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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. What gets me is the idea that everything is electric and what if the electricity providers fail to provide, old adage comes to mind "dont put all your eggs in one basket". I personally like the choice, diesel, petrol, gas, or electric, not one size fits all.
  2. Unfortunately another family who wont be back thanks to mindless morons. Never mind Pranksters, they need horse whipping, little s..ts.
  3. Hylander


    I did chuckle - oh dont you just love it when the laptop changes what you originally type..... So pleased your lovely dog is being looked after and hope she gets well soon.
  4. Hylander


    Got nothing to do with the working class (emphasis on the working). There are a lot of folk around quite comfortable at the moment being paid and also if they want to do another part time job. Running your own business a different matter. This nonsense has gone on for far too long and the mindset needs to change. Times gone by you didn't work you starved. Thank God that does not happen now, especially when it affects children. A lot of families are just scraping by and they are working all hours , however there is a minority that all this has suited them down to the ground.
  5. Yesterday was a joy to watch and I dont even like football. Good that the teams played their hearts out and that it went to extra time on both occasions, a bit of a shame that the penalty part is so final and harsh because both teams played well. My only criticism is this, will they please stop chucking themselves on the pitch every time someone gets near to them. It is stupid. Makes them look stupid. May be to stop this fouling every two seconds , clock up 7 fouls and it is a penalty. That would soon sort it out. I just loved the tennis and when Andy Murray came out - the other sofa professed , oh well, one set and he will be off as he is not fit - not fit, crumbs he was like a dynamo on that court. Well done Andy. He was playing a very very good player. As for England v Germany. Obviously we would all like England to win but they are like a limp rag compared to some of these teams, even the lesser known ones. As for all this Harry Kane hype, is there no one else in the team? Just an opinion from someone who does not follow or even like football.
  6. I dont particularly like Ms Burley but that is just a personal choice. I think there is more to this than meets the eye with our Matt. From what I have heard there is an investigation going on as to why a camera was in one of the Ministerial offices in the first place which breaks security rules. Someone has been contracted to put that camera in , in readiness to achieve the end result which we have all seen. intriguing.
  7. Good question Chris, fancy you coming all the way from New Zealand, we get hot and bothered travelling from Beccles to Stalham. We are on Swan Reflection in September and I am almost positive that the cable is available for the 240 volt hook up and I would have thought that it will be available on most of the boats nowadays except for the really old ones. It is always best to make sure the cable is on board before leaving Stalham. Our trip on Swan Reflection will be our 3rd attempt. First was the cancellation because of the Beast From the East, then illness struck and then Covid so really the 4th attempt. We dont use the leccy much but if it is available it is good to top up the batteries and all of your tech bits. In the later months it is good to put the heating on and not give it a second thought.
  8. 20 years ago you could get most boats up there when there was room to get under the Bridge and yes there was a lot of weed. The beauty of the place cannot be matched anywhere else on the Broads. Saying that trying to turn a boat at West Somerton in a high wind was quite a challenge.
  9. Sorry the link just takes me to a little blue bird and thats it. I dont belong to Twitter or Face Book. Have you another link please?
  10. Now that is sad to hear. Hope you are both well. Boats unfortunately are real money pits. We still get on the Broads, hiring now but also have the opportunity to spend holidays elsewhere.
  11. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/business/norfolk-traditional-pub-bell-inn-for-sale-8056156
  12. How sad, I can tell you are heartbroken. We will think of you. As you say life goes on as difficult as it is. I still miss our boat. We kept the ships bell that we had bought, that now lives in the conservatory.
  13. If only they realised what (no this is not very ladylike) nobs they sound. They are like walking text books. Do tell when did the word gotten become a part of the English language. BBC news reader the other day, they had gotten etc etc. You either have got , had got but never gotten. This is from America.
  14. I wonder what Gwynith Paltrow would make of it. If I recall she lives on a lettuce leaf. Sorry it came out twice.
  15. May be the Mods will accommodate us. Otherwise if they would put my post into your post that would be very helpful. Goodness only knows why but I could not find it.
  16. Our little baby Tom Tits left the nest today and are in and around the garden. They are so cute.
  17. Or even a truer word. Sorry for the typo.
  18. Never a truer words spoken.
  19. Well you can count me in - so that is 2 of us. I wonder how many more. Loads I should imagine. Another thing I hate is when people instead of saying, as soon as possible, you get , I do that asap. I mean to say what has happened to the English language. A what is this sic business. sick to me is vomit. Thinking about it that is probably the effect it has. I digress, sorry.
  20. When I read the heading of your post I thought you were referring to the G7. Have a fantastic time.
  21. Like others we too have a couple of these and at times they have been so handy. I always take them with me even if we do not use them. So simple and yet so effective and what is much much better is - no ruddy App to get to use it. Whatever did we do before these useless Apps.
  22. The one good thing about mooring down South is that there are some good 24hr moorings with strong posts and you know that when the tide falls a lot and on some occasions it can really do that you still have water below you. Just keep an eye on your ropes, check and double check and then it will all be a breeze. Dont leave it to the last minute to moor , start off nice and early and have a good day and moor up by 3 p.m. Especially when the fishing season starts as the waterways do get a tad busy. I have just re-read my post regarding Hardley Mill and I am sure I typed picturesque. Goodness only knows what happened to the que at the end and I ended up with the word pictures. Strange. One last thing and you will find it invaluable during your trip is, a Tide Time Table. The link below allows you to pop in your dates when you will be on the river and you can check daily whether the tide is with you or against. Helps no end when mooring to know what the tide is doing. http://www.norfolk-broads.org/tides/tide_report.asp?StartDate=09/06/2021&lines=7
  23. Hardley Mill (£5) for the night has electric and is on a pontoon, so no rise and fall of the tide to be concerned about. Lovely , but just lovely walks from there. You can walk easily to Hardley Dyke and see a very pictures scene with all the boats moored in the dyke. Wide open spaces and lots of lovely sunsets is what I wish for you.
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