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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I assume that some things will have to carry on ie other folks funerals and operations for the sick. You just cannot cancel everything, but where you can as a show of respect it is so good to see.
  2. I know how you feel Vaughan it is as if a light has gone out. I was 8 when the coronation took place. Never be the same.
  3. Living near an airfield , thankfully we do not have any of this problem.
  4. Thank you. Well how much bad luck can you have in one go. One thing after the other. Thank you for relaying it to us.
  5. Thats good to hear. Being a scaredy cat to start with doesn't help. I am not that keen on water, even though we had our own boat for years.
  6. Goodness me, I would have died of fright , let alone doggy paddle in the North Sea. How were you rescued I am intrigued.
  7. Watching footage this morning of the sinking of the super yacht mentioned before. As it sank the automatic life rafts deployed. I had not realised that on these boats when a boat sinks these automatic life rafts spring into life and detach themselves ready when you are to get away from the situation. I dont know about anyone else but the sinking of any vessel is about one of the saddest things I can watch.
  8. Crumbs if they are not catching fire , they are sinking , every day it seems a super yacht is coming to a sticky end somewhere in the world. Give me a normal boat on the Broads any day. https://youtu.be/EpgA-M_WKnA
  9. I agree it has never been the same since. Has lost that nice cosy family feeling that it used to have where nothing was too much trouble.
  10. Nothing so common , does seem strange though, all these fires. If I was an insurance person I would be suspicious. I mean lets face it , if fires were that common on these fantastic yachts then they would never sell one in the first place.
  11. This is interesting. Why would an expensive yacht like this not have the correct sprinkler system. https://youtu.be/njp-Dbap94s
  12. I think this is Wroxham Broad. Am I wrong? https://www.meteoblue.com/en/weather/webcams/beccles_united-kingdom_2656067
  13. I subscribe to a channel named Super Yacht News. It seems that every week there is a Super Yacht somewhere in the world on fire. https://youtu.be/wcZCZTAqM0c
  14. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/family-tribute-fenella-hawes-a149-crash-stalham-9183186
  15. Available only on line. When you are in the Beccles area. https://www.radio-uk.co.uk/beccles-town-radio
  16. Looking at the photographs taken of the road, I have often thought you take your life in your hands when you cross to go over to Tescos. So very sad.
  17. Watching the local news this morning, it was awful to hear that a young girl was killed while walking in Stalham yesterday. Her friend was injured. The culprit has been arrested as he/she did not stop. Apparently went on to wrap the car around something else further on from Stalham. I just feel for her family. https://www.norfolk.police.uk/news/latest-news/man-arrested-after-pedestrian-dies-collision
  18. I have always thought that Aunty Wainwright on the Last of the Summer Wine should have run a Chandlers. She could sell coal to Newcastle.
  19. And have done so since Adam was a lad it seems.
  20. I agree that an essential use of water would also be to water veg in the garden. Here near to Beccles we have had a few heavy showers of rain over the last few weeks even so the lawn is lovely shade of golden brown with the odd touch of green here and there. You cannot let fish die in a pond. I think the mentioning of conserving water is for those who do not have enough of a net between the ears to think for themselves. I will tell a tale. Back in 1976 or whenever it was that we had the last 'drought' (by the way in some parts of India its doesn't rain for 5 years), my then brother-in-law decided to run a hose from his house to his allotment which was directly behind the house. Now not being that bright and I am being polite here, the dozy whatsit went off to bed and left the hose running. Surprise surprise in the morning when they woke up , no water in the taps, the Water Board had turned them off. My sister in law nearly annihilated him. Kids had to go to school , she had to go to work, and no water. A pal of mine who I write to in Kent tells me her neighbour has a sprinkler going night and day in his garden. I enquired as to whether or not he was on a meter and she said yes. I replied must have deep pockets. My point in mentioning this, is, if you are on a meter, can you still use the water? Remember Water Companies are there to make a profit.
  21. Norfolk has not got a hose pipe ban. It is Southern Water. It did rain non stop for 5 months in the winter. Dont worry it will be raining soon and it wont stop.
  22. Sorry that there will not be a fair wind blowing for the boats. Just lately it has been really windy. Typical when you need it, just the opposite happens. Have lots of fun and please tell us any interesting tales when it is all over. I realise your Amber Warning is slightly tongue in cheek. If people are careful and considerate it will be fine. Thank you for the warning of heavy rain, oh boy we could do with it.
  23. Crumbs!! I read the post , first because I thought some pour soul had been walloped whilst out on the river , and then secondly I read it as information to help people if the same unfortunately scenario happened to them. It was very informative. I also happen to agree with Jean who suggested that it may be prudent to also let us know what should happen if you are clobbered by a private vessel. I cannot for the life of me see any thing offensive in any of that. Some people on here are just out for a scrap over any silly thing. Life is to bloody short,. Now pick the bones out of that lot.
  24. We (Worlingham nr Beccles) had a surprising lot of heavy rain last night for about 1/2 hr. It was most welcome.
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