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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. My son is fishing in the World Carp Classic. Said he filled up at M2 services on Thursday and said in France no problem with fuel , garages are usual. No it is just this bloody media over here whipping up a storm over nothing. If anyone is interested Philip is fishing for England with his team. The YouTube is from the 2020 competition. At the moment they are all drawing their pegs. Should be interesting. https://youtu.be/M-khVLX3P6U Edited because apparently he did go last year but I dont think it was very successful. I did say before that he didn't go last year because of Covid restrictions, but I was wrong.
  2. Are people that stupid. Fuel tankers have different logos on the back warning about what is on board for a start.
  3. Griff , as a last resort you could have an on line delivery delivered to the boat yard I suppose. The supermarkets have got it worked out for the deliveries. They fill up every morning before the garage opens , well this was Sainsburys and I assume the others have the same policy. Staff and the delivery trucks. It took the workers to point this out to Management that if the staff cannot get into work and the trucks are not getting fuel the their profits will take a dive. Immediately apparently this was remedied.
  4. Cannot say about Tescos in Stalham but no queues at Morrisons in Beccles to get fuel or food and if there had of been there would have been a dedicated queue for the store surely. Not quite sure how that would work in Stalham. Morrisons, Tescos you name it , none of them want to be losing dosh by people being stuck in queues. The fuel situation is worse in London and the South East. Too many people live there, too many people viewing facebook and the like being panicked by the media.
  5. Watching Sky news this morning, some woman on there talking a load of drivel as per usual. Apparently she used to work for the Daily Star (says it all), was spouting about the people being scared that - wait for it - the army was on the streets. Steven chipped in and said of course they are not , they are delivering petrol. She also relayed a story that a tanker actually carrying grain at the time was followed for miles by 5 cars because they thought it was a petrol tanker. Now no wonder the great unwashed are so misled listening to this drivel.
  6. Definitely and one to put Mother-in-Law on as well.
  7. Something cheery for a change, not all doom and gloom - thank you.
  8. The next shortage I predict (Mystic Meg my second name) is Baked beans, mark my words that will be the next stupid thing that will be panic purchased. It is a tad windy already today without the beans.
  9. I am intrigued but all I get when I click on your link is a tiny tiny photo.
  10. Why is it that we in this country are always willing to take part in self flagellation. We have a fantastic country, beautiful countryside , good people, freedoms, and plenty to eat and drink. Can we please stop doing ourselves down all of the time. Utopia does not exist and it never will exist , I am grateful for my daily life, despite the odd hiccup now and then of health etc, even so even with health we have a wonderful health service for those who are genuinely in need. Let us take a step back and count our blessings.
  11. As tax payers we have already paid for the Army. I am a forces daughter and the wife of an ex soldier. They are not fighting wars so they can be deployed to help us out of a crisis, not caused by ordinary folk but by the press and your blessed BBC and others.
  12. They keep saying the Army is on stand by, may I suggest they get them off of standby and on to moving tankers toot sweet. I cannot believe that people have filled watering cans and water bottles with fuel. Dont they realise the dangers.
  13. When I went to shopping this morning I saw no queues whatsoever, just normal folk behaving normally. May be just may be normality has returned to some of us. The roads were very quiet.
  14. Since the year 2000 nonsense I never let my fuel go down under a half before filling up. Once bittern and all that.
  15. Well we know who to thank for the empty pumps, all this lot that are as before greedy selfish self cantered. I hope they all come to a sticky end. We are due to fill up but will try at the end of the week and hopefully by then all these nutheads will have full tanks by then.
  16. You could not make it up could you. What a flaming carry on. Glad you have received your licence at long long last.
  17. Go slow. Don't think normally they are exactly quick. Does anyone else cringe when they hear the word normal. Is there such a thing anymore I mean we are looking forward to going back to normal. Are we? Really!!!
  18. You were not watching GMB on Monday morning then who declared - BRITAIN IS RUNNING ON EMPTY - then showing a petrol pump with no fuel. If that is not whipping up panic then what is? As for supplies - plenty of diesel going into Richardsons boats this morning I can assure you.
  19. I could not agree more with you. Utter nonsense, whipped up by the press and TV. Unless you are on the road 24/7 once you have filled up it is going to last you. On the journey home today most fuel stations had a few cars in them but certainly not the queues mentioned on here.
  20. M M - sorry you have had this happen to you. What a complete ar.e this creature is. This is the thanks you get for being hospitable. I doubt the way he is drinking , and dont get me wrong I like a tipple or two but to drink to that degree , he will not have long to live. Crumbs Whisky and Rum are not exactly cheap. I bet he thought he had won the lottery when he hooked up with you. All his Christmases come at once.
  21. This wasn't quite the part I imagined when offered The Avengers alongside of Purdey.
  22. Some of the menu has been pencilled through. Must say the place has changed so much and thank goodness, looks very inviting now.
  23. Can we have some suggestions for a caption as to what Robin is thinking.
  24. I have always wanted a tour of the gents, now I know what it looks like.
  25. Can I just say a big thank you for the coverage you have done of the Wooden Boat Show. They are a sight to see but unfortunately this year I could not make it to have a look. I hope you had a fantastic time.
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