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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Thank you for the explanation , other half received an email addressed to me confirming our booking for 2020. Good to know it is not us. At least you got an apology Wussername, did you contact them?
  2. You would be ok for manure though. Got to think of the plus side of things.
  3. I totally agree and that is why I will never give to the RS.B. They have got far too pollical over the years. I remember when they were talking in the early years about the new Sheppey Bridge and the RS.B tried to block the planning application because of the 'birds' on their reserve nearby. Sorry humans come first.
  4. You obviously dont have me on board with a health problem. Wont go into what. We and there is only the two of us always have a pump out after 3 days. On Captain the loo was showing as 3/4 full after 3 days. It all depends on how much time you spend on the boat. We do not go ashore much and certainly dont use pubs. Griff's mantra is an excellent one. Talking 'all inclusive' not all yards do 'cancellation insurance'. Ferry Marina for a start, so we have had to organise our own. They made no secret of it, it is just something they dont do.
  5. I think they must have all come out of the woodwork this week, because in doors I have been bombarded with spam emails and the home phone, some bank keeps telling me money has been taken out of my account. I keep blocking these numbers but they keep ringing.
  6. That is good to know. When this Covid nonsense clears away we will book as it is only down the road.
  7. I have one of those little knife sharpeners and take it everywhere with me. Other half never understands but I sharpen everything when I get on board. Like others I always take frying pan , sharp knife, also take a can opener, wooden spoon, small whisk, my own knives and forks and turner tongs to turn over the bacon with.
  8. Don't forget that World Bowls is on YouTube with live matches.
  9. So pleased to hear all is well and a big well done to your daughter who was so vigilant in protecting herself and the children and at the same time looking after her other half. It is just about possible in a large home as you say where you can isolate completely. My son and daughter in law also have a large 5 bedroom house but have a Canadian style cabin built in the garden which is totally self contained and the plan has always been , to be able to keep my son free of it and to protect the business , then he would decamp out there if anyone caught the virus. So far so good. The problems arise when families just have not got these luxuries. I can imagine a little family in a small home trying to cope, it must be nigh on impossible. Same here with hubby and me, we have a two bed bungalow so no chance of completely isolating. We just dont mix with anyone if we can possibly get away with it. Life has to go on and we have hospital and doctors appointments , you just have to be so careful.
  10. No excuse at Worlingham, there are bespoke platforms for fishing.
  11. Good post Vaughan. The Management here seems to think your answer number 6. Just hope they went home with blue paint over themselves. Somewhat of a give a way.
  12. I have heard in the past that Bramerton Woods end used to have problems with fishermen not wanting to shift. As you say PaulN they have so much gear with them once they are set up and baited up they are there for the duration. That being said, that is ok on a bespoke fishing platform of which there are many dotted around. If it was a proper fishing competition then permission would have been sought in the first place by the Club to fish there and of course it would not be given because boats have the right of way. It is a mindset. Fisherman have to get it into the heads before they set up that there is a likelihood of a boat wanting to moor. Trouble is sometimes there is not a lot that gets caught in the net between the ears and common-sense goes out of the window. I just feel so much for the couple who have been traumatised by all this. I just hope it does not put them off coming back to the broads and enjoying their boat once more.
  13. I know I said keep your ears open but also we should adopt a saying from a programme from years ago , showing my age here, "Keep Em Peeled".
  14. Surely on this forum we have someone local who is in the know with these fishermen fishing there. I am sure if this had happened down in Kent where my son fishes the old jungle drums would have been heard and everyone would have been speaking of it. Those of us who do live up here should keep our ears open.
  15. Someone posted the culprit would be in the water, I agree. Not only that but the person would be wearing the tin on his head and it would be firmly wedged on. This reflects badly on honest fishermen/women who would be the last people to carry out such a disgusting act. How awful for the folk who own the boat.
  16. I found this while looking through my files on the laptop. What do you see, nurses, what do you see? Are you thinking when you are looking at me – A crabbed old woman, not very wise, Who dribbles her food and makes no reply When you say in a loud voice ‘ I do wish you’d try’ As I rise at your bidding, as I eat at your will, I’m a small child of ten with a father and mother, A bride soon at twenty, my heart gives a leap Remembering the vows that I promised to keep At twenty five now I have young of my own Who need me to build a secure happy home At fifty once more babies play round my knee Again we know children my loved one and me Dark days are upon me, my husband is dead I look to the future I shudder with dread My young are all busy rearing young of their own And I think of the years and the love that I’ve known I’m an old woman now and Nature is cruel ‘Tis her jest to make old age look like a fool’ The body it crumbles, grace and vigour depart Now there is a stone where I once had a heart But inside this old carcase, a young girl still dwells I remember the joys, I remember the pain And I m loving and living all over again And I think of the years all too few – gone too fast And accept the stark fact that nothing will last So open your eyes, nurses, open and see Not a crabbed old woman look closer see me. This poem was found in the handbag of an old lady who died in a geriatric ward and was published in a Sunday newspaper in November 1973.
  17. I can relate to your anger I really can. I wish we could start being less 'understanding' to these snowflakes who are costing our folk their lives.
  18. My mistake was to buy a smoked version and it was far too strong. Oh well you live and learn. Might have a go during the year perhaps for Easter , I cannot make any more of a hash up of it as I did this time. Not so sure I can get on with this glazing nonsense , to me it just makes it sticky when carving.
  19. Thank you. Where do you buy your gammon from. The gammon in the supermarket never looks like the gammon in the photo. They are usually ends. I will definitely keep your recipe for next Christmas.
  20. We had a medium crown from D Russell. Now they may be expensive and look quite frankly like a small chicken when they arrive but their Turkeys are from France and they are full of flavour. Out of that we had (only two of us) roast, cold, sandwiches, the obligatory Turkey curry, Turkey soup, and I made two Turkey and Ham Flans , one of which is in the freezer. Now I have a confession. This blasted ham business, I cannot for the life of me cook a ham at Christmas, it always goes wrong. This year I bought a small gammon from the farm shop, cooked it as they say, simmered for 1hr and 15 mins and then I proceeded to glaze the ruddy thing. Came out almost rock hard from the oven. I didn't like the glaze. Because I had put in the initial simmering cloves, black pepper, leaks, carrot etc it just tasted wrong. Help what can I do. By the way the ham is in the bin. Am I buying the wrong thing in the first place. Any recommendations please?
  21. But and a big BUT, I bet Grendel knows where everything is. It is called organised chaos.
  22. Thank you all so very much, your messages have meant the world to me. God bless you all.
  23. Sorry to say my sister died yesterday. The MacMillan nurses are wonderful. Let us all hope for a better New Year for everyone.
  24. Oh God Bless him. Do miss him, what a gem he was.
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