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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Sorry I quoted the wrong quote to start with. Thank you, unfortunately we have visitors on the Saturday , did not dare put them off as not seen them for 6 years, so if can will pop down on Sunday. The boats look magnificent and thank goodness you are blessed this year with decent weather.
  2. How long are you all at Beccles. Are you there on Sunday too.
  3. With Covid all this linen on board would be going to a laundry anyway - used or not used.
  4. Depends where you are hiring from but the words 'additional' cleaning is some circumstances needs to be desired. A general cleaning in the first place would be a start. Covid cleaning isnt carried out as it was earlier in the pandemic. I have not noticed 'fogging' happening. May be I have just missed it.
  5. I agree but this ere Mr Covid is getting the blame for every mistake, it is the excuse of the century. Picnic boats used to be kitted out with everything you need, now they provide nothing except if you are lucky a toilet roll and even if you are really lucky a fresh toilet roll and not half used. Yet they are still charging the same exorbitant prices. This time of year £280 for a day. There is only 2 of us. So a lot of readies. So in a lot of ways their jobs are less.
  6. We stopped off some time ago before Covid at one of the pubs mentioned on the North Norfolk Coast and we thought our meal was ok. Personally I prefer my sandwiches not to be made from doorstep bread but there you go. 1 star is beyond dreadful. The stools in the pub looked as if someone had knocked them up out of old bits of log. May be that is the character of the place.
  7. You never know Vaughan , he may pop in and give us the nod as to what actually happened. http://www.alerter.co.uk/normanshurst/shouts/index.php
  8. Not Vimto, we weren't that posh , but a small bottle of Pepsi Cola and one packet of Smith Crisps my Dad used to get me and my sister on a Thursday which was pay day for the RAF. And that folks was it. None of this cupboards full of sweets and chocolates and crisps that they have today, and Lord help you if you helped yourself to anything in the cupboard, (we did not have a fridge until the 60s). Dreadful really. I wouldnt mind but my parents were well off compared to some, and now I know how.
  9. I think the smell of bacon cooking is sometimes better than the real thing. That and fried onions from a distance.
  10. Usual complaint at this time of year - brain left behind at home on the sideboard. Where on earth is the mother in all of this. Even if my other half had thought it a good idea there is no way it would have happened in my presence. If it was that urgent to get the child to the other boat, then stop both boats somewhere safe.
  11. When we went to get Silverline Simoom pumped out I can recall the chap saying , two toilets - one tank. Not sure about Pacific Diamond. My thoughts at the time were, well that was a good idea - not - with my condition we thought we would be so much better off, thinking two loos, two tanks. We had a Mansfield on our Bounty and it was brilliant.
  12. Can I arrive at this subject from a different perspective. I have a serious bowel complaint and can visit up to 6 times a day and some days when I have an attack even more. We have a pump out after 3 days to put my mind at rest. I feel so guilty for always sitting on the loo. I dread having to 'go' worrying that I will fill it up. Although hubby does try to reassure me. There are only two of us as well. We dont use shore facilities. Another point , yes some boats do have two loos but they empty into one tank , so beware.
  13. I think your words should be printed on the booking form quite frankly and can I just add a decent can opener too. I even take my own knives forks and spoons together with a wooden spoon (some on the boats look , well shall we say used) and a small whisk. I purchased a frying pan in Tescos about 10 years ago and it is as good today as it was then. It stays in the holiday box. It was also about £7.99.
  14. Good to see folk cooking on board. I always cook from scratch, have never had any problems with cooking meat, there is a gadget called a meat thermometer which is very handy if there is any doubt. I have not managed to kill anybody off yet to my knowledge. I enjoy cooking so it is no hardship for me.
  15. What a good thought Jean. I wonder too.
  16. Anyone doing a discount for anyone holding a Bus Pass. We could all do with a discount, that OP just shows Greed. I hope no one takes up the offer.
  17. Some of the prices are eye watering. I mean to say you dont want to purchase a share in the boat just want to hire it for a week. We used to hire for 14 nights. You would need a small mortgage on some of the boats to do that now. For us it is 4 nights. No wonder folk go abroad.
  18. Strangely quiet here near to Beccles and I gather the Beccles area - no internet if you are with Sky. I am using the mifi and 3.
  19. MM you are not alone. Fellow sufferer here. I cannot stand the way they are all so full of themselves. I might be nearly 76 but I am as fit now as I was when I was 18 , and that was totally unfit.
  20. I tried Morrisons own Marmite and it is lovely.
  21. Hylander


    Our gardens are gasping for water, every night we ponder , shall we water, well it looks like we will have to at least water the toms etc.
  22. Hylander


    Well has anyone got thunderstorms , torrential rain etc. We have been expecting Armageddon all weekend and nothing not even a drop of rain here in the East.
  23. More's the pity that they can be so picky. Reading the posts, the country always managed to makes a bad situation even worse by listening to rumours and reading social media. This will sort itself out, we have our forces to rely on and when have they ever let us down - never.
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