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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Nothing wrong with parking it outside with a huge bow and a sprig of Holly.
  2. Come on Grace I am 77 and still believe in Father Christmas. Mind you that Ferrari I keep asking for never materialises.
  3. I love Christmas , but at Christmas not in October. Very has been advertising for weeks now. You dont see adverts for weeks on end for Diwali so why Christmas. Yes I know bar humbug.
  4. Sorry, I did not know of any other way of letting Marge and Parge know. So yes a brief drift for which I apologise for and it was regarding a mutual acquaintance.
  5. Marge and Parge , I have sent you a pm.
  6. Snap, always had the Pfizer vaccine and never, thank goodness , had any reaction. Not even a lump on the arm, did wonder if I had dreamt having it done at one time, except I went with hubby whose arm was just tender for a day.
  7. I agree with you about wet days. What are you supposed to do with yourselves? Set off and you have the joy of a misted up windscreen,and a dodgy windscreen wiper to boot. Stay put read a book, stand at the window just praying it will stop soon and thinking , oh dear , those soggy old ropes I will have to deal with. Hearing the bilge constantly churning. As has been said not being able to get warm. Yes , the joys of boating.
  8. Thank you. I dont need confusing , really I dont, especially at the moment. All I need to say is the word 'families'. In this instance an elderly person in our family having problems. Will get sorted.
  9. Water Rail, I am getting confused , I thought this was Grendel's boat, or are there two of them?
  10. I feel worn out just watching. Well done.
  11. Really!!!!! Oh good another week of daylight.
  12. Shall we all this evening , pour ourselves a glass of whatever , close our eyes and imagine that we are at our favourite spot on the Broads. Just had a thought , they put the clocks back tonight , so goodnight to light evenings, roll on 21st December when they start drawing out again.
  13. Sounds wonderful. Dont think I could manage sunrise though but sunset and I am with you.
  14. Good for you and I bet they tasted all the better for it.
  15. Thank you for a fantastic post, so interesting. I had to chuckle, when they ask 'who ate all the pies' , I can think we will know the answer to that one. The Duck Eggs for breakfast , what a lovely idea.
  16. How interesting. The only names I recognise are Colmans and Jewsons. I am surprised the breweries closed down though. I cannot begin to imagine how you would turn round a huge Coaster.
  17. Can I just ask. These Coasters , where did they go to. They could not get to Norwich because of the bridges?
  18. Cant you just tell it is Sunday!!. Love it.....
  19. I am sorry I did not realise it had been posted before. I found it extremely interesting, see the Coaster coming through Reedham, the bridge has not altered one jot.
  20. https://youtu.be/pd0xCF6_rKY
  21. Anyone got good eyes , there is a Church in the distance. Does that help?
  22. My ex father in law (now deceased) used to keep money under the mattress. I thought of him immediately. Chance would be a fine thing of have £50 notes lying around. I dont think I have ever used one.
  23. Reading this morning I see that paper £20 and £50 notes became unusable from the end of September just gone. At first I read it that it was £20 notes and £50 notes. Not that I get many £50 notes but it is the old paper ones, so any of you who keep their money under the mattress , I suggest you have a look. Apparently you can take them to a Bank.
  24. Hylander

    Bird Flu

    When I read this I immediately thought of my daughter-in-law, no children , not by choice, but two schnauzers, little ones and she refers to them as her fur babies.... A picture of innocence if every I saw one.
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