bridge.
  14. Can you moor on an electric post for several days?
  15. The problem with retirement , it seems you have even less time to do anything and the days and weeks just fly by.
  16. If this is anything to go by. I emailed a local hotel about 2 months ago about booking in July , received a reply, we are not open at the moment. I have had to email them again today to ask again. Do they want the business or not.
  17. Hylander


    I can see two fluff balls this morning together with either Ma or Pa.
  18. Hylander


    Looked this morning and a lot of feathers and one bundle of fluff, hope it is just sleeping.
  19. I am going to do the lottery. Just read previous post - may be not.
  20. My OP was about a vacancy on the Reedham Ferry. I would have thought that there would be people queuing up for this interesting position. It has gone from a simple announcement of a vacancy, to the state of the Pubs in the area to the misuse of The Furlough Scheme. You could not make it up.
  21. The owner was saying they are looking for a person to operate the ferry.
  22. Not the pub, the Ferry.
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